folium. Wall. ; more finely divided ; segms. copiously toothed, with lower lohes
distinct.—r , A . Hamiltohii, Spr. ; texture more coriaceous ; lower pm n l. 3-4
in. 1., with large ovate-deltoid slightly lobed segments.—i f t . Sp. i . p . 27.
Hab. Japan and Himalayas to Ceylon, Norfolk Island, Fiji, Samoa, N. S. Wales, and
Natal. A. Gornu-Oeni, Don, is a deformed state of y, whioh differs from capense prmcipally
by its aristate teeth, whilst the other varieties more resemble amabile and
frondosum,. Dr. Thwaites assigns to ? an erect caudex, and regards it as a good species.
Araehniodes aspidioides, Bl., is this, with the involucre fallen away.
88. A. (Po ly st.) melanostictum, Kze. ; st. scaly below, G-12 iu. 1., greyish ; f r .
18-24 in. 1., 1 ft. br. ; lower pinnæ 6-9 in. 1., 2-3 in. br. ; pinnl. close, lanceolate,
I f in. 1., J in. br., regularly cut down to the rachis into close, linear-ohlong
nearly entire slightly falcate segm.; texture herbaceous ; colour dark-green ; both
surfaces and raeUs nearly naked ; sori 6-8 to a segm., placed in two rows filling
up nearly the whole space between midrib and edge ; invol. peltate, black in the
centre.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 34. t. 233. B.
Hab. Mexico.
39. A. (Po ly st.) melanochlamys, Fe'e ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., erect, densely
clothed, especially below, with dark-brown fibrillose scales ; f r . 18-24 in. 1.,
9-12 in. br. ; pinnæ subdistant, erecto-patent, lanceolate, the lower ones 4-6 in. 1.,
lJ -2 in. br. ; piwnl. distant, j-1 in. 1., j in. br., cut down to the rachis into close,
oblong-falcate, entire lobes ; texture herbaceous ; colour dark-green ; both
surfaces naked ; rachises fibrillose ; sori at the base of the lobes, principally in
the lower ones ; invol. peltate, black iu the centre, the edge ciliated.—H k . Sp. 4.
p . 35. t. 233. A. Lastrea, Moore.
Hab. Cuba, Linden, 1865, Wrighl, 830.—This and the preceding have the liabit ot
Lastrea, but peltate involucres.
40. A. (P o ly st.) muUifidum, Mett. ; st. scattered, 6-12 in . 1., densely clothed
with large, ovate, nearly hlack sc ales; f r . 18-24 in. 1., 6-9 in. hr., ovate-
lanceolate ; pinnæ close, spreading, the lower ones deflexed, 3-4 in. L, |-1 in.
br. ; pin n l. subdeitoid, close, unequal-sided, with ovate or spathulate seym., the
lower ones deeply pinnatifid, teeth not awned ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachises
densely fibrillose ; sori small, scattered.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 36.
Hab. Chili, Lechler, 3060.
41. A. (Po ly st.) Sikkimense, B a k e r; st. 12-18 in. 1., stout, striated, with
dark-brown ovate scales throughout ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 12-15 in. br., subdeitoid ;
pinnæ close, lanceolate, spreading, the lowest 6-8 in. 1., 2 in. br. ; pinnl. close,
lanceolate, unequal-sided, cut down nearly to the rachis into oblong deeply
pinnatifid lobes with mucronate teeth ; texture herbaceous ; rachis slightly
scaly ; both sides naked ; sori usua lly one on the base of each u lt. lobe.—Polyst.
Sikkimense, Beddome, F. B r it. In d . t. 127. Neph. Thomsoni, H k . M S S .
Hab. Mon-Lepcha, Nepaul, 10-11,000 ft., Dr. Thomson.
42. A . {Vo\ysi.) fæniculaceum, H k . ; rhizome creeping; S t . scattered, 6-12 in.
1., densely clothed below with lanceolate reddish-brown scales ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1.,
9-12 in. br., lanceolate-deltoid, 4-5-pinnatifid ; lower?)*"»«« 6-8 in. l.,3 -4 in. br. ;
pinnl. subdeitoid, 2-3 in. 1. ; segm. close, cut down to the rachis, their lower
divisions sometimes again p in n a tifid ; ult. divisions linear, 1 liii. l., aw n ed ;
ie ir» « subcoriaceous ; surfaces glossy; rachis nearly n a k e d ; «(»-¿solitary.—
H k . Sp. 4. p. 36. t. 237.
Hab. Sikkim, 7-10,000 ft., Hh. fil. and Thomson, 271.
