í J
ill •; 1A
la tte r iu 2 rows between the main veins.—/3, P . ensifoliim, Willd. : fr . very
¿ ¿ 40 " " ‘fi “ ''fi fi" fi between' the edge aud niidrib.—
to P o ra and B r a z il—V e ry v ariab le, T h e b ro ad e st form
j J Z n T I s T s ‘ *"'■ fl “ ' 'i " b ilo t th e n a rrow e st
i w ith a single sorus iu each, on
J Z i Z ' ¡ short-creeping ; sf. short, firm, erect :
W h T T ' '’ " '• ft"‘'Awed to botli ends, the edge entire ; texture rigid
both s a * i very glossy ; ve^ns immersed, hidden ; areolæ in 2-3 irregular rows •
the so « not copious and confined to the upper p a rt of the frond.—/ f t . Sp. 6.
p .A l . P. m tid um , P il. Ex. t. 12. (non K a u lf'). ^
H a b . V en e zu e la an d Br,azil,—V e ry n e a r th e la st, w ith which M e tten iu s u n ite s it.
269. P . (Camp.) sphenodes, Kze. ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping, the linear
scales . . spreading,, oj soon fa llin g ;J Ol/.s<. rt-4-u 6 i in.i j. i 1.,. j bLlfííllilltíi
stramineous, glossy, wiry ; / r . 4-8
in. 1,, 1q“3 in. br.. thfi a.np'x vpw micníHcitp +lick iz-mr/tt-,. ,.^<.,.4. a i n
+1 A 1 •— ^u.tt-i^iuctLc, Liic lo luwer i ? r p ^
a rA n a riw e d g ild n a lîy
tJie edge thickened and wavy ; texture coriaceous ; both 3tli sides siaes naked naked ;; areolæ areolæ in
I / P s p l y 4 2 'T 2 8 2 " " ‘fi"*' "'"* ®‘fis®> ■"'***' 2 small distinct sori in each.—
H a b . Columbia an d Ecu ad o r.—T h is an d th e n e x t a re kn ow n from th e o th e r species
b y th e ir more d is tin c t stems. »peues
V ooaraatmn, Kunze ; rUzome wide-creeping ; st. 8 in. 1. •
f r . 1 it. 1., 2-3 in. br., oblong, the point acuminate or cuspidate, the bare
narrowed gradually ; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ; areolæ in rows of
12-15 between the midrib aud edge, with two sori in each.—Afea. Polyp, p . 84.
d eS ¿ iO T™ ’ -PqPB?.—W e h av e n o t seen th is, an d a re in d e b ted to M e tte n iu s for th e
( 9 “™?-) lapathifolium, Lam. ; rhizome woody, wide-creepinir the
scates spreading, lanceolate, dark-brown ; st. 1-6 in. 1., firm, erect ; f r . 6H8 i’n 1
in br.,^ the apex acuininate, the lower p a rt narrowed very gradually thé
edge subentire ; texture coriaceous ; main veins not distinct to the edge, with 3-5
iraeolæ heteveen the midrib and edge, with one or two sori in each.—P . fasciale,
ysitla. B k . bp. 8. p . i l . ’
H ab . W e s t In d ie s an d G u a tem a la to Bra z il an d E c u ad o r.—T h e v en a tio n ranges
s o è iT T s t o aaA. GonwplikUum, b eing sometimes more lik e one,
sometimes th e o th e r. C. m in u s a n d cúbense, F é e , seem to belong here.
ft- ; rfender but firm, wide-creeping, tortuous
the scales linear deciduous ; ri. scattered, 1-5 in. 1., firm ; /» . G-18 in. l., 1-3 in
br entire or slightly sinuated, the point acute, the base narrowed very gradually •
tefiure papyraceous or subcoriaceous; both sides naked, opaque- inain veins
often w a y , d y i y t nearly or quite to the edge ; areolæ in rows of 5-10 between
the midnb and edge, with 2 sori in each.—/ f t . Sp. 6. p . 39. uerween
H a b . Mexico an d W. In d ie s to P e ru an d B r a z il-D is tin g u is h e d from th e p reced in g
by its reg u la r areo latio n an d so n , from th e n ex t, w ith which Grisebach u n ite s i t by ite
d l f f T K I PrawrasAA®*"" “ fl “ r a rfly longe r stem. P . n itid um , Kaffif.,
differs from th is by its more rig id te x tu r e an d glossy surfaces, a n d P . L in d ig ii, M e tt.
has p arap h y ses in te rm ix ed am o n g st th e capsules an d p e rs is te n t lan c eo la te scales.
d pT T fiÜ rhizome stout, hypogæous, clothed with
tti imTeess !nolnle ,. °>£*. i %1-f3i’ iftr. ,I"., ‘' 1' t-4e "in‘,T bfir .,/ -th. “e "p‘toairnotf l a0c‘u- t“e, t tihf ef eldow, esr hpoarrt,t noarr rsoowmeed-
very gradually ; the edge entire or slightly sinuated ; texture rigid, very
coriaceous; both sides naked, often with cretaceous dots above; main veins
straight, very prominent, distinct to the edge ; areolæ in rows of 6-12 between
the inidrib and edge, with usually 2 sori in each.—/ / / . /Sp. 5. p . 88.
