l ì ' l
226 38. A S P L E N I U M , A T I I Y E I U M .
Hab. Scinde, Peninsular India, Ceylon.—Habit of a small form of Filix-foemirm,
but with more sausage-like sori and a fibrillose stem.
183. A. (A tliy r.) grammitoides, H k . ; st. subtufted, 3-4 in. 1., firm, erect,
copiously scaly ; f r . 6-8 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br., lanceolate, with numerous la n ceolate
falcate pinnæ on each side, which are 1 - lJ in. h, J - f in. hr., the two
sides unequal, the point bluntish, the edge irregularly inciso-crenate, the upper
side distinctly auricled a t the base ; texture herbaceous ; raehis cliaffy, winged
upwards ; veins pinnate ; sori linear-oblong in two ^ regular rows placed
obliquely, the lower ones slightly curved, often diplazioid.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 228.
Ic. t. 913.
Hab. Peninsular India, Java, Philippines, Sandwich Islands.—The Indian plant is
almost destitute of scales upon the stem and rachis.
184. A. (Athyr.) thelypteroides, Michx. ; st. 1 ft. 1., erect, polished, straw-
coloured ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 6-12 in. hr., lanceolate, with numerous spreading
the lower ones 4-6 in. 1., 1 in. hr., cut down to a broadly-winged rachis into
numerous nearly entire elliptical spreading pin n l. ; texture lierbaceous ; rachis
sometimes slightly hairy ; son in close regular rows reaching nearly from
the midrib to the e'dge, slightly curved, the lower ones often double.—-f//. bp. 3.
p . 229.
Hab. Canada, United States, Amur-land, Himalayas (ascending to 10,000 ft.), Penang.
—Easily distinguished by its long sori in very regular rows.
185. A. (A th y r.) decurtatwh, L in k ; st. 1 ft. or more 1., erect, straw-coloured
above, deciduously scaly below ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 9-12 in. br., with very numerous
c lose-/aced spreading pinnæ 4-6 in. 1., 1 in. br., cut down n early to the rachis
throughout into blunt entire lobes with parallel sides, 2 lin. hr. ; texture^
herbaceous ; both sutfaces pubescent ; veinlets simple, regularly pinnated ; sori
oblong, falling short of both edge and midrib, the lower ones curved.—« / . Sp. 3.
p . 226.
Hab. Brazil, Lindberg, 620.—Very like the preceding in habit and cutting, hut the
sori much shorter.
186. A. (A th y r.) depariddes. Brack. ; st. 12-18 in. 1., firm, erect, smooth,
greyish ; f r . 3 ft. 1., 1 ft. br., lanceolate, with numerous pin næ on each side, the
lower ones 6-8 in .l., 1 in. hr., cut down nearly to the rachis throughout into
rather distant ohlong-ohtuse pinnl., which are slightly inciso-crenate ; texture
subcoriaceous ; rachis firm, naked, proliferous ; veins conspicuous, once pinnate
in each pinnl., the veinlets simple, distant ; sori oblong, one to each veinlet
touching the edge, the lower ones very slightly curved.—Brack, p . 172.
Hab. Oahu ; and we have a single pinna of a plant from Sumatra, gathered by Tesche-
macher, with similar marginal sori, but with considerably broader pinnules not reaching
more than two-thirds of the way down to the midrib.
187. A. (A th y r.) Skinneri, Baker ; St. 6-9 in. 1., erect, greyish, slightly scaly
below ; f r . 9-15 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., ovate-lanceolate, with numerous pinnæ on each
side, the lower ones 1 - lJ in. apa rt, 3-5 in. 1., 1 in. hr., cut in the upper p a rt
halfway down and below nearly to the rachis into ohlong-rhomboidal blunt
inciso-crenate pinnl., often J in. br. ; texture herbaceous ; raehis naked, slender ;
veinlets of the pinnl. sometimes forked ; sori small, linear-oblong, 2 to 12 to a
pinnl.—Athyrium, Moore.
