14 2. GLEICnENIA, § mertensia. 3. TIIYRSOPTERIS.
2 ft. 1 ., 1 - 2 111. b r pcctinato - piiinatifid, clotlied with cohwehhy, deciduous
pubescence, generally ferruginous beneath ; segm. s[.reading, linear, obtuse or
ie tuse ;(M^i. 2-5, often concealed among the pubescence.—/7L S p . t .p . 8 . M. immersa,
A / . U h .e tG r e v .Ie .F .t.F o (excellent). Gl. tomentosa, Aw. I lk . S p . l . p .\?,
—/3 more or less glabrous. M. furcata, Aw. G. Mathewsii, H k . S p .p f ÿ . t . I . B
M. fainiosa, K lf. I lk . Sp. p . D.—y longipimiata ; pinnae 2 ft. 1., 3 in. wide.
G. longipniiiata, H k . jSp. 1 . p . 9 . M. grandis, Fée, in Hb. nostr.
Hab Tropical America abundant ; very variable in the more or less decurrent lobes
ot tlie trond, and in the presence or absence of tomentum and scales.
18. G. (Mert ) Owhphensis, I lk . ; above miicli compressed, and winged with
2 elevated ciliated lateral lines ; fro n d s subcoriaceous, 3 - 4 times or more dicho-
toinous, leafy ; pinnce lanceolate, acuminate, a span to 1 ft. 1 ., 2 -2 i in. w. : seam
linear, h o rizo n t^ , tapering and acute, cobwebby on the costa and veins beneath •
ca p s .% 4 .~H k . Sp. \ .p . 9 . Mert. ITawaiensis, .¿imcL XI. S .E x p l.E x p .p . 2 9 5 ^
Hab. Owhybee. Macrae, Braekaindge.
19. G. CKevt.) flagellaris, Spr. ; branches of th e / r . glabrous, repeatedly dichotomous,
copiously foliaceous, glabrous, often glaucous beneath, subcoriaceo-mem-
branaceous ; erecto-patent or divaricating, extremely variable, broad- or
narrow- or linear-lanceolate, 6 - 6 in. to a ft. and more 1 . ; segm. | - 2 in. and more 1
linear, sometimes ferrugineo-tomentose a t the base beneath ; caps. 2-4.—H k Sp l ’
0 -7^Y Mertensia, ftorj-. G. lævigata, W . H k . Sp. \ . p . 10 G. hifiircata, ¿A
H®l-t-P'“™æformis, F r. E p im .p . 2 4 .1 .16 (verygood). G. brac-
contracted)* (axillary gemmae pectinato-bracteated ; branches of t h e / n
Hab. Mauritius and Bourbon, Madagascar ; Java and Malay Islands abundant • Fiii
Mdeie.— Th& Malayan form of this is very large and rigid, yet the ramification and thé
copious foliaceous branches are the same as in the Mauritian aud Madagascar form.
1 hirta, Bl. ; “f r . chartaceous when dry, opaque, green above,
beneath cæntleo-pniinate (very glaucous on the rachises and costæ), togetheé
with the (small) gemmæ densely paleaceous with ferruginous, lanceolate
paler a t the margm and ciliated, a t length bare on the costæ, many times dicho^
tomous ; branches adscendenti-fiabellate ; prim, ones 1 in. 1 ., nudate ; second, ones
ig in. i., subiiudate ; tertiary ones subeloiigate ; ult. ones (or pinnae') 7 - 0 in 1
standing^ at an angle of 30“ linear, gradually attenuated, deeply pinnatifid ; lobes
8 in. h, l y in. hr. (oblong-) linear, obtuse, slightly curved, the margin revolute,
the sides entire, the apex denticulate ; veins lax, slender ; sori between the costà
mid the margin, of 3-Ò capsi’ M e t t .-H k . Sp. 1. p . 1 1 . MeU. in Miq. A n n . Mus.
Bot. L . B a t. 1. p . 48.
Hab. Malay IsHnds, AAwoerdi, Sir W. Norris.—I t is but recently that I have received
specimens of this from Sir W. Norris, but unfortunately all sterile ones.
2 1 . G. (M e rt.) vestita, Bl. ; “ f r . chartaceous or subcoriaceous, d a ik opaque-
gieen aliove, pruinose beneath, ferruginously fimliriato-paleaceoiis on i\\e rachises
costae, and gemniae, many times dichotomous ; in f. branches 1 - 2 in. ]., subdiver<rent •’
idt. ones (mpinnae) 6 - 8 in. 1., all deeply pinnatifid ; segm. approximate, patent, 4 - 6
lines J., 2a lines hr., oblong or ovato-oblong, ra th e r obtuse or shortly apiculate,
entire; (/mî/îoepimiatifiilly braoteated ; »«nslax ,ev id en t beneath,promineiitabovc •
caps.6 , large, Mett.— H k .S q i.l.p . 10. Mett. in. Miq. A n n . Mus.Bot.L.Bat.p>. 48. ’
Hab. Malay Islands, Blume, Van Ilasselt. — I possess authentic specimens of this
from Blume quite glaucous beneath; those from Gedd (Van Ilasselt) are not .at all
glaueons.^ Blume notices its close affinity with G. lævigata, which we unite with G. iaqel-
laris I t IS a stouter-growing plant, with broader and shorter segments. Mettenius, With
1®'•'“ ''“t ‘o be looked upon as a large form of (?. iwolttia (n. 15), with
laige and less ciliated cbafFy scales and more distinct veins.
§§§ Skpes zigzag, branched ; branches bearinq from 1-3 pairs o f fork ed divari-
eaung pinnce ; segments iiever decurrent. Sp. 22,
9vnonvms). JViertensia iiLivos>a, Mi-vjo. j j. a
Hab S. America con^^^^^^
giaVoous! “ Soriof 8-10 capsules, à . nervosa, Klfs., is merely a young form of this. ^
/ o S branches (not o f the fro n d ). Segments never decurrent. Sp. 23.
Sp. T
L th e y are m the glabrous var. of G.
m M r n m m m à nriinarv divisions of the stipes are scarcely dichotomous, but ,
A iNVOLDCRATiE. Sori fum ish e d with an involucre (except in Alsophila).
T r ib e I -V I I I . Gen. 3-47.
T ribe 1. Cyatheæ.
opening at the summit, or breaking down, with a more or less tegular m a r g m .- ta u d .
very generally arborescent. Tropical or subtropical. Gen . 3-8.
G e n . 3. T h y r s o p t e r i s , Kse.
fertile ones 8-qnnnate, o f which each pinnule becomes a raceme o f stalked m volucies.
T ab. 1. f. 3.