Il I
7. A. simmtum, B e a n v .; st. tufted, grooved in front, sliort, e re c t; f r . lan ceolate,
1 - 2 ft. 1 ., 1 -2 J in. br., narrowed to an acuminate apex and very gradually
below, tlie margin slightly undnlated but not toothed ; texture coriaceou.s; veins
1 lin. apart, usually simple ; sori narrow, often on every vein, reaching from near
tlie rachis nearly to tlie margin.—Hk. Sp. 3. p. 82. Fil. Ex. t. 01.
Hab. Guinea Coast southward to Angola.—A. venosum, Hk., does not seem safely
8 . A. Ctirrori, H k . ; si. scarcely any ; f r . lanceolate, 12-18 in. 1., l j i n . b r . ,
narrowed gradually to an acuininate apex, b u t suddenly at the base, the margin
slightly undulated ; texture subcoriaceous ; veins fine, u sua lly once hranclied,
about J in. a p a r t; sori not reaching by a space eitlier midrib or margin.—I lk ,
Sp. 8 . p . 82.
Hab. Guinea Coast ; gathered by Curror, Barter, and Mann.— Distinguished from
the last by its more distant and usually branched veins and broader sori.
9. A. eoriacemn. B a k e r; st. tufted, 2-3 in. 1., firm, compressed, winged ; f r .
9-12 in. 1., I J in. br., mucli acniiiinated at the apex, the edge veiy nearly entire,
narrowed below gradually into the winged stem ; texture very coriaceous ; veins
oblique and curved, hranclied a t tlie base and again at or above tlie middle, so
tb a t at tbe edge the veins th a t originate from one are J - f in. a p a r t ; sori distant,
very oblique, generally J in. 1.
Hab. Cameroon Mountains, G. Mann.
10. A. squamulatum, Blume ; St. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., strong, erect, scaly below ;
f r . lanceolate, 12-18 in. 1., 2-3 in. br., narrowed to an acuminate ajiex and very
gradually below into the stem, the margin entire ; texture very coriaceous ; veins
inconspicuous, 1 lin. apart, usually simple ; sori reaching from near the midrib
to J - J in. of the m a rg in ; rachis stout, pale, the lower p a rt furfuraceous.—I lk .
Sp. 3. p . 82.
Hab. Java, Borneo, Philippines.—Habit of J . Nidus, but the veins falling short of
the edge.
11. A. seolopendrioides, J . S m .; st. short, erect, scaly ; f r . lanceolate, nearly
1 ft. 1., I j - l J in. br., narrowed suddenly above to a long caudate apex, very
gradually into the stem below, the margin entire ; texture subcoriaceous ; veins
oblique, usua lly sim()le, 1 lin. a p a r t ; sori reaching from the midrib to within
J in. of the margin ; invol. leaving a distinct elevated ridge on the frond when it
separates. —I lk . Sp. 3. p . 84. Ic. P I. t. 980.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 318.—A fragment from Borneo exhibits the same raised
line where the involucre bursts, but the stein is much longer. Doubtfully distinct from
Sp. 13, with which it corresponds in texture and venation.
1 2 . K. Sundense, B lum e ; rhizome creeping, n a k e d ; st. short, erect, n a k e d ;
f r . lanceolate, 12-18 in. 1., lJ -3 iu. br., narrowed to an acute point and very
gradually into tlie stem below, the margin obscurely toothed ; texture coriaceous’;
veins^ simple, close, nearly horizontal, the copious sori often reaching from the
miiirib nearly to tlie edge.—I lk . Sp. 8 . p. 8 6 . A. vittaiforme, J . Sm.
Hab. Java, Philippines, Fiji.—An authentic example of Brackenridge’s A. amboinense
agrees with this. If Willdenow's plant be tbe same, that name has priority. This
belongs to tbe genus Miei'opodium of Mettenius, which includes the Aspleniece with the
mode of growth of Eupolypodium (Eremobrya, J . Smith).
