is said to differ from this by its more flaccid fronds, and in the larger teeth of tbe segments
; and a plant (probably the same) was gathered in Tahiti by the American expedition
under Captain Wilkes. (See Brackenridge, p. 275.)
24. D. davallioides, R. Brown ; f r . tripinnate ; lower pinnm 6-9 in. 1., 3-4 in.
b r . ; pinnl. linear-acuminate, cut quite down to the ra c h is ; segm. ohlong-rhoin-
hoidal, deeply inciso-pinnatifid ; racliis, shining, not prickly, glahrous or nearly
so ; texture herbaceous, under surface slightly h a i r y ; sori 2 to 8 to a segment,
placed a t the base of the sinuses ; inml. subglobose, cup-shaped, J of a line across.
pil:. Sp. F il. l . p . 71. D. nitidiila, Kunze, M a t. F il. Lips. t. 28.
Hab. Australia, both temperate and tropical.—Habit of growth lax, and texture of the
frond thinner than in any of the other species. Fronds 2-4 ft. 1. ; lower segments under 4
in. 1., 2-3 lines hr., and finely cut. The Philippine Island D. cunéala (Hk. Sp. Fil. 1.
p. 80. t. 28. C.) seems to be a form of this with broader segments than usual.
25. D. Smithii, H k . ; f r . tripinnate ; lower pinnm 9-12 in. 1., 3-4 in. hr. ;
linear-acuminate, cu t down to the rachis throughout, wdth ra th e r distant, narrow,
acute segments ; lower segm. ^ in. 1., 2 lines br. ; rachises slightly inciso-pinnatifld ;
and under surface densely tomentoso-glandular ; texture subcoriaceous ; so n
2 to 8 to a segment ; invol. subglobose, cup-sliaped, j line across.—H k . Sp. F il. 1.
p . 80. t. 28. D.
Hab. Philippine Islands, Cuming.—Eaohises similar to those of D. flaccida, but pinnules
narrower and segments much smaller and less divided.
** Fntire fro n d m t more than 12-18 in. long. Sp. 26-29.
26. D. obtusifolia, Willd. ; rhizmne creeping ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 9 in. br. at the
widest part, simply pinnate only, oblong-lanceolate j pinnm linear, 4-6 in. 1.,
1 in. br., cut in the lower p a rt f down to the rachis into oblong-quadrangular
b lu n t lobes, with 2 or 3 shallow blu n t teeth on each side ; texture membranaceous
; rachises tomentose ; sori 2 to 6 to a pinnule ; invol. subglobose, cupshaped,
nearly ^ lin. across.—D. Bavoni, E k . Sp. F il. 1. p . 74. t. 26. A.
Hab. Andes of Peru, Barclay .—Vois coincides with D. adiantoides in the shape of the
lobes, but is simply pinnate only, so that a single large pinna of adiantoides equals in
size and division the whole frond here.
27. D. scabra, Wall. ; f r . 9-15 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., deltoid or lanceolate, hipin-
ite ; lowcr pinnm 4-8 in. 1., lanceolate ; pinnl. quite^ distinct, 1 -1 | in. 1., | in.
br., the lower ones cut down nearly to the rachis into numerous pinnatifid
oblong deltoid segments on both sides ; tex tu re herbaceous or subcoriaceous ;
rachis and under surface more or less hairy ; sori 2 to 6 to the lower segments ;
p-shaped, subglobose, J line across.—f t / . Sp. F il. 1. p . 80. t. 27. B.
D. deltoidea, H k .'S p . F il. 1. p . 80. t. 27. A. Sitolobium strigosnm, J . Sm.
Hab. India, from tbe Himalayas to Ceylon, Malayan Peninsula.—Stipe sometimes
1 ft. 1,, asperous, very hairy below ; rhizome wide-creeping.
28. D. punctiloha, H k .; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. hr., lanceolate, b ip in n a te ; lower
lanceolate, 4-6 in. 1., cut quite down to the rachis except at the top ;
^pinnl. ovate-rhomboidal, about ^ in. j in. hr., deeply pinnatifid texture th in ly
lierbaceous ; rachis and under surface more or less glanduloso-pilose ; sori 2 to
12 to a pinnule, placed a t the base of the sinuses ; invol. subglobose, cup-shaped,
J line across.—f t / . Sp. F il. 1 . / . 79.
Hab. Temperate N. America, from Canada southward to Carolina and Tennessee.
29. D. appendiculata, Wallich ; /»-.12-18 in. 1., 6 in. hr., lanceolate, bipinnate ;
lower pinnm linear-lanceolate, 3-4 in. 1., cut down quite to the rachis unless at
placed at the base of the sinuses ; mvol. cup-shaped, globose, j Ime across, f t
Sp. F il. 1. p. 79. t. 27. C.
and have creeping rhizomes.
G e n . 14. Depa bia . Hook. & Grev.
Sori protended from the
I H proliféra Hk. • fr . once fully p in n a te ; lower pinnoe about 6-9 in .l.,
I to’ h r ¿innatifid down throughout within a short distance of the rachis ,
a lobe extra-marginal, sessile or s t ip i t a t e .- f t / . Sp. F il. l . p . 8 5 , M l. Bxot.
D. Macraei, f t . & G. Ic. F il. 1.164.
Hab. Sandwich Islands.
Fil. l . p . 75. t. 88. H.
H«b Peru Slathered by Matthews and This resembles clo^sely Diclsonia
a ffïo id e s in babbit. I t has the lower part of the sori included within the margin, and
is placed by Moore in Dennstædia.
8 H Moorei H k . ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. hr,, cordate-deltoid in general out-
3. JJ. t o ? * ’ é nnatifld onW above ; lower pinnm 6-9 in. 1., 4-6 m. br., cut
d £™ \T t h e rachis below into deeply-pinnatifid broadly-tootlied lobes ; vans
down texture thinly herbaceous ; scrri copious, extra-marginal or stipit
T " i « i I X « 28."^ Cionidium,’ T. M o L . Trichocarpa, J . Smith.
Hab New Caledonia, gathered by C. Moore and LenormanL-K much smaller plant
th 7 t b e others, with t h i i broad, leafy fronds aud anastomosing venation.
T r i b e I I I . H y m e n o p h y l l e æ [i
Sori terminal or marginal from the apex o f a
form and long, and exserted more or less, especially
imbricated subpeltate compressed^ capsules, surrou
opening vertically. Invol. inferior, various in - -
the frond. Small often epiphytal Ferns, herbáceo
cellular, variously costate and veined, Caudex fre,^
[In Loxsoma the oblique ring o f the subpedicellate
are coriaceous.) G en . 15-17.
Recept. elongated, often fiM-
below clothed with sessile orbicular
'ed by a complete transverse ring,
qenerally o f the same texture as
i-membranaeeous, more or less laxly
uently long-creeping, andfiliforrn.
capsule is incomplete ; fhefr~~
m \