TT»h Tava Bl in Herb, nostr. ( b u t s t e r i l e ) , - a n d C e l e b e s . - I possess what I consider
onUe a n o S idant with membranaceous fronds, and quite free rom scales beneath ex-
AL a W mTnLte widely scattered búllate ones, from Dr. Miquel, under the name, from
Java' and what l ’believe to be the same also, but quite destitute of búllate scales, from
Mr. Parish, Moulmein ; both in too imperfect a state to merit furthei notice.
(11 A crenulata, Mett. ; “f r . bipinnate (or 3-pinnatifid) submembranaceous,
beneath'bullato-squamulose on the costæ ; oTthe
ninnatifid • seam linear-oblong, obtuse, serrulate ; son (1-4) neai the base ot the
tomentose“èbove, asperulons beneath ; arboreous. -
B l. E n . Fil. J a v .p . 246, under A ls . extensa, excl. b p i. (Mett.).
Hab Tava Blume in Hb. nostr.-Some Indian Álsophüce, in my Herbarium, I am
unable'té refer to any known species, nor are the specimens sufficiently perfect to justify
me in describing them.
62 A tristis, BI. ; st. as thick as a goose-qnill, 2 ft. 1. and more da rk purple,
glossy, and as well as the main rachis {oí the same colour) A E™ / r^Ad'mAre’
f r . sifhcoriaceous, blackish-brown when dry, ovato- anoeo ate, o ^ 3 ; =7 w ’
tripinnate ; prim, pinnce distant (3 -4 in. apa rt below), 1 ft. 1., often 4 in. w.,
ovato-lanceolate, much acuminated ; s c c i m c l . ptnnce 2-3 in. ®AAA¥ft''Clf"wAv’
ultimate pinnl. sessile, 3-5 lines L, oblong-obtuse, mciso-pmnatifid about krif-way
to the costule ; upper portion of the main raclas, the secund. racjases, and cotta especially
beneath, furfuraceo-hirsute ; veins pinnated in the ultimate pmnules ; son
lar»e one to each lobule ; capsules, when young, apparently agglutinated, close-
pressed ; receptacle elevated. Alsophila tnstis, B l. m III), nottr. Cystopteiis,
Metten. in Hh.
somewhat a lied to name olive-brown ; ultimate
scLro” 2®lines 1., oblong-obtase, sessile, pinnatifido serrate, laxly villous, as is the pale
rachis ; veins pinnated ; one small sorus on the superior basal vein, of few capsules. I t
is probably a Phegopteris.
63. A. suhglandulosa, Hance ; st. densely clothed at the base wMi long flaccfo
linear light-bi-own scales ; f r . ample, tripinnate ; lower jpunai X ft. 1.) pinnules
lanceolate pinnatifid, the lower segments cut down nearly to the rachis ciliated
a t the edge with glandular hairs ; the lateral veins once foriced ; / n m .
densely clothed with small linear dark-coloured scales, te x tu ie heibaceous
; sori copious.
Hab. Island of Formosa, gathered by the late Mr. Oldham. Our specimens have the
fronds about 2 ft. 1. by 1 ft. br.
{Species o f Tropical A frica, Sp. 64, 65.)
64. A. MUo p ica , Welw. msc., H k . ; eaud. 3-6 ft. 1., 2-3 in. w., knotted with
laro-e tubercles, the cicatrices of the fallen stipites ; tt. thick as a goose-quill,
a s^an and more long, asperous with small tubercles nearly smooth on the inam
rachis, purplish on the upper side ; fronds hrm-membranaoeous, da rk 8™®«, 4 ft.
and more 1., broad-lanceolate, quite glabrous, except on the cost* and costules,
which are hairy on botii sides, pinnated ; pinn<n 8AB in. 1., sittscssile, ^ o"»;
acuminate, pinnated below, the rest deeply pinnatifid with lobes \ in. 1. ob ong-
sublanceolate, scarcely falcate, acute, more or less coarse y seraated ; foiked ,
sori a t the forks, copious, ra th e r nearer the costule th an the margin, oibiculai
compact.—A. Currori, H k ., Met.
Hab. Tropical Africa, S. ot the Line, Dr. Currm-; Angola, Golungo alto, alt. 1,000-
2,400 ft., Welwitsch, n. 116 and 116k—A very peculiar aud well-marked species.
65. A. K H k . ; tkicker t h a n _ a ^ W s ^ l ^ ^ ^
1 .1 .. ^1.^ «.1./XQT1 CÍ>í1VP.p 1 v
small, promiimui'j — .......... - . .,h lh
Hab. Sierra de,
E. Trot ï f c , gather'ed by Dn Kirk .-.t preceding Somewhat alhea to “ ^A rA d ^r; ¥ r .“ he 'pimwe aFe aallll ppeettiioollaattee,, 33 min
Johanna Island, B. Trop. Atr., ga 4 .g¿ especiaUy towards the base, the lobes
1., oblong, shortly acuminate, deeply free, glabrous ; costæ subrotundato
obsourely fo X d with scattered búllate scales beneath ; rachis
Gen. 7. Diacalpe, B l.
liard-meinhranaceons, entire, a t length buistiiig Veiy „ s
Caps, numerous, nearly sessile ; ring broad.— Iab . 1. i. (.
1. D. s, Bl. Hh. Sp. 1. / . 59. D. pseudo-Coenopteris, Kze. ?
Hab. Malay Islands; Sylhet and " ¿ . o ™ t 2 l t t é d * t L L A n t é 'oVless decnr-
ceous, o f t e n deciduously cnmte , ‘ ; ^ed with the Gyaiheoe than with the
gascariensis, Fée, Gen. Fil. p- 339. ?
Gen. 8. M a to n ia , Br,^
of the sori expanded into a firm-memhranaceous, umhrella-shaped,
ftcce/i. stipitate invol., which covers and encloses 6 large sessile caps.
free, except those abound the sori, which are closely
T ab . I. f. 8.
Hh. Sp. 5. p . 286.
1. M. Br. in Wall. F l. A s. E a r. 1 . 1 .16.
FiAmple“ 7 ;L “ V 2 f L . , S m o r i a c e o " , l o Î
fé e ‘( Z superior)ridé. Consequently all secund pectinato-pmnatifid.
T r i b e I I . D i o k s o n i e æ Hymenophylleæ).
free, ..........--
frequently cup-shaped,
free or anastomosing Gen. 9-14.
Gen. 9. Onoclea, L . Sw., Mett., Hh.
Sori dorsal, glohose, on the veins of the changed and ^ rv ^ tlito
fertile fr. and quite concealed by their revolute margins. Im o l. A 'T ’
delicate-membranaceous, hemispherical or half-cnpshaped, originating fiom the
S r T id r o f the soims, or L a n tin g .-C a n d . erect or creeping,
dimoi-phous, pinnate or pinnatifid, with free or anastomosing veins. Lmg e herbaceous
Ferns o f cold or temperate climates. I ab 1 .1. J.