13. A. Fejeense, B r a c k .; rhizome wide-climbing ; S t. 6 in. I., scaly below ; f r .
lanceolate, 18-24 in. 1., l-J-2 in. br., caudate or acuminate, often prolifei-ous at
the apex, narrowed below to a subtruncate base, the margin nearly entire ;
texture subcoriaceous ; veins oblique, occasionally branched, J in. apart ; son
reaching from tlie midrib nearly to the edge.—7 « . Sp. 3. p . 87.
Hab. Fiji, Samoa, and Aneiteum. Differs from the last by its more oblique and more
distant veins and longer and scaly stems.
14. A. simplicifrons, V. Muell. ; rhizome scaly ; f r . subsessile narrowed
gradually towards both ends, 12-18 in. 1., f - 1 m. br., the edgeentire or veiy
slightly undulated, the point acuminate ; texture subcoriaceous ; le tm almost
horizontal, parallel, simple, or foiked, 1 lin. a p a r t; sort not touching by a space
either edge or midrib.—Fragm. 5. p. 74.
Hab. Eockingbam Bay, Australia.—Dallaohy, Hill.
15. A. GriMtManum, Hk. ; S t. tufted, short, erect ; / « lanceolate 6-9 in .l .,
1 - 1 in .b r., the point acuminate, narrowing below very gradually, the maigiii
crenato-serrate ; texttire subcoriaceous ; vems distant, obscure, usua lly oime
forked ; sori reaching from the midrib two-thirds of the way to the edge. //A.
Sp. B .p . 87. t. 928.
Hab. Assam and Sikkim, ascending to 4,000 ft.-Eecognizable at once ^
by its distinctly crenated margin. A plant from Penang, gathered by Mactiei, agrees
with this except that it has a slender stem 6-9 in. 1.
16. A. Gauiieri, H k . ; ii. tufted, 1-3 in. 1-i/» )- basé
j - 1 in. br., the point acute, the upper p a rt slightly crenato-dentate tb !
larrowed ra th e r suddenly to a wing ? h ic h n a r r o w s very gradual y
stem, sometimes with one or a pair of small oblong_ b u n t lobes ‘T ia d fo !
t e x t t i r e herbaceous ; J in. apart, u sua lly 8 8 i 184
sori small, distant, not reaching either edge or m id r ib .-7 7 /. Sp. 3. p. 8 8 . i. 184.
Hab. Island of Nissobe, near Madagascar, Oauiier.-The smallest and most delicate
of the group.
17. A. serratum, Linn. ; S t. short, stout, erect ; f r . lJ -3 ^ K ^ ¿ ¿ ’oÎVèen'ate"
at the anex narrowed below gradually, the margin undulato-dentate or crenate,
especiaUy towards the apex ; coriaceons ; tmdrtb
about J iin. ap a rt ; sori often on each, reaching about two-thirds of the distance
to the edge.—77/. Sp. 3. p . 81. F. E x . t. 70.
Hab. West Indies and Guatemala, southward to Society
-W e include three species of Fée,- h i s tnUgrum, serratum,, and et enulatwn.
** Kronds lohed or Sp. 18-24.
18. A. s u b h a s t a t u m , H k . ; S t. tufted, 3-4 in. ., hrm, erect, nMred £ t T the
I J i n . br. at the base, lanceolate, with two short rounded " Y T K f o k !
apex acute, the margin entire, the base rounded aistai"
t i m e coriaceons ; v e i n s immersed, ii.conspicnons, erecto-patent, distant oime
or twice fo rk e d ; s o r i not reacliing eitlier edge or m id rib .-7 7 /. 3. p. J i . l e .
PI. t . 929.
Hab. Caraccas, and gathered lately in Pern by Dr. Sprnce.-Basal lobes not always
obvious. Veins casually anastomosing.
19. A. trilohum, Cav. ; .« tufted, scaly below, 2-3 . ¿ ’“ k t e r L K w r i n
in. 1., 1 in. br., rhomboidal, the apex acute, the base » ¿ 1 SciTFK^^^^^^
imdulato-crenate, or the lower p a rt deeply lobe v ■ 3 « 9 0 2nd Cent.
d i v i s i o n s ; c o r i a c e o u s ; 5 o n broad aud shoit. IHc. Sp. .p .
Hab. Cbili and S. B ra z il.-4 . p arvulum, Hk. Ic. t. 222, is a small undeveloped form,
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