Hab. Florida to S. Brazil, common.—C. latum, Moore, is a large broad-leaved variety
witb often 3 sori in the areolæ. P . niiidlssimum, Mett., in the specimens we have
seen has a very glossy frond, st. 5-6 in. 1., and lanceolate-acuminate scales.
Fronds pinnate. Sp. 274-5.
274. P . (Camp.) decurrens, Raddi ; rhizome wiry, rather slender, the scales
deciduous; St. 6-12 in. 1., firm, n ak ed ; f r . usually with several erecto-patent
pinnæ on eacli side, which are 8-12 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br., the point acuminate, the
base narrowed, the edge nearly entire ; texture subcoriaceous ; colour dark-
green ; both sides glossy ; areolæ about 6 between the midrib and edge, with 2-3
sori in each.—B k . Sp. 8. p . 42.
Hab. Brazil and Peru.
275. P. (Camp.) Fendleri, Eaton ; rUzome stout, densely clothed witli large
lanceolate greyish-brown scales; ri. lJ -2 ft. 1., strong, naked, g lo s s y ;/» , with
several erecto-patent ?>«««« on each side, which are 12-18 in. 1., 2-4 in. hr., the
point cuspidate, the base narrowed, the edge entire ; texture coriaceous ; colour
jiale-green ; both sides glossy ; veins raised, very distinct ; the areolæ in rows of
8-12 between midrib and edge, with 3-4 sori in each.—C. magnificum, Moore.
Hab. Venezuela, Fendler, 231, 410. New Granada, Lindig, 307, Triana.
•** Under surface matted with woolly or cottony tomentum. Niphoholus, Auct.
T a b . 4 8 . f i g . k . L S p . 2 7 6 - 2 9 6 .
■f Tommitum thin, adpressed. Sp. 276-284.
276. P . (Niph.) confluens, R. Br. ; rhizome filiform, wide-creeping, clothed
with squarrose fibrillose ferriigiiioiis scales ; ri. j —J in. 1. ; f r . dimorphous, the
sterile ones orbicular or oblong, the fertile ones longer and narrower, about
1 in. 1., j in. br., the edge qiiite'entire ; texture coriaceous ; upper surface na,ked,
lower with dense glossy subferruginoiis tomentum ; veins quite hidden ; sori immersed
b u t prominent, sometimes covering the whole surface.—B h . S p . 6. p . 46.
Hab. Temperate E. Australia.—Probably a variety of P . serpens.
277. P. (Niph.) serpens, Forst. (non Sw.) ; rhizome_ wide-creeping, firm,
clothed with linear-acuminate ferruginous scales ; ri. J-3 in. 1., firm, e r e c t ; / - ,
diinorplious, the barren ones round or elliptical, tlie fertile ones longer and
narrower, 4-6 in. 1., J - f in. br. ; texture coriaceous ; upper surface scattered,
lower densely coated witli close whitish or subferruginoiis toinentuiii ; veins
quite hidden ; sore large, prominent, scattered, ultimately covering the whole of
the upper pa rt of the frond.—P . rupestre,/7. B r . B h . Sp. 8. p. 46. [ in p a r t).
B k . ? Gr. t. 44, 93.
Hab. Australia and New Zealand, eastward to the Society Islands.—Differs from
P . gldbnm, Mett., by its broader barren fronds and copious irregularly scattered son.
278. P . (Niph.) adnaseens, Sw. ; rhizome firm, but slender, the scales linear,
deciduous ; ri. j - l in. 1., firm, erect ; f r . diiuorphous, the barren ones elliptical
or spathulate, blunt, the fertile ones longer aud narrower, 6-12 m. 1., j - g in . hr. ;
texture coriaceous ; upper surface naked, lower tliinly coated with whitish
tomentum in the barren but more densely in the fertile p a rt beneath ; veins
h id d en ; sori sniall, bright-coloured, immersed, occupying the wliole of the
! .
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