8. M. serratum, Cav. ; st. 1-3 ft. 1., stout, brownish, glossy ; f r . 3-4 ft. or
more 1., 1 ft. or more br. ; pinnoe 1-3 iu. apart, 6-12 in. 1., j- 2 in. br., oblong-
lanceolate, the base cordate or cuneate, the apex acuminate, the edge finely
to o th ed ; texture subcoriaceous; both sides n a k e d ; main veins j in. a p a r t;
areolce 12-20 between the midrib and edge.—/ / / . Sp. 5. p . 165. M. palustre,
Hab._ Mexico and West Indies to Brazil and Peru. — Doubtfully distmct from
M. reticulatuiii.
9. M. cuspidatum, B lum e ; st.1 -2 ft. 1., stout, naked ; f r . 2-4 ft. 1., 1 ft. or
more br. ; p innoe 6-9 in. L, 1-3 in. br., the point acuminate, the edge nearly
entire, the base cuneate or rounded, often slightly stalked ; texture subcoriaceous ;
racliis and both sides naked or nearly so ; main veins 1^-2 lin. ap a rt : areolæ
6-20 between the midrib and edge.—Blume, t. 45.
Hab. Himalayas, Malaccas, Philippines.—Very probably a Meniscioid form of Polyp,
urophyllum, with which Hooker united it. M. villomm, J. Sm., and M. Parishii, Beddome,
have pubescent and more herbaceous pinnæ than the form described above, and
M. Cumingii, Fée, is a glabrous form, with narrower and thinner pinnæ, the lateral
ones few or sometimes absent.
10. M. raiculatum, Sw. ; st. tufted, 1-3 ft. 1., stout, brownish, glossy ; f r . 2-4
ft. 1., ] ft. or more br. ; p in noe 6-12 in. 1., 1-4 in. br., the apex acuminate, the
edge entire or subrepand, the base rounded or cuneate ; texture subcoriaceous ;
rachis and both sides naked or slightly pubescent ; main veins 1 - l j lin. apa rt •
areolm 8-12 between the midrib and edg¿.—/? / . Sp. 5. p . 165. '
Hab. Mexico and West Indies to Brazil and Peru.—M. num'ophyllwm, Kze., appears
to be a form with a few large pinnæ. M. molle, Mett., gathered in New Granada by
iVI. Iriana, has the rachis and under surface softly hairy, and quite entire pinnæ 1 ft. 1.,
1 in. br., truncate on the upper and rounded on the lower side at the base. M. sorU-
jutmm, VVilld. (M. Kapplerianum, Fée), is a form with narrower pinnæ than usual, the
lower ones shghtly stalked. ’
Gen . 5S. A n t r o p h y u m , Kaulf.
Sori carried along the veins, imperfectly reticulated. A small genus o f closely
maea species almost restricted to the tropics, all with simple fro n d s o f firm hut
fleshy texture and copious uniform hexagonal areolæ. T ab. VI. fig. 6S.
* S o ri sunk in a distinct groove. Sp. 1-8.
1. A . Uneatum, Kaulf. ; f r . 6-12 in. L, J - J in. hr., the point acute, the edge
entire, the lower h a lf narrowed very gradually to the base ; a distinct slender
raised midrib throughout ; areolæ very long and narrow ; sori in 2-3 almost
continuous lines on each side of the midrib parallel with it, sunk in deep furrows
with raised edges.—i f t . Sp. S. p . 175. Polytænium, Desv.
Hab. Cuba and Mexico to Ecuador and Brazil.—Habit of rittaria, but the sori multi-
2. A . mdfalcatum. Brack. ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., J - f in. hr., the point acute, the edge
entire, the lower pa rt narrowed very gradually to the base or a short stem, an
indistinct midrib in the lower p a rt ; areolæ vertical, about two on each side the
midrih, several times longer th an broad ; sori moderately immersed, in 2-4 long
¿ £ ’¿ 7 9 ’ P- 175. A. Brookei, H k . 2nd
Hab. Borneo, Fiji, and Samoa.
