î !
elongato-oWong, acuminate, ones 2-8 in. 1., not articulated, petiolulate
on both sides, and, inore th ick ly a t the costæ hispido-pilose, from a truncated
or on the inferior side cuneate base (the superior rounded), linear-lanceolate
pinnati-partite ; segm. oblong, tlie anterior side rotundato-obtuse, denticulate ■
second, vems of the segm. forked, soriferous a t the fork, or, simple and soriferous
and the son dorsal ; upper ones sterile ; sori between the costule and the
margin, 4-6 on each side the costule ; recept. with copious hairs (paraphyses)
7"lOO^^ 'ongei' tkan the capsules,” M a t.— H k . Sp. l . p . 46. Mett. F. I I . Lips.
Hab. Brazil,—I only possess a garden (but authentic) specimen of this from Professor
24. A . pycnocarpa, Kze. ; “f r . coriaceous, with elevated forked veins, ovate
hipmnate ; prim, pinnæ petiolate, approximate a t the base and apex of tlm
frond, obliquely lanceolate ; St. articulated and incrassated at its base ; pimil
subsessile, divergent from a broader base, subcuneately oblongo-lanceolate
crenate or incised a t the base, obtuse at the apex ; subfalcate, entire ; costæ
albo-squamose b en e a th ; sori approximate, subcontiguous; racAises angulate
flexuose, aculeolate a t th e ir base ; partial ones margined towards the apex and
as well the aculeolate st. alhido-paleaceous ; eaud. short.”—Kze. in Schk. F il
Suppl. l . p . 208. t. 86. m . Sp. 1 .p . 46.
Hab. Pern.—A very peculiar-looking species, judging from the figure, for I have never
seen a specimen.
25. A. microphylla^ K l. ; ‘‘/ r . I J ft. ]., bipinnate ; rachis semiterette, convex on
the back, plane upwards, adpressedly hirsute ; pinnæ 4-8 in. I., lanceolate, patent,
th in ; ptnnL 9-15 lines 1. by 4 lines w., pinnatifid, remote, oblong, rather
obtuse, sessile, glabrous above, subhirsute at the rachis beneath, especially
below the middle, clothed a t the costa with distant, ovate, acuminate, aureous
scales ; lobes oblong, subfalcate, o b tu se ; veinlets simple; sori small, whitish
inserted on the middle of the back of the veins, globose ; recept. minute, glabrous.’’
—K l. m Lin n . 18. j?. 541. A. squamata, K l. i
Hab. Caracas, Morite, n. 110 ; Fmick k Schlim, n. 976, 978, and !
2Q. A . Salmmz, Hk. ; principal rachises thick , glossy-eheneous black,
slightly rough to the touch, scarcely to tlie eye ; f r . firm, subcoriaceous, glabrous
d ark green, pale beneath, tripinnate, 3 ft. and more 1., ovato-lanceolate’
acuminate ; second, pinnoe 4-6 in. ]., oblong-acuminate, again pinnate with closed
placed shortly petiolate p in n l.,^ x a . ]., subhastato-lanceolate, acute, or obtuse
pinnatifid, serrated at the apex, lowest p a ir of lobules frequently rounded and
tree (separate from the rest) ; veins pinnated ; sori in a series nearer the costa
th an the margm ; recept. often 2 -lobed and shortly stipitate.
Hab. Chilasoo, G uatemala, Salvin k Godman.—A very distinct and peculiar species.
27. A. Godmani, H k . ; rachises asperous, stramineous ; f r . bipinnate, membranaceous,
full green and more or less hairy on both sides with sparse, white
iqngish hairs ; prim, pin næ 16-18 in. 1,, 4-6 in. w., oblong, much acuminate ’
pinnl. approximate, sessile, 2 |-3 in. 1., 6 - 6 lines wide, narrow-oblong, horizontal
deeply to the costa pinnatifid, almost pinnate ; lohes very compact and crowded
so tlia t tlie space between tliera can scarcely be seen except when held between
the eye and the liglit, pinnatifid about half-way down to the costa with small
acute, ovate ZoJiiZe.s, upper ones rare ly toothed ; veins ono to each lobule, once oi’
twice forked, the lowest lobule (exactly square), only one veiniet on each side
soriferous ; son small, of few caps., receptacles h airy ; pn-indpal rachises and costæ
P" villous, and partially paleaceous with small ciliated
Hab. Coban, Guatemala, Salvin k Godman.—A very elegant and very distinct species,
especially in tbe small, very close-spaced and strongly pinnatifid lobes, of which the lowest
¿ a ü are exactly square, adnate on two sides with tbe costa and costule.
