236 38. A S P L E N I U M , D I P L A Z I U M .
nate in the lobes, with the lower veinlets branched ; sori short, slender, distant
from both edge and midrib.
Hab. Angola, Welwitsch, 100.—This comes nearest the preceding in habit, but the
lobes are broader and the sori remarkably short.
281. A. (Dipl.) crenulatum, Baker ; caud, erect, subarborescent ; st. tufted,
12-18 in. 1., firm, erect, h ardly at all scaly below, but slightly furfuraceous ; f r .
2-3 ft, 1., 9-15 in. br., with 15-20 pinnoe on each side h eW the pinnatifid apex,
the largest 6-8 in. 1., 1 - lJ in br., the point acuminate, the edge cut down in the
lower pa rt h a lf or two-thirds of the distance to the rachis ; lobes oblong, 4 in. 1.,
4 lin. br., slightly toothed ; texture herbaceous ; rachis firm, nearly naked ; veins
6-8 on a side in each lobe ; lowest sori 1 in. 1.—D. crenulatum, Liebm, A. stria tum,
Mett. Aspl. p . 186. and Griseb. {non H k ,). A. dubium, H k . {in part),
Hab. Cuba and Mexico to Brazil and Ecuador.—We take our description here frorn a
plant grown at Kew, with which Liebman’s specimens and the description of Mettenius
quite correspond. In the typical plant the pinnæ are not more than pinnatifid, but in
Grisebach’s striatum ¡3 and Liebman’s D. amplum, the lower segments are distinctly
separated, 1 4 * 2 in. 1., ^ in. br., aud broadly inciso-crenate, and the lower sori 2 lin. 1,
The W. Indian D. grammitoides, Fée, resembles this in habit, but the involucre is thin
and very evanescent.
232. A. (Dipl.) Lindbergii, Mett. ; st. tufted, 1 -1 | ft. 1., da rk reddish-brown,
firm, erect, scaly at the base ; f r . 18-24 in. 1., 9-12 in. hr., the apex pinnatifid,
below this about 12 pin noe on each side, the lowest 6-8 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., the point
acuminate, the edge cut about halfway down into close snbimbricated blu n t inciso-
crenated lobes \ in. br. ; texture herbaceous ; rachis reddish-brown, naked ; veins
copiously pinnated, veinlets 6-8 on each side ; sori slender, confined to the inner
h a lf of the lobes, and not touching the midrib ; invol. very narrow and tender,
almost abortive.—Mett. F il. Nov. Gran. p . 236.
Hab. Mexico to Brazil.—Not unlike tbe preceding in habit, but sori and involucre
233. A. (Dipl.) sorzogonense, Pre sl ; st, tufted, 4-6 in. 1., densely fibrillose below ;
f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 8-12 in. br., with numerous pinnoe on each side, the lower ones sessile,
4-6 in L, 1 in. hr., cut down regularly througliout two-tliirds of the way down
to the rachis into spreading b lu n t subentire \obes about 2 lin. br. ; texture herbaceous
; rachis slightly fibrillose ; veinlets of the lobes simple, with sori in regular
rows reaching from the midrib to the edge.—Hk . Sp. 3. p . 252. Hypochiamy s, Fee.
Hab. Himalayas {to 8-10,000 ft.), Philippines, and Malaccas.—Nearest A. i
but the lobes narrower and deeper, with parallel edges and a space between them. A
plant from Borneo has a very fibrillose rachis, and the lobes of the lower pinnæ quite
distinct, 1 | in. 1., in. br.
234. A. (Dipl.) costale, Swartz ; st. 1 ft. or more 1., tufted, stout, erect ; f r .
ample, the apex pinnatifid, with oblong entire lobes, the lower p a rt copiously
pinnate, with pinnoe often 1 ft. 1., 3 in. br., cut down h a lf or two-thirds of the
way down to the rachis into blunt slightly inciso-serrated lobes in* hr. ;
. ____ 1 _____• _ ________ . _______________ < •.! I - I . - - _______n _ _ ________ E ___1- , J __ ÎJ.1» A
—H k . Sp. S. p . 264.
Hab. West Indies southward to Peru.—This differs from all the preceding by its very
large pinnæ and lobes. The extremes of the two forms look very different, but are
connected by intermediate stages. D. apollinaris and Tussaci, Fée, are allied.
