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133. p . exiguum, Griseb. ; st. tufteii, tliread-like, very short, naked • fr
pendulous, 0-24 in. 1 2 lin. br. ; pinnoe j-1 lin. 1., j lin. br., half-ovate, bîunt,
T'i '«'itli a single crenation on tlie upper side, distant, b u t the base broadly
eilated on both sides ; texture subcoriaceous ; hoth sides naked ; veins and sori
1 to each piniia, the former forked.—GriseJ. F l. B r it. W . Ind. p . 701.
Hab. Jamaica, Purdie.
Swz. ; st. densely tufted, short, clothed with soft
spreading deciduous hairs ; f r . 3-0 in. 2-4 lin. br., cut down to the rachis into
close linear-oblong blu n t pm næ nnder 1 iin. br. ; rachis wiry, ebeneous ; texture
subcoriaceous, tiie surfaces naked or sliglitly clothed with soft liairs : veins and
so®« 1 in each pinna, the former forked, the la tte r near the base.—/ f t . Sp. 4.
■ fruncieola, Klotzsch ; lobes not reacliing quite down to the raciiis
soft hairs more copious.—/ f t . Sp. 4. I.e. ’
S iS im, Ecuador; Juan Fernandez, Ascension Island, Malacca,
/« .fla c c id 4-12 m . l ., g - j in. br., cut down throughout nearly or quite to tbe
raclus into entire or slightly crenate blunt p innoe 1 - lJ lin. br.,dwhicli are
c e cu iien t a t the base ; tete®« papyraceo-herbaceous ; raehis and hoth sides
2 I f l’ , ^ slender, very sliort ; f r . flaccid, 3-4 in. 1.,
lu 'ttis tb ’ grad u a lly towards lioth ends, cut dèwn to the
lach is thioughout into close entire blunt pinnoe j - | lin. br. ; texture papvraceo-
™ “ « ft " ’it'i so«« 3-6 to a pinna, terminating tlie short veinlets.—/ft-. Sp, 4. p .l e1n8?7 .¿ t.f t2 7h5a. iArs .’•
a l é U 'u f r " ? “ '?!*“ narrower and closer than in the last, and texture
almost that of a tb.n AdimUum.. P. subscahmm, Hk. Sp. 4. p. 183 t 274 A ifa , m
re n t? this ; but it is not the plant of Klotzsch. P P »3. t, 2/4. A. is appa-
ISfl. V. fiebeatulum M. & G. ; ®/«*co«««e wide-creeping, slender - st tufted
wiry, 1-2 m. 1., densely clothed with long soft hairs ; /®. 4-0 in 1 i’ in br cii’
down to the raclus into close b lu n t entire pinnoe 1 -H lin. br., ’the lower one!
c L t te d lr i th s n i t T “" sfinple ; both sides tliinly
A^. i p .1 8 4 . ® subimmersed, 6-8 to a p i n n a . - f t i .
Hab. Mexico to Ecuador.
188. V. periwiamm, Desv.; rhizome creeuino* fibrilln^P • c/ i o ; i i i
bi,_ cut-’dl™ Tè
" h Ts S S a t l æ s t e l r b u t ’
the rhizome is slender and g re a t? elongated, witb the fro n ^ 2 s ’ ¿ ‘¿ ¿ n t K l “
>3 • tepeiing g iad u a lly downw-ards into a very sliort
stem, eut down to the rachis into entire erecto-patent pinnoe 1 lin. br. ; texture
subcoriaceous ; raehis and both sides naked or deciduously hairy ; veinlets immersed,
simple ; sori 2-6 to a pinna, medial.—/ / / . Sp. 4. p. 184. t. 274. B.
Hab. N. India (up to 8,500 ft.), Ceylon, Mascaren Isles, Zambesi-land.—Tbe Javan
plant, P . inconspicuum, Blume, is said to differ by its firmer texture and costular sori.
140. P . glandulosum, H k . ; st. tufted, very short ; f r . 2-4 in. 1., j - f in. br.,
cut down nearly or quite to tlie rachis into close, ra th e r deeply-toothed,
decurrent oblong pinnoe, the lower ones gradually reduced ; texture papyraceo-
lierbaeeous ; colour dull-green ; both sides densely glandular but not hairy ;
simple ; sori 1-3 to each p in n a .—/f t . Sp. 4. p . 193. t. 276. A.
Hab. Ceylon.—Perhaps a form of P . parvulum, witb wbicb it agrees in general
141. P. jubaiforme, Kaulf. ; st. tufted, slender, 1-2 in. 1., wiry, naked ; f r . 6-12
in. 1., j in. br., cut down to the racliis into close, entire, decurrent blunt lobes
1 lin. br. ; texture subcoriaceous ; the black threadlike rachis and both sides
naked ; veinlets simple ; sori medial, 2-6 on a side, conspicuously immersed.—■
l a . Sp. 4. p . 186.
Hab. West Indies and Panama.
142. P . pilosissimum, M. & G. ; st. tufted, 1-2 in. 1., rigid, clothed with soft
spreading hairs ; f r . 4-8 in. 1., j - j in. br., cut down nearly or quite to the
rachis into close, blunt, entire lobes 1 - l j lin. br., tbe lower ones growing
gradually shorter and broader ; texture coriaceous ; raehis rigid, ebeneous ; botfi
sides naked or the lower one pilose ; sori in row-s of 4-5 on each side of the
midrib of the p innoe, distinctly immersed.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 181.
Hab. Mexico to Ecuador and South Brazil.—The most rigid of the group except
P. rmniliforme.
143. P . lasiostipes, Mett. ; st. tufted, very short, clothed with short stiff
spreading blackish liairs ; f r . 2-4 in. 1., J in. br., cut down to the raohis into
erecto-patent blu n t entire p innæ 1 lin. br. ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis
beneath densely and the surface slightly hispid like the stem,; ®e«««fefe simple,
4-6 on each side ; sori submarginal.—Mett. F il. Nov. Cal. p . 76.
Hab. New Caledonia, Tieillard, 1601-2.
B. Fronds more than h a lf an inch broad, fiaceid, pendulous. Sji. 144-163.
144. P. cultratum, Willd. ; St. tufted, short, slender, clothed with soft spreading
lirown hairs ; f r . 6-18 in. 1., j-1 in. hr., cut down to the rachis into close
horizontal or decurved b lu n t ?««'««««« lJ -2 lin. br. ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ;
the black threadlike raehis and both sides clotlied with hairs like those of the
stem ; veinlets simple, 4-6 on each side ; sori medial.—?, P . elasticum, Bory,—
smaller, H k . Sp. 8. p . 190. P . senile, Fée.
Hab. Cuba and Guatemala to Brazil and Peru ; Mauritius, Fernando Po.
145. P . grammitidis, R. Br. ; st. tufted, 1-2 in. 1., wiry, naked ; f r . 4-12 in. 1.,
2 in. or more br. ; pinnæ erecto-patent, sometimes linear, blunt, usually j - f in.
br., more or less deeply pinnatifid, the base ab ru p tly decurrent ; texture
coriaceous ; raehis aud both surfaees naked ; veinlets immersed, simple or forked ;
sori oblong, copious, usually 1 to each lobe at the base.— I lk . Sp. 4. p . 230.
Hab. New Zealand and Van Diemen’s Land.
146. P. sarmentosam, Brack. ; st. subtiifted, I in. or less 1. ; f r . 3-6 in. 1., 1-2
in. br., the point caudate, cut down nearly to the rachis into erecto-patent blunt
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