I? i'»'
9 2
Hab. New Zealand.—Allied to B.
s, but much larger in size, with broader more
divided segments.
20. D. (Leucos.) cliasrophylla, Wallich ; rhizome wide-creepiug, clothed with
broad obtuse adpressed scales ; st. 4-6 in. 1., naked ; f r . 9-1-5 in. 1., 4-8 in. br.,
lanceolate-deltoid, tri- or quadripinnatifid ; Xawosh pinnl. 1-2 in. 1., 1 in. br., cut
down to a narrowly-winged rachis into deeply pinnatifid segm., ultimate lobes
narrow and acute in the fertile, rather broader in the barren frond ; texture
th in ly herbaceous, rather flaccid ; sori copious, placed a t the base of the teeth of
the segments, which they about equal in breadth.—H h . Sp. F il. 1. p . 167. t. 51. A.
Cystopteris squamata, Dec., i l k . Sp. Fil. 1. p . 201.
Hab. North of India, ascending in the Himalayas to 9-10,000 ft,. Cashmere, Neilgherries,
Ceylon, Malayan Peninsula.
21. D. (Leucos.) parm la, Wallich ; rhizome wide-creeping_, scaly ; st. 1-2 in. 1.,
o r / n subsessile, 4 - f in. 1. by 4 in- i»'-; deltoid in outline, bi- or tripinnate, with
all the divisions of the frond almost filiform and the ultimate segm. sharp a t the
p o in t; texture coriaceous ; sori placed a t the sinuses of the ultimate forks ; invol.
broader th an the segments.—H k , Sp. l . p . 160. H k . £ Gr. Ic. Fil. 138.
Hab. Singapore and Borneo.—Placed by Mettenius in Humata, with which it quite
in habit.
22. D. (Leucos.) ajjinis, Hk. ; rhizome thick, densely clothed with sharp-
pointed ferruginous scales ; St. 4-9 in. 1., erect, strong ; f r , 12-24 in. 1., 6-12 in.
br., deltoid-lanceolate, tri- or quadripinnate ; lower pinnl. with oblong rliom-
boidal lobes, the segm. of which are deeply and finely inciso-pinnatifld with
sharp teeth ; texture herbaceous ; sori 2 to 6 to a segment, small, placed a t the
base of the teeth.—Hk. Sp. 1. p . 168. t. 62. B.
Hab. Neilgherries, Ceylon, Java, and Polynesian Islands, frequent.—Lowest pinnules
often 2 in. 1., 1 in. br. Very like B. chatrophylla in texture and cutting, but much
23. D. (Leucos.) nodosa, H k . ; f r . tufted ; St. 12-24 in. 1., strong, erect, scaly
below ; f r . 2-4 ft. 1., broadly ovate, quadripinnate ; lower pinnoe 12-18 in. 1., 6-9
in. br. ; lower pinnl. lanceolate, 4-6 in. 1., 2 in. hr., the segm. cut down to the
rachis with distant, small, ra th e r bluntly-toothed oblong-deltoid lobes ; texture
herbaceous ; sori small, 1 to 4 to a lobe, placed between the costa and margin.
—I lk . Sp. l . p . 157. Kew Gard. Misc. 9. i. 10. Acrophorus, P m /
Hab. North Hindostán, ascending in Sikkim to 7-10,000 ft., Malayan Peninsula, Java.
—Fronds like those of an Alsophila, but habit not arborescent. I t is the original Acro-
pliorus of Presl.
24. D. (Leucos.) trichomanoides, H k . ; st. 6-9 in. 1., erect, strong ; f r . 9-18 in. 1.,
6-9 in. br., supra-decompound ; pinnl. of the lower pinnæ 2-3 in. 1., 1 in. hr.,
deltoid, th e ir segments cut down to the rachis, and the lohes again out down into
linear-filiform ultimate divisions, about -4 lin. 1. ; texture th in ly herbaceous ; sori
placed a t the dilated apices of the ultimate divisions ; invol. oblong.—H k . 2nd
Cent. Ferns, t. 64. D. ferulacea, Moore.
Hab. Fiji Islands ; gathered by Mr. Milne.
