306 48. P O L Y P O D I U M , § E U P H E O O P T E R I S .
Hab. Mauritius and Madagascar, Bojer; Cameroon Mountains and Fernando Po, Mann.
—Habit of Neph. conterminum.
11. P . (Pheg.) Sieberianum, Kaulf. ; St. 12-18 in. 1., firm, naked, stramineous ;
f r 1--2 ft 1 1 ft. or more hr. ; p innæ C-9 in. 1., 2 in. or more hr., cut down to
a broadly-'wi’nged rachis into falcate entire lohes, J - f in .b r ., lowest pair rather
smaller and deflexed ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous or subcoriaceous ; vemlets
8-9 on a side, with the sori about the centre.—/ f t . Sp. 4. p . 235.
Hab Mauiitius and Bourbon.—Occasionally the lowest veinlets join those above them
in the same group, and in the barren frond they fork copiously, and join towards the
edge. Eesembles most Neph. brachyodan.
12 P. (Pheg.) erubescens. Wa ll. ; st. 2 ft. or more 1., tetragonous, glossy,
stramineous, naked ; f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 1-2 ft. br. ; lower pinnæ sometimes 1 ft. 1.,
IL in. br., cut down nearly to the rachis into close acute or bluntish entire lobes
2'‘lin. h r .’; texture rigid, subcoriaceous; racMs and both sides n a k e d ; veinlets
simiile, often 20 on a side, the sori close to the raised midrib.— Amboynensis;
lower pinnæ on stalks 1 in. 1. and narrowed conspicuously a t the base ; sori not
close to the midrib.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 236.
Hab. N. India (up to 2,000 ft.), Malayan Peninsula and Isles.—Habit of N. prolixtm,
but lower pinme not reduced.
13. P . (Pheg.) appendiculatum. W a ll. ; S t . tufted, about 1 ft. 1., deciduously
villose ; f r . 1 J-2 ft. 1., 8-10 in. br., ovate-lanceolate ; pinnæ 3-6 in. 1., | - | In. br.,
narrowed from the base to an acuminate point, cut down nearly to the rachis
into linear-oblong falcate lobes J in. br. ; lower p innæ with a small gland a t the
base, slightly reduced ; texture herbaceous ; raxhis and lower surface villose ;
veiniets 8-12 on a side ; sori close to the midrib.— JVall. Cat. 349.
Hab. East Himalayas and Penang. — Intermediate between the preceding aud
14. P . (Pheg.) aimculatum. Wa ll. ; st. tufted, lJ -2 ft. 1., deciduously villose ;
f r . 8-4 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br. ; pin noe 6-8 in, 1., 1 in. br., cut down nearly to the
rachis into close spreading entire b lu n t lobes 2-3 lin. br. ; lower p innoe reduced
down to mere auricles, furnished with a prominent gland a t the base beneatli ;
texture herbaceous ; rachis densely villose ; under side nearly naked ; vetnlets
simple, 10-12 on a side, bearing the sori about the middle.—/ / / . Sp. 4. p . 238.
Hab. Himalayas, up to 6,000 ft.
15. P . (Pheg.) Germanianum, Baker ; st. 6-9 in. 1., tufted, firm, erect, nearly
naked ; f r . 2 ft. 1., 1 ft. br. ; central pinnæ 6 in. 1., 1J in. br., cut three-quarters
of the way down to the racliis into linear-oblong blunt entire lobes 2 iin. br.,
with a space between them, the lower pinnæ sessile, much_ reduced ; texture
herbaceous ; rachis and veins beneath slightly pubescent ; veins pinnate in the
lobes, with 8ttl0 veinlets on a side ; sori medial.—Pheg. Fée, Mem. 11-12. t. 13.
Hab. Guadeloupe, L ’Herminier.—P. ctenoides, macrotheca, and hydrophila. Fée, are
allied plants from the same island ; all of them closely resembling Gymnogramme daval-
'-' s in general habit, but the sori are roundish.
16. P . (Pheg.) rusticum, B a k e r; si. tufted, 4-6 in. 1., strong, densely clothed
with lanceolate spreading scales ; f r . 1 J-2 ft. 1., 8-10 in. br. ; central pinnæ
4-5 in. 1., j in. hr., cut three-quarters of the way down to the rachis into close
b lu n t entire lobes 2 lin. br. ; lower pin næ distant and dwindling down very
gradually ; texture herbaceous ; rachis scaly in the lower pa rt, villose throughout
like the costæ ; veins pinnate in the lobes, with 6-8 simple veinlets on a side ;
sori medial.—Phegopteris, Fée, Mem. 11-12. t. 13.
