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218 38. A S P L E N I Ü M , § § E U A S P L B N I Ü M .
f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., ovate-deltoid, bipinnate, with 9-12 pinnæ on each side,
the lower ones subdeltoid, 4-6 in. 1., 2 in. br. ; lower pinnl. stalked, ovate-
rhomboidal, with the outer edge toothed and the base on the lower side truncate
in a curve, sometimes lobed in the lower p a rt ; texture herhaceous ; rachis nrm,
naked ; veins rather close, once or twice forked ; sori in two nearly regular
rows.—/3 crenatifolium, Hk. ; pinnæ cut down in the lower p a rt into spathulate
iL—H k . Sp, 3. p, 184. A. Lindeni, H k . Sp. 3. p . 185. t. 209.
Hab. Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador.
141. A, Jamesoni, Hk. ; st. 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, angular, the lower p a rt
clothed with large brown deciduous scales ; f r . 1-2 ft. or more 1., 9-12 in. br.,
with numerous pinnoe on each side, the lower ones 6-9 in. 1., 3-4 in. br., cut
down to a broadly-winged rachis into deltoid pinnl., which are again deeply
pinnatifid ; ult. segm. oblong or spathulate ; texture herbaceous ; main rachis
firm, compressed and winged upwards ; veins distant ; sori large, oblong, pi’in-
cipally in two lines close to the midrib and nearly parallel with it.—H k . Sp. 3.
p . 184. t. 205.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador, Jameson, Spi'uce, 5627.-
142. A. acuminatum. I lk . & Arn. ; st. subtufted, 6-9 in. L, strong, erect,
greyish, deciduously paleaceous ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 9-12 in. br., with very numerous
close-placed lanceolate-oblong pinnoe on both sides, which are 4-6 in. 1., I f f in.
br., cut down to the rachis into numerous unequal-sided lanceolate pinnl., which
are acuminate a t the apex, with the edges sharply toothed or even lobed below,
the lower base obliquely truncate ; texture coriaceous ; rachis strong, erect,
grey ish ; veins close, deep-channelled ; son in two rows in the upper p a rt of
the pinnl., often diplazioid.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 183. t. 206.
Hab. Sandwich Islands.—Intermediate between A . 'bulbiferv.m and cuneatum.
143. A. squamosum, Linn. ; st. stout, erect, 12-18 in. 1., clothed with large
brown scales below ; f r . 3-6 ft. 1., 12-18 in. br., with numerous pinnoe on each
side, the lower ones 3-4 in. apart and horizontal, 6-9 in. 1., 4-6 in. hr., cut down
to a compressed and winged rachis into numerous stalked pinnl. on each side,
which are ovate-rhomboidal, 2-3 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., the apex acuminated, the
edge crenate, the base on the lower side truncate in a curve ; texture ra th e r
thinly herbaceous ; main rachis compressed and channelled ; veins oblique, the
lateral ones usually twice forked ; sori few, principally near the midrib.—
H k .S p . 3. p . 186. t. 210.
Hab. West Indies, Venezuela, and Ecuador.—Easily recognized by its large size and
ample pinnules.
144. A. hulbiferum, Forst. ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. L, firm, erect, greyish, scaly a t the
base ; f r . 1-2 ft. L, 8-12 in. br., oblong-deltoid, with numerous horizontal pinnoe
on each side, which are often proliferous from the upper surface, the largest
4-8 in, 1., I f f in. br., cut down to a compressed winged rachis into numerous
lanceolate-deltoid which are again cut down into slightly-toothed linear-
oblong segm. J - J in. 1., 1 lin. br. ; texture herbaceous ; rachis firm, sometimes
pendulous ; veins fine, pinnate ; sori oblong, when mature often filling the whole
breadth of the segm.—H k . Ic. t. 423.—/3, A . laxum, R. Br. ; habit more slender ;
segm. narrow, so th a t the sori are often as if marginal.—y, A . Fahianum, Homb.
and Ja cq . ; lower segm. deeply pinnatifid, with narrow divisions and submarginal
sori.—Hk . Sp, F il. 3. p . 196,
Hab. New Zealand, Australia, New Caledonia, Penang, Samoa, N. India, Mexico,
Guatemala, Bourbon, Seychelles, Johanna Island, Natal.—A. Mertensianum, Kze., from
Bonin, and A. ShuUleworthianum, Kze., are both apparently large quadripinnatifid forms
of this with quite marginal sori.