§§§ Odontoloma. Invol. as in Leucostegia, but with a tendency to become confluent,
and ihe pinnules pellucido-herbaceous in texture and dimidiate {resembling a quarter
o f a circle) in shape. Sp. 26-30. A small natural group very near the dimidiate
Lindsayoe. AU hut one are inhabitants o f S. E . A s ia and Polynesia, one being
S. American and one Mauritian.
* Fronds not branched. Sp. 26-27.
26. D. (Odont.) hymenophylloides, Baker ; rhizome wide-creeping, slender, scandent,
paleaceous ; f r . subsessile, simply pinnate, 4-6 in. 1., about f in. br. ; pinnæ
l |- 2 lin. deep, cut down into narrow simple or forked linear segments to a nearly
straight rachis ; texture thinly herbaceous, both surfaces naked ; sori subrotund.
—Lindsæa, Blume, E m m . F il. Jav. p . 218.
Hab. Java. — This agrees with 0. triquetra, except that the main rachis is not
26. D. (Odont.) pulehella, Hk. ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping, and much
branched ; S t . slender, wiry, erect, naked, 2-3 in. 1. ; f r . 4-12 in. 1., 4 - | in. br. ;
pnnnæ slightly stalked, about 4 in. across, 4 in- deep, the lower margin more
or less curved upwards, oblique at the base, the upper cut into 2 to 4 blunt
lobes ; texture herbaceous, rachis and both surfaces naked ; sori small, placed
in the lobes a t a short distance from the edge ; veins sometimes anastomosing
a t the apex, and then their sori become confluent.—Hk. Sp. 1. p . 177. t. 548.
Synaphlebinm Pickeringii, Brack, p . 223. t. 60.
Hab. Philippine Islands, Fiji, and Samoa.—The original Philippine 0, pulehella quite
corresponds with Dr. Seemann’s smaller specimens of the Feejean plant.
27. D. (Odont.) repens, Desv. ; rhizome wide-creeping, paleaceous, climbing ;
f r . simply pinnate, 8-18 in. 1., 4 - l | m- > pinnoe j- 4 in. 1., about ha lf as broad
as deep, the lower line slightly curved, oblique a t the base, the upper rounded,
nearly entire or crenately lobed ; texture pellucido-herbaceous ; sori marginal,
large, about as broad as deep, often confluent in the not crenated form.—D.
Boryana, Presl, I l k . Sp. 1. p . 176. D. hemiptera, Bory, I lk . Sp. 1. p . 176.
Hab. Assam, Neilgherries, Ceylon, Java, Sumatra, Polynesian Islands, and Mauritius.
—Very variable iu size. Quite doubtful between Odontoloma and Lmdsaya, and perhaps
not distinct from L. t ...............
** Fronds more or less branched. Sp. 28-30.
28. D. (Odont.) Parkeri, H k . ; rhizome slender, creeping ; st. flexuose, wiry,
naked, 2-6 in. 1. ; f r . simple or branched, w’ith one or two pairs of later.al pinnæ ;
the main fr. 4-6 in. 1., about | in. br. ; pinnl. a quarter of a circle, about | in.
br., 4 in. deep, the outer edge slightly crenate ; texture herbaceous, both surfaces
naked ; sori small, submarginal ; invol. ratlier broader th an deep.—I lk . Sp. 1. p.
176. t. 63.
Hab. British Guiana.—Like 0. pulehella, but the rachis branched.
29. D. (Odont.) triquetra. Baker ; rhizome creeping,fibrillose ; St. strong, erect,
4-6 in. 1. ; f r . with 2 to 7 pairs of pinnæ and a terminal one ; lateral pinnæ spreading
with suhrigid rachises, 3-4 in. 1., 4 - f iu- bi’- ; pinnl. cut down on the upper
side into narrow’ simple or forked linear segments to a nearly straight flattened
leafy rachis ; texture pellucido-herbaceous, both surfaces naked ; sori small,
terminal on the segments ; invol. suborhicular. — Lmdsaya triq u e tra , Metten.
0 . tenuifolia. Brack, non J . Sm.
Hab. Java, Zollinger, 3714.—Gathered in Samoa by the American Expedition under
Captain Wilkes ; and beautiful specimens have recently been forwarded from the same
group by the Rev. T. Powell.
30. D. (Odont.)
f r . 8-12 in. 1., 6-8 in. br.
, Hk. ; rhizmne creeping ; st. strong, erect, 4-6 in. I. ;
bipinnate ; pinnæ rigid, erecto-patent, 4-6 in. 1., 4 in.