1 '
18. A. trapeziforme, h . ; st. G-12 in. 1., firm, erect, naked, polished, blackish •
f r . with a central p inna 4-8. in. I., 2-3 in. hr., and 2 to 4 large spreading ones oi!
each side, the lovyest of which are often branched again ; segm. lÿ -2 in. I.,
¿ - f m. hr., dimidiate, the sides nearly parallel, the outer edge oblique, both it
and the upper one bluntly, not deeply lobed, the lowest on stalks ¿--J in. 1. ; texture
papyraceo-herbaceous ; raehis and both surfaces naked ; sori numerous, contiguous,
transversely olilong, placed round the upper and outer edge.—H k . Sp 2
p . 33. H k . £ Or. t. 98.—f t A . pentadactylon, L. & F . ; lower margin of the
segments somewhat decurved obliquely from the petiole.—y, A . cultratum,
J . Sm. ; outer edge of the segment h lu u tly rounded.—Elk. Sp. 2. p . 34.
Hab. Tropical America, from Mexico and the West Indies southward to Brazil.—A
well-known plant, readily distinguished from its neighbours by its ample trapezoid segments.
A. Catherinæ of the gardens appears not to differ materially.
19. A. polypkyllum, Willd. ; st. 12-18 in. 1., strong, erect, blackish, polished,
ra th e r scabrous ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 12-18 in. hr., the upper p a rt simply pinnate ;
lower pimice sometimes 1 ft. 1., 6 in. hr., with a long terminal and numerous
erecto-patent lateral pin n u le s; segin. |-1 in. 1., ¿ in . deep, dimidiate, the upper
and lower edge nearly parallel, the point b lu n tly rounded, the upper edge
sharply but not deeply toothed ; texture coriaceous, veins prominent ; rachis and
surfaces naked ; sori in numerous suborbicular patches placed in hollows in lobes
along the upper edge.~77k. Sp. 2. p. 49. A. cardiochlæiia, Kunze, H h . Sqy. 2.
p . 50. t. 83. A. A. Matthewsianum, HJc. Sp. 2. p . 35. t. 84. A. A. macro-
cladum, Klotzsch, HJc. Sp. 2. p . 49. t. 83. B.
Hab. Columbia and Peru.—A large copiously-branched plant, with very numerous
(sometimes fifty to a pinna) closely-placed subsessile segments. A. tomentosum, Klotzsch
{A. Klotzschianum, Hk.), and A. urophyllum, Hk., seem forms of this with slightly-
pubescent rachises.
20. A. glancescens, Klotzsch ; st. 6-9 in. 1., slender, erect, naked, polished ;
f r . 1 ft. each way, with a terminal p inna and several loosely-spreading ones on
each side ; pinnl. |-1 in. 1„ ¿ - f in. deep, dimidiate, the lower border nearly
straight, the upper nearly parallel with it, almost entire, the outer margin
blu n tly rounded, the lowest on short stalks ; texture papyraceo-herl)aceous ;
racJiises naked, under surface glaucous; sori in numerous patches, 1-1-J lin!
hr., with a space between them, placed round the upper and outer edo-e__
HJc. Sp. 2. p . 26.
Hab. Ecuador, Guiana, and north of Brazil—Perhaps this also is not distinct from
A, polyphyllum, but it is less copiously branched, aud the segments are fewer and thinner
ih texture.
•X ** Ultimate segments dimidiate, the stems piAescent. Sp. 21-31.;
21. A. Henslomannm, H k . fil. ; st. 6-12 in. I., erect, dark chesnut-hrown, naked,
glossy ; f r . 12-18 in. J., 6-9 in. br., ovate tripinnate, furnished with numerous
distant ?)«»»« on each side, the upper of which are simple, but tlie lowest slightly
branched ; segm. J - | in. hr., ¿ - f in. dee)), dimidiate, tile lower line nearly straight,
the upper ra th e r rounded, a good deal lobed, tlie point b lu n tly rounded ; texture
papyraceo-herbaceous; raehis and under surface h a iry ; sari obversely reniform
placed in the hollows of tlie lobes of tlie upper and outer edge.—Hk. Sp. 2. p. 4s!