3. A. immersum, Mett. MSS. ; / r . 2-4 in. 1., J - f in. hr., narrowed gradually to an
acute point and at the base to a short stem ; texture thick ; no distmct midrib;
central areolæ vertical, long and narrow ; veins distinctly raised on the upper
surface ; sm-i quite immersed, often forked.—Hemionitis, Bory. A. pumilum,
K a u lf H k . Sp. 6. p . 170.
Hab. Mauritius and Bourbon.
4. A. coriaceum, N s X \ . f r . 6-8 in. I., j - | in. br., narrowed very graduaUy
from the centre to the hase and an acute point ; texture very thick ; no midrih;
the areolæ very long and narrow*, very distinctly raised on the upper surface ; the
sori quite immersed, sometimes confluent.—/ / / . 168.
Hab. Himalayas, the Philippi
. /S)?. 5. p.
ine and Malayan Isles.—A. nanum, Fée, is as coriaceous in
texture, but not so plicate. In our specimens the fronds are oblong-spathulate, and only
1 in. 1., so that it is very doubtful whether the plant be not an undeveloped condition of
some of the other species.
5. A. plantagineum, Kaulf. ; f r . 6-9 in. 1., lJ -2 in. hr., broadest one-third of
the way down, the point acute, the lower p a rt narrowed gradually into a stem
1-4 in. 1. ; no midrib; areolæ 1-3 in. 1., J in. hr. ; the sori copious, deeply
immersed, often uniting.—ß, A . angustatum. Brack. ; texture thinner ; f r . hgu-
late, 1 ft. 1., I in. hr. ; S t . 6 in. 1.—« / . Sp. 6. p . 170. A. Lessom, Bory. H k .
Sp. 5. p . 168.
Hab. Ceylon, Himalayas, and Malay ; Philippine and Polynesian laXea.—A. parvulwm,
Blume, looks like a small narrow-fronded form of this.
6. A. Cumingii, Fée ; f r . 18 in. 1., 1-1J in. hr., ligulate, about equal in width
in the central half, narrowed very gradually to the base and an acute point,
with a black midrib in the lower quarter, the central areolæ several inches long
and not more th an J lin. br. ; sori very slender, deep-sunk, often joining, the
edge of the furrow ra th e r raised.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 167.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 416.—The Javan A. latipes, Kze., appears to be nearest
to this.
7. A. r e t i c u l a t u m , Kaulf. ; f r . C-15 in. 1., lJ -2 in. hr., broadest about one-
th ird of the way down, the point blunt or acute, the lower p a rt narrowed very
gradually to the base or a short compressed stem ; m i d r i h scarcely any ; a r c o læ _
several in. 1., 1 - lJ lin. hr., very distinctly raised on the upper surface ; son
copious, often joining, raised above the surface.—Hk. Sp. B .p . 163.
Hab. Himalayas, Ceylon, and Malaccas to Aneiteum and Queensland.—A. callcefolium,
Blume, does not seem to be clearly distinguishable.
8. A. semicostatum, Blume ; f r . 6-18 in. 1., 2-4_ in. hr., broadest about one-
th ird of the way down, narrowed to an acute point and very gradually to the
base or a short stem, the edge entire, with a distinct blackish midrib in the lower
half, the central areolæ often 2-3 iu. 1., J in. hr. ; sori copious, often joining,
rising above the surface.—H . Sp. 5. p . 168.
Hab. Ceylon, Malaccas, Philippines and Polynesian Isles.—Species 2 to 8 come very
near to one another, and cannot be regarded as clearly distinct.
** Sori superficial or but slightly immersed. Sp. 9-16.
9. A. ensiforme, H k . ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., J - J in. br., ligulate the point acute, the
edge entire, the lower p a rt narrowed very gradually from halfway do^i^ to the
base ; midrih broad, obscure, lost upwards ; veins sunk, forming 3-4 rows oi
irregular hexagonal areolæ between the midrib and edge ; son raised above the
3 D