sometimes slightly pubescent ; veins close, simple, or once forked, the sori
running along all of them, hut stopping a space short of the edge.—i f t . Sp. 5.
p . 146. Coniogramme, Fée.
Hab. N. India {up to 8,000 ft.) and Japan to the Sandwich Isles, Fiji, Malayan Islands,
and Ceylon, Fernando Po, Cameroon Mountains, and St. Thomas, West Tropical Africa.
—We include here three species of Fée, 0. sernlata, javamca, and serra, and O. pilosa,
Brack., as a hairy form. Diplazium fraxineum, Don, appears to be the oldest name.
Frond Sp. 30-45.
36. G. SchomburgMana, Kze. ; st. tufted, 6-9 in. 1., naked, glossy, dark
chesnut-hrown, flexuose ; f r . 2-6 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., ovate-lanceolate, trip in natifid
lower pinnæ deltoid, cut down to the rachis into spathulate cleft or
pinnatifid p in n l.; texture subcoriaceous ; racUs wiry like the stem ; veins
flabellate ; upper surface with a few firm hairs on the veins : sori irreo-ular _
/ f t . Sp. B .p . 127. 2nd Gent. t. 92.
Hab. British Guiana, Richd. Scltomburgk 119S, Appun 1091.
37. G. aureo-nitens, H k . ; st. stout, densely clothed with deciduous dark-
ferruginous tomentum ; the rachis very flexuose and zigzag ; p innæ on stalks
J-1 iu. 1., lanceolate-deltoid, the largest 4-0 in. 1., 2-3 in. hi-., cut down to the
rachis below into blunt irregular subdeitoid pinnl. with broad blu n t lohes;
texture thick ; under surface and racMs densely matted with bright ferruoinous
tomentum ; sori hidden, elongated, simple or forked.—/ / / . Sp. b". p . 130. " Ic. t.
820. Eriosorus, Fée.
Hab. Peru.—A fragment from Ecuador resembles thia in cutting and habit, but is much
less woolly, with naked ebeneous rachises.
38. G. Matthewsii, H k . ; st. tufted, 4-6 in. 1., glossy, da rk chesnut-brown,
clothed with deciduous dense brown hairs ; f r . 12-16 in. 1., 4-6 in. br., ohlong-
lanceolate, trip in n a tifid ; law er pinnoe distant, lanceolate-deltoid, 2 in. 1., l i n .
Dr., cut down to the rachis below into oblong-deltoid b lu n t pinnl. with broad
rounded lobes, lowest pinnæ distant and reduced ; texture coriaceous ; rachis
densely matted witb brown hairs, and both sides pilose ; mins conspicuous,
flabellate ; sori brown.—Hh. Sp. 5. p . 128. t. 290. ’
Hab. Peru, Matthews, 1814.
39. G.^ Wficewicrii, Mett. ; st. 6-8 in. ]., reddish, slightly hairy, at last naked ;
f r . 6-15 in. 1., 2-4 in. br., oblong-lanceolate, tripinnatifid ; pinnoe 2 J in. h, lax
sessile or stalked, ovate-rhomboidal or ovate-ohlong obtuse, cut down nearly or
below quite to the rachis into ovate-rhomboidal obtuse pmnatifid ? « « « /, lower
pmnæ distant reduced ; texture coriaceous, r ig id ; upper surface naked, the
lower and reddish flexuose rachis slightly h a iry ; veins flabellate.—ll/eii. F il.
Nov. Gran. p . 211.
Hab. New Granada.
40. G. cheilanthmdes, Kaulf. ; st. tufted, 3-6 iu. 1., wiry, slender, glossy, dark
chesnut-hrown; /» . 6-10 in .l., 1 in. hr., ligulate, trip in n a tifid ; » « « ¿ close,
deltoid, 2 in. 1., nearly as broad, the upper lobes simple, linear-oblong, the lower
ones forked or trifid, the largest ult. divisions 1 lin. 1., J lin. br. ; texture
herbaceous, the glossy castaneous rachis and both sides slightly pilose ; veins
1 to each u lt. division ; sori oblong.—/ / / . Sp. 5. p . 135. I lk . £ Gr. Ic. t. 24.
Hab. Mauritius and Tristan d’Acunha.