A. sessilifolium, Hk. p . 44. A. Reichenbaoliii, Moritz.
Hab. Columbia, Peru, Galapagos group.—This is well marked amongst its neighbours
by the shape of its segments, the inner edge of which is often imbricated over the rachis
h o llo / eoncimmm, and by the reniform sori which encircle a very distinct
22. A . cristatum, h . ; si. 6-12 in. ]., strong, erect, tomentose ; / « lJ -3 ft. 1,,
9-12 in. br., with a terminal central p inna 6-9 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., and numerous
rather distant lateral ones on each side, the lowest of which are sometimes again
hranclied ; segm. J - | in. 1., J-§ in. hr., dimidiate, the lower line nearly straight,
the upper nearly parallel or rounded, the point blunt, texture coriaceous ; rachis
tomentose ; sori in several oblong or linear patches round the upper and outer
edge.—H k . Sp. 2. p . 40. A. Kunzeanum, Klotzsch. H k . Sp. 2. p . 47.
Hab. West Indies and Venezuela.—This species and the two next are distinguished
from their neighbours by their smaller and more rigid segments. They bear the same
relation to A. tetraphyllum that Lmdsaya stricta bears to L. Guianensis and t
23. A. ohtusum, Desv. ; st. 6-12 in. 1., wiry, erect, polished, blackish, slightly
tomentose ; f r . with a terminal and several pairs of erecto-patent lateral pinnoe ;
pnnnl. J - f in. br., lJ -2 lin. deep, subdimidiate, the lower line nearly straight,
witliout sori, tlie upper bluntly rounded, nearly entire, placed close, and the
lower slightly stalked ; texture coriaceous, venation flabellate ; raehis often
densely tomentose ; sori in numerous close transversely ohlong patches round
the upper and outer edge.—H k . Sp. 2. p . 19. I l k .- é Gr. t. 188.—f t A . Kunzei,
Miquel ; pinnules larger, sometimes J - | in. br., J in. deep.
Hab. West Indian Islands and Panama southward to Peru and Rio Janeiro.—This
comes very near in habit and texture to A. cristatum, from which it may he best known
by its closer, more numerous, and shorter sori. A plant gathered by Barter in the
Niger Expedition appears to agree with the copious American specimens.
24. A. hirtum, Klotzsch ; st. 6-9 in. 1., wiry, erect, polished, dark chesnut-
hrown, tomentose ; f r . with a terminal and several pairs of erecto-patent lateral
pinnæ ; pinnl. J - J in. hr., lJ -2 lin. deep, dimidiate, the lower line straight and
barren, the upper bluntly rounded, finely toothed, placed close, and the lower
slightly stalked ; texture subcoriaceous ; venation fine, prominent, under surface
slightly and rachis very tomentose ; sori transversely oblong, placed in small
lobes of the upper and outer margin.—Hk. Sp. 2. p . 20. t. 82. A.
Hab. Tropical America, from Panama and Guiana southward to Peru and Brazil.—
This is more closely and regularly branched than the two preceding, with the segments
longer in proportion to their breadth, and the sori very close, small, and numerous.
A. gracile, Fée, which I have not seen, seems near this.
lovrer edge straight, the upper rather rounded and deeply lohed, the outer also
oblique and lohed, the lower ones distinctly stalked ; texture subcoriaceous ; raehis
glossy, scabrous ; sori numerous, between ohreniform and transversely oblong,
placed at the edge of the lohes along the upper and outer margin.—H k . S p 2
p . 51. t. 86. B. o c p
Hab. Temperate Australia and New Zealand.—This has pinnules as small but not
nearly so thick and rigid as in the three preceding. I t comes from a different part of the
world, and the ample compound pinnæ will at once distinguish it from all its allies.
26. A . Cúbense, I l k . ; s t . i - 6 in. 1., polished, blackish, naked, e r e c t ; / « 6-9
in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., simply pinnate, or with a single pair of short erecto-patent
branches ; pinnl. f in. br., f in. deep, unilateral, the lower line slightly recurved,
the upper rounded and broadly lohed, the outer edge blunt, lowest short-stalked ;
texture pellucido-herbaceous ; rachis slightly pubescent ; sori in shallow hollows
of the lohes, 1 - lJ lin. hr.—H k . Sp. 2. p . 28. t. 73. A.
Hab. Jamaica and Cuba.—This species is marked by the simple or slightly-branched
stem and character of the sori, which are not more than five or six in number, and placed
in the centre of distinct hollows along the upper and outer edge.
h ' 'I
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