I te
p in n l.; texture herbaceous; colour deep-green; rachis and botli sides n ak ed ;
veins pinnate in the lohes of the pinnl., with the sori near the main veins.—H k .
Sp. B .p . 142. t. 294.
Hab. Japan, Oldham, 374.
11. G. (Lept.) opaca, Spreng. ; st. 1 J-2 ft. 1., strong, stramineous, glossy ; f r .
several ft. i., often 2 ft. Iir. ; lower pinnæ often 1 ft. 1., 0 in. br. ; pinnl.'close,
lanceolate, cu t down nearly to the rachis below into close oblong, slightly-
toothed lobes ; texture herbaceous ; rachis and both sides naked ; vemlets forked ;
sori oblong, irregular, close to the midrib.—G. obtusata, B l. H k . Sp. B.p. 143.
Hab. North India and Java.
§§ Digrammaria, Presl. Main veins and lower ones o f the same group forming
costular areolæ, as in Pleocnemia. Sp. 12.
12, G. (Digram.) amhigua. I lk . ; st. slender, n early naked ; f r . 1 j-2 ft.
1 ft. br., obiong-deltoid, bipinnatifid ; pinnoe lanceolate, 5-0 in. 1., 1 - l j in. br.,
the lower ones slightly stalked, cut lialfway down to the rachis or more into
linear-oblong lobes, the fertile ones contracted ; texture thinly herbaceous ; colour
d a rk -g re en ; rachis and both sides th in ly clothed with long jointed h a irs ;
veinlets of the lobes often forked, the lower ones forming' costular areolæ ; sori
oblong, confluent when the veins fork.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 150. Heterogonium
aspidioides, Presl.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 154-321.
§§§ Stegnogramme, Blume. Veinlets o f contiguous groiws uuitina as in E u nephrodium
and Goniopteris. Sp. 13.
13. G . (Steg.) afrdioides, Hk. (non K au lf.) ; st. tufted, 6-9 in. h, deciduously
yillose ; f r . 12-18 in. L, 6-10 in. br., ol)long-lanceolate, simply pinnate ; pinnoe
lanceolate, 3-5 in. 1., j in. br., bluntly lobed a q u a rte r or tliird of the way
down to the midrib, truncate a t the base ; texture herbaceous ; rachis and both
more or less villose ; veins pinnate in the lobes, with 6-9 veinlets on a side.
~ l l k . bp. 5. p . 150. 2nd Cent. t. 50.
Hab. Khasya, Ceylon, and Java.—The East Indian is less villose than the Malayan
plant, with narrower pinnæ and fewer veins, and is S. asplenioides, J . Sm.
Series 2. Habit and mode of growth of Cheilanthes. Sori linear, usually
forked. Sp. 14-57.
§§§§ Eugymnogramme. Veins fre e , under surface not powdery. Sp. 14-50.
Fig'. 52 a.
* Frond simple. Sp. 14-16.
14. G. reniformis. M a r t.; st. densely tufted, 1-2 in. 1., w irj', ebeneous • f r .
■i " '" y ’ “ ta i-ound, fa in tly crenated ; texture coriaceous;
vems flabellate ; son simple, linear, at last forming a broad line parallel with the
outer edge J in. within it.—H k . Sp. B. p . 12C. 2nd Gent. t. 9. Pterozonium,
Bee. ^
Hab. Brazil and Peru.
15. G. marginata, M e tt.* /? '. simple, ligulate-oblong, 8-16 in. 1., |-1 j in. hr.,
narrowed towards both ends, a t the base gradually into a short stem, the edge
slightly repand ; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ; veins prominent, usua lly
forked ; son linear.—JT/. Sp. 5. p . \2 I . ^
Hab. New Caledonia, Vieillard, 1642.—A very distinct plant, with the habit of
1 E U G Y M N O G R A M M E . 379
16. G. pumila, S p re n g ; rhizome filiform; f r . tufted, lJ -2 in. 1., palmately
forked a t the_ apex, the ultimate lobes narrow and acute, the blade narrowed
below to an indistinct stem ; texture subcoriaceous ; upper surface dark-green
and glossy ; veins flabellate ; sori linear, irregular.—i f t . Sp. B. p . 126. Hecis-
topteris, J . Sm.