Hab. Guadeloupe, VEerminier.—Habit not nnlike that of the least-divided forms of
N. Filix-mas.
17. P . (Pheg.) refulgens, Klotzsch ; st. 1 ft. 1., clothed w ith hright-brown scales
throughout ; f r . I J ft. 1., 1 ft. hr. ; pinnoe 6-8 in. 1., 1-1J in. hr., cut down to the
centre into close oblong obtuse slightly-toothed lobes J in. hr., the lower pinnæ
stalked and ra th e r narrow'ed a t the base ; texture herbaceous ; rachis and main
veins above densely downy, the veins beneath with yellowish glandular hairs
and reddish setaceous scales ; veinlets simple, 7-12 on each side ; sori medial. —
Phegop. M a t. F il. Nov. Gran. p . 240.
Ilab. Panama, Columbia, and Guiana.—Habit of Neph, caripense.
18. P . (Pheg.) rude, Kze. ; st. IJ -2 ft. 1., scaly towards the base, villose
upwards ; f r . 3-4 ft. or more 1., 12-18 in. br. ; p innoe 8-12 in. 1., I J in. hr., cut
down nearly to the rachis into subfalcate entire lobes J in. br., the lower pinnæ
not reduced, h u t with a gland a t the base and the lower lobes small ; textnre
subcoriaceous ; rachis conspicuously villose and under side less so ; veinlas
simple, 12-16 on a side ; sori submarginal.—/ f t . Sp. 4. p . 243. Glaphyropteris,
Hab. Mexico to Peru.—Neph. piloso-hispidum, Hk. Sp. 4. p. 105, seems to belong
here, and I cannot distinguish an involucre.
19. P. (Pheg.) decussatum, L. ; St. 2-3 ft. 1., stout, erect, scaly tow'ards the
base, polished upwards, sometimes slightly muricated ; f r . 3-4 ft. or more 1.,
12-18 in. br. ; p innæ 8-12 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., cu t down nearly or quite
to the rachis into close spreading entire blu n t lobes 1 - lJ lin. br., witli a large
subulate gland a t the base beneath ; texture subcoriaceous, rigid ; rachis and
both sides nearly naked ; veinlets simple, close, 20 or more on a side ; sori in
rows near the midrib.—-/ft. Sp. 4. p . 244. Glaphyropteris, Fresl.
Hab. West Indies and Panama southward to Peru and Brazil.
20. P . (Pheg.) unisorum, Baker ; st. tufted, slender, 1 in. 1., dark purplish-
brown, clotlied throughout with linear scales ; f r . 2-3 in. 1., 1 in. hr., ohlong-
lanceolate ; pinnæ horizontal, with a roundish terminal lobe lJ -2 lin. each way,
and 1-2 smaller sessile ones on each side ; texture coriaceous ; rachis densely
scaly like the stem ; both sides naked ; veins immersed, flabellate ; one large
sorus a t the base of each lobe.
Hab. Mount Eauai, Sandwich Isles, Eillebrand.—A very curious and distinct little
21. P. (Pheg.) platÿldbum, Baker ; st. 12-18 in. 1., firm, erect, scaly towards
the base, finely villose upwards ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more hr. ; central pinnæ
6-8 in. 1., 1-1J in. br., cut down to the rachis in the low'er p a rt into blu n t oblong
neariy entire subfalcate lohes J in. hr. ; low'er pinnæ slightly reduced ; rachises
densely villose ; under surface nearly naked ; texture herhaceous ; veinlas about
6 on a side, the lower ones forked ; sori almost marginal.—P . rotundatum,
Hk. Sp. 4. p . 238. (non JVilld.)
Hab. Tarapota, N. E. Peru, Spruce, 4656.
22. P. (Pheg.) fibrillosum, Baker ; st. 1 ft. or more 1., densely clothed
throughout with spreading fibrillose sc ales; f r . lJ -2 ft. 1., 1 ft. br. ; lower
pinnæ the largest, sessile, 6 in. 1., 1J in. hr., cu t down W'ithin 1 lin. of tlie rachis
into close, blunt, nearly entire falcate lobes 3-4 lin. hr. ; texture herbaceous ;
rachis fibrillose and upwards villose ; both sides nearly naked ; veinlas forked,
6-8 on a side, with the sori close to the midrib.
Hab. Andes of N, E. Peru, Spruce, 4742.
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