Hab. Guatemala.—Perhaps this should be joined with the nest, but the pinnæ and
pinnules are much less deeply cut, and the latter so broad that they are slightly
188. A. (Atliyr.) acUllemfolium, Liebm. ; st. 6-9 in. 1., erect, grey, scaly
; th r o u g h o u t t ................................ t j i
tootlied p innl. J in. 1., J in. br. ; texture herbaceous ; rachis naked, colour dark-
green ; veinlets of the pinnl. simple ; sori oblong, often 1 to each lobe of the
pinnules.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 230.
H ab . Mexico.—E e in a rk ab le for th e re g u la rity of th e b ro ad wing of th e mid rib o f its
189. A. (Athyr.) maeroearpum, Blume ; St. 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, straw-
coloured, scaly below; f r . 12-24 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., ovate-lanceolate, with
riumerous pinnæ on each side, the lowest 3-6 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., lanceolate, cut
down to the rachis into numerous obiong-rliomboidal pinnl., which are inciso-
crenate or pinnatifid ; texture herbaceous ; rachis naked ; lateral veins oi segm.
forked ; sori copious, large ; invol. oblong-reniform, |-1 hn. br.—« / . bp. 3.
p . 222. A. foliolosum. Wall, (in p a rt). A. decipiens, fallax, and puncticaule,
H a b . H im a lay a s (up to 6,000 ft.), Ceylon, J a v a , an d g a th e red la te ly by D r . Mafogay
in th e province of S h an tu n g , N. C h in a ; an d th e J a p a n e s e A . Goringmnum, M e tt is
p ro b ab ly th e same p la n t with r a th e r sh a rp e r t e e th .—T h is has a gene ra l h a b it n o t u n lik e
th a t of Nephrodium spmulosum, w ith th e in v o lu c re so n e a rly reniform th a t Mr. Moore
’ 3 i t in Lastrea.
190 A. (A th y r.) nigripes, Blume ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. ]., straw-coloured,
erect scaly beloW ; f r . 12-24 in. 1 ., 8 - 1 2 in. br., ovate-lanceolate, with numerous
pinnæ on each side, the lowest lanceolate, 6-9 in. 1., lJ -2 in. hr., cut down to the
rachis into numerous elliptioo-rhomhoidal p in n l, which are broadly lobed about
halfway down and the lobes slightly toothed ; texture herhaceous ; rachis naked,
straw-coloured; lateral veins of the segm. forked; son linear-obloiig, often
curved, 1 - l i lin. 1 ., principally in two parallel rows close to the midrib ot the
p in n l.—A. gymnograminoides, Klotzsch. H k . Sp. 3. p . 227. A. costale, Blume,
non Swartz.
Hab, Himalayas (ascending to 10,000 ft.), Neilgherries, Ceylon Java, and J a p a n .-
Very like A. maeroearpum in general habit, but quite different in fruit, d solenoptem,
M e tt, is a form of this, with the pinnules more sharply toothed, and cut down in the
lower part nearly or quite to the rachis ; a n d there is another plant (var te c to iB , Moore)
with niuch smaller sori, and the habit of the more finely divided forms of Filtx-
191 A (Athvr.) niponicum, Mett. ; rhizome creeping, the scales lanceolate,
reddish ; st. 6 - 1 2 in. 1 ., glossy, stramineous ; f r . 1 ft. or; more 1 ., 6 - 8 m. 6 fi-,pm næ
lanceolate, distinctly stalked, cut down nearly or quite to the rachis below into
oblong-lanceolate unequal-sided p in n l, which vary from subentire to
pinnatifid ; texture herbaceous ; rachis and both sides naked often tu v e d with
purple ; sori copious, the lower ones often quite horseshoe-shaped. MeU, L ii,
In d , 2. p . 240.
Hab. Japan and China.
192. A. (Athyr.) Filix-foemina, B e rn h .; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect,
straw-coloured or hrownish, scaly below ; f r . 1-3 ft. 1., 6-1-. in. br., oblong- an-
ceolate, with numerous pinnæ, the lower ones spreading, lanceolate ^ 6 1 0 . 1 .,
1-14 in. hr., cut down to a compressed winged rad iis into lanceolate or ovate-
rlioTnboidal p in n l, which are again deeply inciso-pimiatifid ; i « » « thm y hei^
ceous ; rachis naked, slender ; veins pinnate in the lobes ; son Imear-oblong, the
lower ones often curved.—7 //. Sp. 3. p. 217. B n t. 1 .1 . 35.