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naked, brownish ; f r . 2-4 ft. i., 12-18 in. br., with a iarge, obiong, entire terminai
pitma 6-12 in. i., 1-2 in. br., and 2-6 similar lateral ones on each side, the lower
ones often forked ; texture subcoriaceons ; principal veins distinct to the edge ;
areolæ fine, close, with copious free veinlets ; sori small, scattered, abundant,
all on the connected veinlets.—Asp. JVall. H k . Sp. 4. p. 54. A. grandifolium,
Hab. Himalayas (up to 4,000 it.) to Ceylon, Malayan Peninsnla and Isles.—There is
a form with an ebeneous stipe.
212. N. (Sagen.) elatum. Baker ; st. 3-4 ft. 1., stout, erect, dull-brown,
a t the base ; f r . 3-3J ft. 1., tlie apex nearly 2 ft. 1., 5-partite, the central lolie
6 in. br. a t tlie base, the lowest reaching nearly down to the rachis, helow' tliis
3-4 pinnæ on each side, the lowest stalked, 18 in. 1., 4-5 in. br., narrowed
towards botli ends, slightly sinuated below ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ;
main veins distinct to the edge, J - J in. apa rt ; areolæ fine, copious, with free
included veinlets ; sori close, large, copious, scattered irregularly, principally on
the connected veinlets.
Hab. Foot of Mt. Chimborazo, Spruce, 5725.
** Sori large, confined to a distinct row on each side o f the principal veins.
Sp. 213-224.
213. N. (Sagen.) P ica, Baker ; si, 6-12 in. 1., black, glossy; f r . 1-2 it. I ,
1 ft. or more br., pedato-pimiatifid, or more u sua lly pinnate, with 1 or 2 pairs of
pinnæ, which are 6-12 in. 1., 2 in. or more br., the edge b ro a d ? undulated, the
lowest sometimes with 1 or 2 large pinnl. on the lower side a t the base ;
texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; main veins distmct to the edge ; areolæ copious,
with free included veinlets ; sori in two rows between the prima ry veins.—
Asjjid. Desv. H k . Sp. 4. p . 46. A. trifoliatum, Auct. {in p a rt).
Hab. Mauritius and Bourbon.—Differs from A. trifoliatum by its ebeneous stems and
cordate involucre. A. puberulum, Desv., is a slightly-pubesceut form.
214. N. (Sagen.) ZoUingerianum, Baker ; S t . 9-12 in. 1., naked ; f r . 8-12 in. 1.,
6-8 in. br., subdeitoid, the apex deeply pinnatifid, below this 3-4 pinnæ on each
side, the lowest 3-4 in. 1., long-stalked, deltoid, cut down helow into dist
in c t ? separated, d e e p ? pinnatifid pinnl. with blu n t linear-oblong lobes ; texture
subcoriaceous ; veins beneath prominent, anastomosing principally in large
costular arches ; areolæ large, with free included veinlets, depressed so as to
form a cavity, in whioh on the end of the free vein the large copious sori are
placed.—Asp. Kze. A. immersum, H k . Sp. 4. p . 68. Phlebigonium, Fée.
Hab. Java, Zollinger ; and we have received copious specimens in Dr. Heifer’s
Tenasserim collections.
216. N. (Sagen.) variolosum, Baker ; rhizome creeping; St. 1 ft. or more 1.,
naked, brownish ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 8-12 in. br., subdeitoid, the apex deeply
pinnatifid, witli lanceolate, acuminate, entire or sinuated lobes ; below this 1-3
pairs of lateral pinnæ, the lowest mucli the largest, sometimes cnt down to the
rachis a t the base with a d e e p ? pinnatifid ,* texture papyraceo-herbaceous ;
p rima ry veins distinct ; areolæ ra th e r large, with free veinlets ; sori large, in
rows near the veins, terminating free veinlets.—Asp. JVall. H k . Sp. 4. p . 61.
Hab. N. India and Malaya.—This has quite the habit and texture of N. subtriphyllum,
differing in sori and venation.