28. A. ? sagittifolia, H k . ; unarmed ? ; / r . hard-coriaceons ^ p in n a te , g'abrons^
costule than the margin ; recept. often 2 -lobed.
Hab Trinidad ? (possibly the opposite coast of Venezuela), Cruger.-A very peculiar
species, and I regret my specimens are but imperfect.
29 A melanopus Hk. ; “ c a a J . 3 - 1 6 ft. high, 1 ft. diam., unarmed ramen-
taceo'nf” ( s S st. 3 ft 1 ., 1 in. thick, intense ebony-black (as wel as th e ^ r« « .
" : ) , S t l X u b e r c n l a t ’e and at the base P ^ l ^ - ^ - V ^ ^ f t 'T X X i r T s T
scales ■ fr coi-iaceo-membranaceous, glabrous ; p nm . pinnæ 6 f t 1-, 12 pairs 3 It.,
oXea’rlV èoT 1 ft. w. in the broadest p a rt ; pinnl. 6 in. 1., 12-14 lines w., distinctly
petiolate, from a broad base oblong ratlier ¿ o X X c X 3 h n eX d d e
n .m v ’u . OTiuit 0 . 1 1 to a . I . i g . 1 1 . « « “ * ; ( s i l S ” '
iDOstly quite g lab ro u s.-^ ^ caudex slender, subflexuose, 3 ft. h ig h , pm n l. sessile ,
lobes narrower and more acute.
Hab In woods, Chimborazo, alt. 3,000 ft.. Spruce, n. 5742.-^! Montana de Canelos
SprMce.—Habit and size of the pinnules very much as in doubtful
cL rly an AUophila, with intensely ebeneous prim, aud second, rachises. I am doubtful
about my var. /3 , which may prove a distinct species.
30. A. Chimboraeensis, H k . ; “ caud. 16 ft. high, 4 in. diam., aculeate (Spruce) ;
ii. very stout, 3 - 4 ft. 1 ., furfuraceo-pubescent, dirty brown, aculeated with y
sharp, strong spines, and paleaceous with large, dark brown, glossy scales, f i .
9 - 1 0 ft. 1 ., ovato-lanceolate, subcoriaceous ¿ ttu b sc an d en t amongst neigbboui g
b ranches” ) ; prim, pinnæ 2 i f t.l., by 1 ft. w. ; pmnl. ra th e r distant, distinct y
petiolate 1 - 1 4 in. w., horizontal, from a broad base ob ong, acuminate, deeply
pinnatifid near to tlie costa ; lobes oblong, obtuse, subfalcate,
a little recurved ; veins conspicuous, forked near the base ; son at the fork- and
close to the costule ; main raehis thicker th an a man s thumb, and ^
the second, ones aculeate, having a dirty aspect from a clothing of fuifuraceo-
Hab Chimborazo, alt. 3,000-4.000 ft., Spruce, n 5743.-This has still more the aspect
of Cvalhea divergens than our Ah. melanopus; but here, again, the son aie clearly those
of Alsophila. I t is, however, the much more strongly aculeated of the two.
31. A. coniugata. Spruce ; “ caud. 40 ft. high, 1 ft. diam aculeate, destitute of
scales ” (Spruce) ; st. 3 ft. 1., 1 in. and more thick, prickly witli short, stout, not very
sharp smnes; /» - .9 f t. 1., ovato-lanceolate, coriaceous; prim, pinnæ 23 pairs,
“ all exactly opposite, save a t the very apex,” 2-3 ft. 1. ; pmn l. alternate quite
sessile, 4 - 6 in. h, 6 - 7 in. w., pinnatifid nearly to the costa ; Zoies linear,_ from a
broad base, acute, crenato-serrate a t the slightly recurved margin ; sor* ra th e r
small, close to the costule, one to each serrature \ rachises (all) and costæ and
costules rusty-pubescent and hairy .—Sprtice, mst. in Hb. nostr.
Hab. Chimborazo, alt. 8,000-4,000 ft., Spruce, n. 4745.—Very remarkable for the
exactly opposite prim, pinnæ : the second, ones are alternate.
32 A SpruceL Hk. ; “ caud. none, reduced to a subglobose rhizome” {Spruce) ;
St. 4 ft. L, stout, strongly aculeate a t the base, clothed with ferruginous scales ot
two kinds, long, very sÎender, dense, hair-like ones, and others large and Jan-
ceolate; //-.subcoriaceous, glabrous, 4 ft. 1. ; prim, pinnm 12-14 in. 1. ; pinnl.