Group o f A . dcutarium. Venation pinnate. Fronds various in size, tefiure
thinly herhaceous, colour hriglit-green, ultimate divisions finely cut. bp. 145-165.
145. A. t r i p h y l l u m , Presl ; S t . tufted, 1-2 in. 1., slender, spreading ; /) '. 6-9 in.
1 1-4 in. br., with numerous pinnæ on each side, cut down mto d or 5 stalkea
li’n è a î or ohlong-spathulate pinnl. \ in. 1. ; texture herbaceous ; slender,
wide-rambling, often gemmiferous ; veins one m each pmnl. ; so« 1-2 on the
disk of e a c h .-A . herbaceum, Fee.—?., A . sessilifolium, Desv. ; mc&s steonger,
pinnæ distant, witli usually three spathulate ?»«««?, the terminal one J m. br.—
A. imhricatuin, H L S Gr. t. 165. A. ternatum, P r e s l .- y , compactum, H k .;
texture subcoriaceous ; rachis firm, erect; pm næ close ; pinnl. more numerous ,
sori copious.—Hk. Sp. 3. p . 203.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador and Peru.—Pinnæ usually consisting of three, or at most of
five, nearly equal divisions.
146. A. repens, H k . ; st. wide-scattered, very slender, very short ; / r .1 - 2 in. 1.,
i in. br., ovate-lanceolate, bi- or tripinnatifid ; pmnæ horizontal, 3-4 on each
side cut down to the raohis into broad cuneate which a r e t t a r p ly toothed
on the outer edge and sometimes deeply cleft ; ioeiM« tliinly herhaoeoim ; rmhis
naked ; veins simple or forked in each pinnl. ; son ohlong, solitary.—« * , bp. 3.
p . 194. 2nd Cent. t. 31.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador, Jameson and Sprvxe.
147. A. delicatulum, Presl ; St. tufted, 1-2 in. 1., slender, ebeneous ; / « 3-4 i n . ?
2-3 in. br., subdeltoid, tripinnate, with several d e lto p pinnoe on each side, the
lowest of whicli are 1 in. or more 1., J in. br. ; piiml. deltoid ; îî/î. segm
1 lin. ]., i lin. br. ; texture thinly herbaceous ; rachis compressed, flaccid , a vein
to each segm. ; sori few, scattered, short.—« / . 8p. 3. p . 182. Ic. P I. t. 915.
Hab. Peru, Venezuela, N. Granada, Brazil.
148. A. divaricatum, Kunze ; si. tufted, very short ; f r . 4-6 ’ T l i T K
oblong-lanceolate, with numerous close-p_aced pmnm on each side which are
i 1 in 1 4 in. br., cut down to the rachis into numerous pmnl. not moie th an
Î h n .'b r ’. f scÿ». linear-oblong, not toothed ; ioe i« « membranaceous; rachis
very slender, ebeneous ; veins one to each segm. ; so n s o lita r y .- 7?/. bp. 3.
p . 204.
Hab. Chill and P e ru .-V e ry doubtfully distinct from A. myriophyllum.
149. A. GiheHianum, H k . ; st. tufted, very short, compressed ; f r . 6-8 '" - p
1 in hr caudate at the apex, with numerous close-placed pmnæ on each side,
the laroest J in. 1., i in. br., ovate-rhomboidal, broadest on t t e uppei side, cut
d7wn to tl?e rachi? into ¿mple linear sharp-pointed or broader f l a ^ T h ?
incised p in n l.; texture herbaceous; rachis green, much compressed and with a
broad wfng on each side all the way down ; vems o f i to each segm. ; so n one at
the base of each s e g m . - « / . Sp. 3. p . 199. 2nd Cent. t. 22.
Hab. Paraguay ; gathered by M. G ib e rt.-A stronger and more regular-growing plant
than the rest of the group, with a very peculiar rachis.
160 A. Colensoi, H k . fil. ; st. tufted, 3-4 in. 1., firm, erect, clothed throughout
witli small sc ales; f r . 4-6 in. 1., 2 in. br., with numerous rather rigid eiecto-
p atent pm næ ,t\ia lower on stalks J - J in. 1. ; I®'™'’
pinnatifid, with linear segm. ; ¿ « » « h e rh a c e o u s ; rac/as slightly scaly , one vein
to each segm. ; sori oblong, solitary.—« . P l . t . 984.
Hab. New Zealand.—This is somewhat more rigid in texture than the rest of the
group, but seems on the whole best placed here.
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