216. N. (Sagen.) i r r e g u l ä r e , Baker ; S t . 1 ft. or more 1., glossy, ebeneous ; f r .
2-3 ft. 1., 12-18 in. br., the apex deeply pinnatifid, with lanceolate-acuminate
lobes, the lower ones sinuated, below tliis 3-5 p i n n oe on eacli side, the lowest niiicli
the largest, 8-12 in. 6-8 in. br., deeply pinnatifid above, pinnated a t the base,
lobes acute ; texture papvraceo-herbaceous ; rachis glossy like the stipe ; main
veins distinct to the edge ; areolæ fine, with copious free included vemlets ; son
in rows near tlie main veins, mainly or e n tir e ? on the connected vemlets.—
Aspid. Brack, p . 180.
Hab, Polynesian Islands.—Doubtfully distinct from N. latifolium,, from which it differs
by its more regular sori and ebeneous stem.
hr., the lowest sometimes forked ; texture subcoriaceous ; principal vems uisimoi,
to the edge, connected by copious areolæ with free included veinlets ; son large,
in two regular rows between the principal veins.—Aspid. Presl. A. pteropns,
Kze. H k . Sp. 4. p. 47.
Hab N India, Ceylon, Philippines, Malaccas, Formosa, Aneiteum, Fiji, Samoa.—Habit
of N. vastum, from whioh it is well distinguished by the biserial son. A dwarf form,
with fronds under 1 ft, 1., and the fertile ones much contracted, is figured from Ceylon
by Capt. Beddome, t. 245.
218 N. (Sagen.) siifolium. B a k e r; St. 1 ft. or more 1., naked, brownish ; f r .
1 ft. or more 1., 6-8 in. br., with a broad, oblong, acuminate, terminal ^ im a ,
and 3-4 lateral ones on each side, the lowest stalked, 3-4 in. 1., 2 m. br., forked
at the base, th e margin ra th e r deeply lobed ; texture subcoriaceous ; prima ry
veins close, distinct to the edge ; areolæ fine, coiuous, with free included veinlets ;
sori large, copious, in two close rows, often confluent -P o ly p o d . W m . Aspid.
Mett. Fil. In d . p. 237. A. Teysmannianmn, H k . Sp. 4. p . 41. t. 236. P o h p.
menisciicarpon, Hk. Sp. 5. p . 86. « " r t l
Hab. Philippines, I, 4. Java and Sumatra.
• more 1.,219. N. (Sagen.) paehyphyllum, Baker ; st. 1 ft. or naked, brownish ,;
fr 2-3 ft 1 1 2 - 1 8 i n . b r . , w i t h an oblong-lanceolate, entire, or sinuated terminal
'pinna 6-12 in. 1., # - lJ in. br., and 4-8 similar erecto-patent lateral ones on each
side, the lower ones forked a t the b a s e ; ioetere subcoriaceous ; primary wms
straight and distinct nearly to the edge ; areolæ fine with copious free included
veinlets ; sori large, iu two regular rows.—Asp. Kze. H k . Sp. 4. p . 56. A.
grande, J . Sm. H k . Sp. 4. p . 55.
Hab. Philippines and Malay Isles, Solomon Isles, Fiji.
220. N. (Sagen.) Barteri, Baker ; st. 1 ft. or more 1,, naked, substramineous ;
fr 2-3 ft 1 12-18 in. br., with an oblong, entire terminal pm n a J 12 in. i.,
8-4 in. bl’., 'acuminate at the apex and narrowed g r ^ u a l ? to the
3-4 similar ones on each side, all simple, the l o w e s t s ightly stalked ;
papyraceo-herbaceous or subcoriaceous ; mam veins distinct to the edge, j in.
i p S t ; areolæ fine, copious, with free included vernie s ; so n ra th e r siiiall,
placed in two regular rows near the main veins ; mvol. minute, fiig a c io u s.-
Aspid. J . Sm. Ferns, B . é F. p . 286.
Hab. Fernando Po, Bart^- and J /« « .-M o s t like A. polymorphum in habit and
221. N. (Sagen.) cicutarium. Baker ; St. 1 ft. or more 1., brownish or ebeneous ;
f r . 1-2 tt. 1., subdeitoid, the apex d e e p ? pinnated, with sinuated lanceolate
lobes ; helow this 3-6 joinnoe on each side, the lowest subdeitoid, deeply pmnatifid
or pinnate helow ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous or subcoriaceous mam
veins distmct to the edge; areolæ with few or no included free vemlets , so»*
rather large, in two rows near the mam veins on connected oi fiee vemlets,—
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