Series 3. Habit and mode of growth of Eupolypodium. Sp. 58-84.
Syngramme, J .S m . Veins close, suhparallel, united only hy transverse
veinlets"near the margin. Fig. 52. d. Sp. 68-65.
58. G. (Syn.) horneensis, H k . ; rhizome creeping, woody, densely clothed with
nearly black fibrillose scales ; f r . subsessile, 4-6 in. 1., J - J in. hr., ligulate,
narrowed to both ends, tlie edge very slightly toothed, the barren ones the
b ro ad e st; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ; veins immersed, once or twice
forked, connected hy indistinct transverse veinlets close to the edge.—H k , Sp. 5.
p . 164. t. 301.
Hab. Borneo, T. Lobh.
69. G. (Syn.) cartilagidens, Baker ; rhizome slender, creeping, clothed with
very small hlack fibrillose sc a le s; st. J - J in. 1.; f r . 4-6 in. 1., J - f in. br., ligulate,
the point acuminate, the lower h a lf narrowed very gradually, the edge thickened
and fringed with close small distinctly cartilaginous linear teeth ; texture subcoriaceous
; both sides naked ; veins fine, close, very distinct when the frond is
held up to the light, connected only ju s t within the edge and the connecting vein
n ot always distinct from the thickened b o rd e r; sori fine, close, separated hy a
space from the midrib.
Hab. Borneo, Signor Beccari ; communicated by Mrs. Lyell.—Differs from the last by
its thinner texture, finer veins and sori, and very peculiar teeth.
60. G. (Syn.) obtusifolia, H k . ; rhizome creeping, fibrillose ; st. 2-3 in. 1.,
naked, greenish, flexuose ; f r . 6-9 in. 1., J - J in. hr., ligulate, the point blunt, the
lower pa rt narrowed very gradually ; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ;
vdns prominent, simple or forked, connected near the edge ; sori linear-oblong,
medial.—Hk . Sp. 5. p . 153. t. 299.
Hab. Java, De Vriese.
61. G. (Syn.) Lobbiana, H k . ; st. tnfted, 2-3 in. 1., glossy, ebeneous ; f r . 6-10
in. ]., J - J in. br., linear-oblong, entire, the apex acuminate, the base narrowed or
slightly rounded ; texture coriaceous ; hoth sides naked ; veins parallel, simple or
forked, united by a series of transverse veinlets a short distance from the edge,
which bound the copious sori. —H k . Sp. 6. p . 163. t. 300.
Hab. Borneo, T. Lobh.
62. G. (Sy n .) vittceformis, H k . ; st. subtufted, 12-18 in. 1., naked, flexuose,
dark-brown ; f r , 8-12 in. 1., 1J-2J in. br., spathulate-oblong, the edge irregularly
repand, the point acute ; texture subcoriaceons ; both sides naked ; veins fine,
parallel, forming one or two rows of distinct areolæ near the edge ; sori
extending from the midrib to the margin.—f t / . Sp. 6. p . 164.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 329.
03. G. (Syn.) Wallichii, H k . ; st. suhtufted, 6-18 in. 1., firm, glossy, chesnut-
brown, slightly fibrillose towards the base ; f r . 6-10 in. 1., lJ -2 in. hr., ohlong-
lanceolate, quite entire, the apex acuminate, the base narrowed ra th e r gradually ;
texture subcoriaceous ; both sides naked ; veins fine, parallel, uniting ones near
the edge and indistinct beyond where they join ; sori extending on a ll the veins
from the midrib to where they unite.—f t / . S p. S. p . 165. / 302.
Hab. Singapore and Borneo.
64. G. (- S .y n .), alismoefolia,, ,
H k . .;S t . subtufted, 6-18 in. 1., firm, glossy,
-; f r . 5-8 in. 1., 2-3 in. br., oblong, the apex acuminate, the base
, the edge entire ; texture subcoriaceous ; both sides naked ; veins fine.
parallel, uniting only near the edge, and indistinct beyond where they join sori
extending on all the veins from the midrib to where they join.—H k . Sp, 5.
p . 164.
Hab. Singapore and Philippines.
66. G. (Syn.) quinata, Hk. ; st. 6-12 in. 1., glossy, naked, straw-coloured or
chesnut-hrown ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 4-8 in. hr., quinate, the terminal pm n a the
largest, 6-12 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br., oblong-lanceolate acuminate, the edge entire,
the lower p a rt narrowed gradually to the base, the lowest pa ir deflexed and
originating from the base of the lateral pair ; texture subcoriaceous ; both sides
naked ; veins fine, parallel, uniting near the edge, with long sori upon all of
them.—LLk. S p . 6. p . 152. t. 297.
Hab. Borneo, Vanecolla, and Solomon Isles.—Frond like the leaf of a horse-chesnut.
§§§§§§§ Selliguea, Bory. Veins
Differs from Phymatodes only by the elongated sori. Fig.'52. e. f. Sp. 66-84.
* Fronds simple. Sp. 66-79.
t M a in veins hidden. Sp. 66-70.
66. G. (Sell.) lanceolata, H k . ; rhizome wide-creeping, the scales small, linear,
dull-brown ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., J - | in. hr., the point acute, the edge entire, the
lower th ird narrowed gradual y to the base or a short stem ; texture thick,
coriaceous h u t flaccid ; both sides naked ; veins obscure, the midrib much more
slender th an in G. involuta, the sori more oblique and falling considerably short
of the edge.—« / . S p . 6. p . 156. Grammitis, H k . S Gr. t. 43.
Hab. Japan, China, Himalayas, Neilgherries, Ceylon, Fiji, Samoa, Mascaren Isles,
Natal, Guinea Coast.
67. G. (Sell.) mexicana, Baker ; rUzome wide-creeping, the scales lai^e, lan ceolate
acuminate, dull-brown ; f r . subsessile, 6-10 in. 1., 1 - l j in. br., the point
acute, the lower ha lf narrowed very gradually to the b a s e ; texture coriaceous
b u t flaccid ; both sides naked ; mins obscure, the midrib broad and fleshy at the
base b u t almost vanishing upwards ; sori linear-ohlong, few and c lo ^ ,
almost in one row on each side, not fa r from the midrib.—Selliguea, le e . U.
Salvinii, Hk. Sp. b .p . 157. 2nd Gent. t. 71.
Hab. Mexico and Guatemala.
68 G. (Sell.) elongata, H k . ; rhizome wide-creeping, tomentose ; St. distant,
J in. 1., naked, ebeneous; f r . 4-8 in. 1., J - J in. br., narrowed gradually to both
ends the edge e n tir e ; texture coriaceous; both sides th in ly clothed with small
scales : veins obscure ; midrib hlack in the lower p a rt ; son linear-oblong,
placed end to end in single rows midway between the midrib and edge.—« / , bp.
b .p . 167.
Hab. Cuba to Eio Janeiro and Juan Fernandez. — Habit and scales of Polyp.
69. G. (Sell.) involuta, Don ; rhizome creeping, the scales large, lanceolate,
dull-hrown : f r . 8-12 in. I., 1-2 in. hr., the point acuminate, the edge entire, the
lower p a rt narrowed very gradually to the base or a short broad compressed
stem ; textme thick, coriaceous b u t flaccid ; both sides naked ; a rcote obscure,
without free v e in le ts; sari in long parallel very oblique lines reaching from the
midrib nearly to the e d g e . - « / . Sp. 5. p . 165. Grammitis, H k . & Gr. t. 63.
S. Wallichiana, H k . Ic. t. 204.
Hab. N. India, Neilgherries, Ceylon, Malaccas, Solomon Isles.
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