Hab. California and New Mexico along the Andes.—We include here four species of
Mettenius. His 0. Borsigiana, Reich., has the pinnæ very close, and the lower pair much
la ^ e r than the othei-s, with the powder bright-yellow. From this O. ci'etacea seems to
diiter only by its wbite powder, and there are various intermediate stages. In C. Candida
and monosticha the pinnæ are not so close and less unequal, the powder being white in the
first and yellowish in the latter. i r b
vfimre suDcoinaceous ; rac/Mm wii-y, c a staneous; upper surface naked, lower
densely coated with bright-yellow powder ; son brown, extending from the edge
nearly to the midnb.—Gymnogramme, I lk . Sp. B .p . 14G. Fil. F x . t. 47.
in ft“"®®' taight-yellow, and the sori
24. N (Cine.) nivea, Desy. ; st densely tufted, 4-6 in. I., chesnut-brown, naked,
possy, the scales linear, b rig h t-fe rru gm o u s ;/» . 3-6 in. 1., i i - 2 in. hr., ovate
trip in n a te ; pmnæ distant, the lower ones deltoid ; the p innl. Jong-stalked, witl!
b lu n t oblong or roundish terminal segm. 1-2 lin. 1., 4-1 lin. br. ; texture subcoriaceous
; radnses wiry, glossy, castaneous ; upper surface naked, pale-green,
lower coated With pure-white powder ; sorz brown.—77/. a?;?. 5 . 111.
H a b Andes from Mexico to P e r u . - A . Hooheri, Lowe, t. 13, is a form kn ow n only in
c u ltiv a tio n , w ith close d ila ted segments an d sessile pinnules.
2.0. N. (fiia c .) clnlensis, I lk . ; st. tufted, 3-4 in. 1., stout, glossy, chesnut-brown,
nearly naked ; f r . 3-4 in. 1-, 2 m. br., ovate, tripinnate ; pinnæ distant, the lower
ones deltoid - pmnl. sessile, deltoid ; the lower segm. linear-oblong, J in. 1. sometimes
pmnatifid ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachises polished ; u p p e te 4 /a r e naked,
j n l T 2 8 6™ ' ® ■I’ ®“" ‘® ; -50« brown.—Aft. Sp. B.
Hab. Juan Fernandez,—Probably this should be joined with the last.
26. N. (Cmc.) * * i a t o , Kunze ; ,sL densely tufted, 4-0 in. 1., slender,-wiry,
cp sn u t-b row n , the scales linear, ferrugmous ; f r . 3-4 in. eacii way, deltoid tri-
pmnate ;? « « « « distant, tiie lower deltoid ; tiie lo w e s t? » « / deitoid ; lohes oblong,
obtuse, 1 lin. oi less 1. by h a lf as broad ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachises slender
—f t / " " PaK-gi'een, lower coated with pure-wliite powder.
Hab. Missouri.—Very near A. nivea, but more slender, with closer and more numerous
pmnæ and smaller lobes. uumeious
27. N. (Cine.) Fendleri, Kunze ; st. densely tufted, 2-3 in. I., wiry, ehesnut-
ta;own, naked the scales linear, bright-ferruginous ; f r . 2-3 in. each way, deltoid,
tripinnate ; all the raeUses very zigzag ; ?««««, p in n l., and segm. all stalked,
deltoid ; lobes close, oblong, blunt, not more tlian I lin. 1. by ha lf as broad ; <e»-
<M»e subcoriaceous ; upper surface naked, lower with fine'white powder.—f t / .
bp. o. p . Ho«
Hab. New Mexico, findler, 1017«.-Very near the last, from whioh it differs principally
by its very zigzag rachises. ^ ^ ^
Gen. 51. Monogramme, Schk.
Sori linear, close to tlie midrib on one or both sides.
plants, the simplest in structure o f all the Ferns. Small grass- or rush-like
§ Eumonograinme. F rond with a central vein only. Sp. 1 7.
. X fi-r e fia rp a , H k . ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping ; scales linear ; f r . j-1
111. J., a im. br. upwards, narrow-ed gradually downwards into a short slender
stem (te x tu re sulicoriaceous ; sori sunk iu a deep cleft on one side o fth e midiib
¿ 287’" ! I'sacliing nearly to tlie edge.—f t / . S p . B. p . 121.
Hab. Labuan, Borneo, Barber.
; rhizome slender, wide-creeping, clothed with squarrose
fibril ose brown sc a le s; f r . 1-2 in. 1., j lin. hr., flaccid, grass-lik e ; the coria
M îinearié K l f l l k S p f t p ^ l S i “ '® ®®8I®® ‘“ 'einciu'ved.
Hab. Cape Colony, Mauritius, and Bourbon,
3. M. subfalcata, H k . ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping ; f r . 1 in. 1., j lin br
towards the point, tapering gradually downwards into an indistinct stem ; textur'e
subcoriaceous ; so n su n k in an unequal-sided longitudinal furrow, extending
about J m. from the apex.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 122. t. 219. A.
Hab. .New Hebrides, C. Moore.
4. M. trichoidea, J . Sm. ; rhizome very slender ; f r . 3-4 in. 1., densely cæspitose
threadlike, the fertile one dilated in two or three places for a space of j in., and
there hearing the sori in a longitudinal furrow, with a high raised edge on both
sides.—77/. Sp, 5. p . 123. Vaginularia, Fée.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 160.
5. M. rostrata, H k . ; f r . densely cæspitose, S-4 in. 1., 1 lin. br., tapering to the
point and gradually downwards into an indistinct stem ; texture coriaceous ; the
surface naked ; the midrib very distinct ; the sori quite sunk in a longitudinal
furrow 1-2 in. \.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 122. t. 287. B.
Hab. Nicaragua, 0. Wright.
6. M, Jm g h u h n ii, H k . ; rhizome slender ; / i '. densely cæspitose, grass-like,
flaccid, 6-12 in. 1., j - j lin. br. ; texture herbaceous ; sm'i deeply sunk in a furrow
on one, or, according to Brackenridge, on both sides of the midrib.—H k . Sp. 5.
p . 123. t. 289. B. Diclidopteris angustissima, Brack.
Hab. Ceylon, Java, Philippines, and Polynesian Islands.
7. M. graminoides, B a k e r ; /» , tufted, |- 1 J in. 1., H 1™- ta ., simple or once
dichotomously forked, narrowed below to an indistinct stem ; texture coriaceous •
midrib prominent ; sorus linear-ohlnno-. a.VlSlTIO' frATYi +b<i •'< linear-oblong, arising from the mmiidrlrviibli nnoeaai»r the drliilloaf-t»e.d/!
point ; the ed,ge scarcely incurved.—Grammitis, Sw. M. furca ta , Desv.. I lk .
S p .B .p .V l l . Cochlidium, f t a « / .
Hab. Jamaica, Brazil, St. Helena, and reported from Chili by C. Gay.
§§ Pleurogramme, Fée. Fronds with indistind simple lateral veins in
to the midrib. Sp. 8-9.
8. M. (P le u r.) seminuda. Baker ; f r . cæspitose, 4-8 in. I., l |- 2 lin. br., tapering
downwards into an indistinct stem ; texture coriaceous, rigid ; veins simple,
oblique, not reaching the edge ; sori not su n k in a cavity, originating as 2 rows
close to the midrib, which are u ltimately confluent, covering the whole of the
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