Ilab. West Indies and Guatemala to tbe Amazon Valley.
** Frond simply pinnate. Sp. 17-19.
17. G. Muelleri, H k . ; ri. tufted, 3-4 in. 1., w h y , densely clothed with small
linear ferruginous s c a le s ;/» . 4-G in. 1., 1 - lJ in .'b r ., simply p in n a te ; pinnæ
sessile, alternate, roundish or oblong, sometimes | in. 1., J in. br., entire or the
lower ones auricled ; texture thick, coriaceous ; rachis and under surface densely
matted with scales like tliose of the stem, upper surface pale-green, with scattered
scales ; veins Ilabellate ; sori linear.—I lk . Sp. 6. p . 143. t. 296.
Hab. N. E. Australia ; and gathered lately in Queensland by Mr. Hill.
18. G. vestita, H k . ; ri. tufted, 3-6 in. 1., wiry, more or less matted, the scales
at the base densely tufted, silky, bright-ferriiginous ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br.,
simply pinnate ; pinnæ in distant pairs, oblong or cordate-ovate, entire, bluntish,
the loAver ones distinctly stalked ; texture thick, but flaccid ; hoth sides and
rachis densely coated with fine velvety ferruginous hairs ; veins flabellate ; sori
forked.—H k . Sp. B. p . 143. le . t. 116.
Hab. N. W. Himalayas (up to 8,000 ft.) and Pekin.—Veins sometimes anastomosing
towards tbe edge.
19. G. rufa, Desv. ; St. tufted, 4-12 in. 1., firm, erect, chesnut-brown, clothed
with soft spreading hairs ; f r . 12-18 in. ]., 3-6 in. br., simply p in n a te ; pinnæ
distant, stalked, rounded or cordate at the base, 1-2J in. 1., J-1 in. br., acute or
bluntish, the edge en tire ; texture herbaceous ; castaneous radiis pilose, and both
sides slightly so ; veins close, forked, or the lower ones subpinnate, tlie narrow
sori ru n n in g along all of them all over the surface.—I lk . Sp. B .p . 146. Neurogramme,
Lin k .
Hab. West Indies and Panama southward to the Amazon Valley and Peru.
*** Frond bipinnatifid or bipinnate. Sp. 20-36.
20. G. cordata, Schlecht ; st. tufted, 1-2 in. L , glossy, ebeneous, more or less
scaly ; f r . 3-6 in. 1., lJ -2 in. lir., ovate-lanceohite, bipinnatifid ; pinnæ oblong,
with a broad centre and suborbicular deeply-toothed lobes ; texture subcoriaceous ;
veins flabellate ; upper surface naked, lower densely coated with ovate acuminate
ferrugmous scales ; sori linear, ultimately subconiïuent.—I l k . Sp. B .p . 131.
Hab. Cape Colony to Maealisberg and Angola.—Tbe less-divided forms resemble
Asplénium Ceterach iu babit.
21. G. Pozoi, Kunze ; St. tufted, slender, clothed with soft hrownish spreading
hairs ; f r . 2-3 in. ]., 1 in. hr., ovate-obloug, bipinnatifid ; pinnæ oblong-deltoid,
nnequal-sided, J - f in. each way, with a few deep blu n t lobes, and obliquely
truncate a t the base on the lower side ; texture herbaceous ; rachis and both
sides clothed with long soft liairs like the stem ; veins flabellate ; sori linear.—
I lk . Ic. t. 936. Hemionitis, Lag. Grammitis hispánica, Cosson.— ?, G. rutoefolia.
I lk . £ Gr. Ic. t. 90 ; f r . larger and stouter, some of the hairs glandular.—I lk .
Sp. B .p . 137.—y, G-. papaverifolia, Kze. ; pinnæ cut down to the rachis into
roundish or spathulate lobes, with a space between them, the lowest sometimes
slightly toothed.—I lk . Sp. B. p . 138.
Hab. a, Spain ; ?, Australia and New Zealand ; y, Cbili.
t •
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