§§ Cyrtomlum, Presl. Veins sometime.'!, but not in
towards the edge. Sp. 43-46.
variably, uniting slightly
43. A. (C y rt.) abbreviatum, Sch rad .; st. scattered, 1 f t. or more 1., glossy,
smooth; f r . ]-2 ft. 1., 6-9 in. hr., simply pinnate ; pinnoe 4-0 in. 1., j in. br.,
linear-lanceolate acuminate, slightly stalked, the edge bluntly lobed ; texture
subcoriaceous ; rachis and both surfaces nearly naked ; sori 'in two irregular
rows between the prima ry veins.—H k . Sp. 4. p .'s s . t. 234.
Hab, W. Indies to S. Brazil,—A. Gaianense, Klotzsch, is a form with free venation.
44. A. (C y rt.) caducum. Wall. ; st. tufted, 1 ft. L , firm, erect, stramineous,
scaly below ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 6-9 in. br., simply pinnate, with numerous stalked
subdistant lanceolate pinnæ on each side, 4-6 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., the apex
acuininate, the edge subentire, or more or less deeply lobed, sometimes down to
tlie rachis below ; texture coriaceous ; midrib below often fibrillose ; veins in
pinnate groups which are free or anastomose sliglitly towards tlie edge ; sori
large, in one or two rows on each side.—Hk. Sp. 4. p. 89. « / . Gr. Ic. t. 171.
Hab. Himalayas, ascending to 7,000 ft.
45. A. {C.yrt.) juglandifolium, Kze. ; st. tufted, 1 ft. or more I., clothed below
with large ovate scales; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 9-12 in. br., simply pinnate ; pinnce in
2 to 12 pairs, linear-lanceolate, the lower ones stalked, 4-6 in. 1., |- 1 J in. br.,
the apex acuminate, the edge entire or slightly toothed ; texture coriaceous ;
both surfaces naked ; veins close, pinnated, the lowest anterior brancli free, the
groups free or anastomosing towards the edge ; sori copious, scattered.—« / .
Sp. 4. p . 38.
Hab. Mexico to V en e zu e la .—T h is corresponds to th e g en e ra Am b lia an d Phanero-
phlebia, P re sl, th e la tte r founded on a p la n t from whioh th e involucre h ad fallen.
46. A. (Cyrt.) falcatum, Sw. ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. densely clothed below
with large dark scales; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 6-9 in. br., simply p in n a te ; pinnoe
numerous, tbe lower ones stalked, ovate-acuminate, falcate, 4-6 in. 1., 1-2 in.
hr., the edge entire or slightly undulated, the upper side narrowed suddenly
sometimes auricled, the lower rounded or obliquely truncate a t the base ;
texture coriaceous ; both surfaces naked, tlie iipiier one glossy ; sori small!
C()pious, scattered.—Ilk . Sp. 4. p. 40. Fil. Ex. t. 92.—/3, A . caryotideum. Wall. ;
pinnæ sometimes larger, sliarply toothed, slightly lobed, sometimes auricled
on both sides at the base ; upper surface opaque.—H k . Sp. 4. I. c. G. F . t. 13.
H ab . J a p a n , China, H im a lay a s (up to 8,000 ft.), NeUgherries, Sandwich Islea,
K affraria , N a ta l.—I t is impossible to s ep a ra te o u r two v arieties satisfactorily. T h e
J ap a n e s e C. Fortunei, J . Sm., is lik e a, b u t th e pin næ are n arrow e r and opaque.
§§§ Cyclodium, Presl. Veins pinnated, the opposite veinlets o f contiguous
groups joining. Sp. 47-49.
47. A. (Cyclo.) meniscioides, Willd. ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., scaly below ; f r . 2-3 ft.
1 ft. or more br., simply pinnated ; barren pinnæ sessile, 6-9 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br.!
oblong-acuminate, nearly entire ; texture coriaceous, both surfaces naked ; fertile
pinnoe much sm a lle r; sori in two close rows between the prima ry v e in s__
H k . Sp. 4. p . 36. H k . é Gr. f t . 121.
H ab . W e s t In d ie s to Brazil ami P e ru .
48. A. (Cyclo.) Hookeri, Baker ; st. 1 ft. or more 1., naked, erect ; f r . 2-3 ft.
1., 1 ft. br. ; pinnoe 6-8 in. 1., 1 in. br., cut down to a broadly-winged rachis into
nearly, close, spreading, entire, linear-oblong lobes J in. br. ; texture herbaceous ;
2 K