41. G. flabellata, H k . ; st. 3-4 in. 1., wiry, glossy, da rk chesnut-hrown ; f r .
3 83
8--12 12 in.i
l-J-2 in. hr., elongate-oblong, tripinnatifid ; pinmæ distant, alternate,
erecto-recto-patent, 1-1J in. ].,1., J - | in. hr., the lower pinnl.?« * « / s stalked,’..................................
as broad as long,
cuneato-flabellate, deejily lobed, the lobes oblong, blunt ; texture herbaceous ;
both sides and the castaneous raohis pilose ; veins and sori one to each lobe the
la tte r confluent iu the centre of the pinnules.—I lk . Sp. B. p . 134. ’
Hab. Andes of Ecuador, Jameson.
42. G. mÿriophÿlla, Sw. ; st. 6-12 in. 1., reddish-hrown, more or less villose ;
f r . 12-18 in. 1., 4-6 in. hr., ohlong-lanceolate, tripinnatifid ; pinnce distant, Ian?
ceolate, 2-3 in. 1., 1 in. br. ; pinnl. lanceolate, cut down to the rachis helow into
suborbicular or oblong toothed or pinnatifid segm. ; texture herbaceous ; rachis
and both sides pubescent ; veins 1 to each ult. division ; sw i oblong, confluent iu
the centre of the segments.—/ / / . Sp. B. p . 134.
Hab. Brazil.
43. G. pedata, Kaulf. ; rhizome creeping ; st. distant, 6-12 in. 1., fragile, glossy,
b right chesnut-brown ; f r . 4-6 in. each way, lower p innæ much the largest,
the upper ones lanceolate, wdth linear-ohlong entire or slightly toothed lobes
J - | in. I., J in. br. ; lowest pinnl. 1-2 in. 1., with similar divisions ; texture herbaceous
; upper surface slightly hispid, lower pubescent, especially on the midrib ;
sori confluent, forming an in trama rginal hand.—R k . Sp. B .p . Ï31.
H a b . Mexico a n d G u a tem a la .—Distmguislied b y its p ed a te h ab it.
44. G. leptophylla, Desv. ; S t . 1-4 in. 1., tufted, slender, glossy, chesnut-brown •
f r . 2-4 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., ovate or deltoid, bi- or tripinnate, the barren ones
smaller and on shorter stems ; segm. cuneato-flabellate, cut from the circumference
to the centre into linear or ohlong lobes J lin. hr. ; texture pellucido-
herbaceous ; a single vein and line of fru it carried into each ult. lobe.—/ f t . Sn.
B. p . 136. B . F . t . l . I lk . ? Gr. t. 26.
H a b . Je rs e y an d shores o f th e M ed ite rran e an , B a rb a ry S ta te s , Azores, M ad eira, Canarie
s, Ab y ssin ia, Cape Colony, P e rs ia , N eilg h erries, N ew S o u th Wales, V a n Diemen’s
Lan d , N ew Ze aland, A n d es of Mexico an d E c u a d o r .-T h is an d th e tw o n e x t a re an n u a l,
au d form th e g en u s Anogramma of L in k .
46. G. Ascensionis, H k . ; st. 1-2 in. 1., tufted, slender, almost filiform, greenish
or chesnut-brown ; f r . 2-3 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., deltoid, bi- or tripinnatifid ; low'er
p in noe deltoid ; segm. rhomhoidal, flabellately cut, the lohes short and rather
acute ; texture thin-herhaceous ; veins and linear sori 1 to each u lt. lobe. / f t .
Sp. 6. p . 137.—2nd Gent. t. 07.
H a b . Ascension Islan d , Dr. Hooker, Dr. Curror.—TUia comes v e ry n e a r some o f th e
forms o f th e n e x t species.
Fronds Sp. 46-50.
46. G. chærophylla, Desv. ; st. tnfted, slender, 3-6 in. 1., green upwards,
chesnut-brown near the base ; f r . 3-6 in. I., 2-4 iu. br., ovate or deltoid, quadripinnatifid
; lower p in noe and pinnl. deltoid ; segm. flabellately cut, the ult.
divisions short, ohlong, suhacute ; te.vture pellucido-herbaceous, a vein and soi-us
to each u lt. division, the la tte r confluent in the centre of the segments.—/ f t . S v .
6. p . 131. I l k . Gr. t. 46.
Hab. Cuba and Guatemala to Buenos Ayres and Paraguay.
47. G. microphylla, H k . ; st. densely tufted, 2-4 in. 1., slender, fragile, glossy,
chesnut-brown; f r . lJ -3 in. ]., 1-1J in. hr., deltoid, quadripinnatifid ; pinnæ
close, the low'er ones deltoid ; pinnl. deltoid ; ult. divisions under 1 lin. 1., ha lf as
■ :