236. A. (Dipl.) Franconis, Mett. ; S t . I ft. 1., firm, tufted, erect, greyish, scaly
below ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 9-16 in. br., with numerous pinnæ on each side, the lower
ones 6-8 in. 1., much acuminated at the apex, cut down in the lower h a lf into distinct
pin n l. J J-2 in. 1., J in. br., lanceolate, unequal-sided, falcate, the edge cut halfway
down below into oblong sharply-toothed lobes, the lower side obliquely tru n c a te ;
texture herbaceous b u t firm ; colour bright-green ; rachis naked ; lateral veins of
the pinnl. pinnate in the lower lobes ; sori in parallel rovvs in the pinnl., not
reaching the edge.—Hk . Sp. 3. p . 261.
Hab. Mexico, Guatemala, and Ecuador.—The West Indian plant is larger (2-3 ft. 1.)
and more compound, with lower pinnse 6-9 in. I , 4-5 in. br., with numerous distinct
stalked sub-distant lanceolate pinnl., cut down below into crenated oblong lobes nearly
to the rachis.
*** Fronds Sp. 236-259.
230. A. (Dipl.) deltoideum, Presl ; st. 6 in. 1., slender, erect, ebeneous below,
naked ; f r . 1 ft. 1., 9 in. hr., deltoid, with a few distant pinnæ on each side, the
lowest ovate-deltoid, 6 in. 1., 2-3 in. br., cut down in the lower h a lf into distinct
stalked pinnl. 1-1J in. 1., J in. hr., which are bluntly lobed below two-thirds of
the way down ; texture herbaceous ; rachises naked, those of the pinnæ ebeneous ;
■ ! pinnate in the lower lobes ; sori reaching the edge.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 266.
Hab. Luzon, Ouming, 29.—Caudex unknown.
237. A. (Dipl.) virescens, Mett. ; rhizome creeping ; scales blackish, lanceolate-
subulate ; S t . 6 in. 1., straw-coloured ; f r . 1 ft. 1., deltoid, bipinnate below the
middle ; lower pinnæ 8 in. 1., 3 in. br., pinnate below the centre ; pinnl. 1J in. I.,
J in. hr., the apex acuminate, the edge crenato-lobate, tlie base narrowed
suddenly ; rachis slender ; texture thin ; coloihr pale-green ; veins pinnate in the
low'er lobes, wdth 1-3 veinlets on each side ; sori oblong, small, nearer to the
midrib th an the edge.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 261.
Hab. Japan, Qoring, Buerger.
238. A. (Dipl.) squamigerum. or more 1., straw'-coloured.
broadly lobed, the lovver lobes J in. hr., entire ; texture herbaceous ; raehis
slender, stramineous, chaffy below ; veins siibflahellate, the lower veinlets of the
lobes with one or two lateral curved forks on each side ; sm'i linear, curved,
falling far short of the edge, the lowest 2 lin. 1.—Mett. F il. Ind. 2. p. 239.
Hab. Japan, Oldham, Siehold, Robinson.
239. A. (Dipl.) chinense. Baker ; S t . 1 ft. 1., slender, greyish, nearly naked ;
f r . 12-16 in. 1., neaidy as br., deltoid, bipinnate except a t the very apex ; lower
pinnce long-stalked, 3-6 in. 1., 2-2J in. hr., with numerous close lanceolate
on each side, the lower ones 1 - lJ iu. 1., J - f in. br., the point acute, the edge cut
down to a winged rachis below into deeply-toothed oblong segm. 4 lin. 1.,
2 lin. h r .; texture herbaceous; rachis slender, naked, substramineous; »«««
pinnate, 4-6 lateral simple veinlets on each side in the lower segm. ; sori linear,
n ot reacliing the edge.
Hab. Shanghai, China, Dr. Maingay, 475.
240. A. (Dipl.) nervosum, Mett. ; / r . ample, bipinnate ; lower pinnæ
12-18 in. 1., 6 in. br., lanceolate-acuminate ; pinnl. close, patent, 3-4 in. 1.,
i - j in. br., lanceolate-oblong, obtuse or acuminate, only toothed, the base
truncate ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachises densely scaly, the scales of the main
one 4 in. 1., lingulate-aoiimiiiate, the edge subciliated ; lower surface clothed
with dense adpressed hairs ; veinlets forked in the upper, subpinnate in the
Pi ii