bi-ight-coloHved, spread over the whole upper part of the frond, sunk in the tomen-
turn.—/ / / . Sp. 5. p . 45. Gyiiosoriiim, Presl.
H a b . K affraria , N a ta l, Zambesi-land, A ngola, G u in ea Coast.—V e ry n e a r th e la s t, b u t
smaller an d subsessile.
290. P. (Niph.) albicans, Mett. ; rhizome stout, clothed with ra th e r large pale
lanceolate scales ; st. 2-4 in. 1., firm, erect, naked ; f r . 1-2 ft. i., 1-2 in. br., n a rrowed
gradually towards both ends, the edge entire, revoliite ; texture very coriaceous
; upper surface glabrous, low'er densely clothed with ferruginous tonientnm ;
vezns immersed, hidden, tlie main ones distinct to the edge : sori iu close rows of
3 to 4 each between them.—/ f t . S p . 5. p . 61.
H ab . J a v a . This an d th e tw o n e x t a re th e only densely-tomentose species th a t a re
rig id in te x tu re .
_ 291. R (Niph.) distichocarpum, Mett. ; st. B in. 1., firm, erect ; barren fr. 10
in. 1., l,,-2 111. hr., linear-oWong, narrowed to both ends ; fe rtile /» . 2 ft'. 1., I J
in. br., narrowed grad u a lly from the middle to both ends ; texture subcoriaeeous":
upper surface nearly naked, lower tomentose ; main veins 4 lines apart, with the
tei* between them, and 5 to 6 areolæ between the midrib and edge.—
Mett. Fil. In d . 2. p . 281. “
^ H a b . S um a tra , Korthals.—M o st lik e th e p receding, from which i t may be kn ow n by
its biserial sori. o j
292 P . (Niph.) amerieanum, H k . ; rhizome very thick, clothed with large
spreading grey lanceolate scales ; st. strong, erect, 1-4 in. 1. ; f r . lJ -2 ft. 1., J-4
in. hr., narrowed very gradually downwards, the edge reflexed ; texture very
coriaceous ; upper surface tomentose when young, naked, bright-green and pitted
wlieii mature, lower densely coated with loose dirty-white -woolly tomentum ;
quite hidden ; sari large, immersed, in single oblique rows of 4 between the
midrib and edge.—/ft;. S p . 6. p . 64.
H a b . Andes o f Ecuador, Jameson, Spruce.— L \k o th e la s t in g en e ra l h ab it, b u t th e
son much la rg e r an d only u n iserial betwe en th e ma in veins. T h e only American species
of Niphoboliis. ^
293. P . (Niph.) Gardneri, Mett. ; rhizome short-creeping, clothed with rigid
lanceolate black scales with a brown border ; st. 3-4 in. 1., firm, naked ; f r . 12H8
in. 1., 1-1 J in. hr., narrowed very gradually towards both ends, the edge ¿ntire :
texture coi iaceous ; \\p\-)Qv sitrface nakeif, lower densely matted with grey tomen-
turn ; main veins straight ; the sori in close rows of about 4 each between them —
H k . S p . B. p . 51. E x . F . t. 68.
Hab. Ceylon.—Very like P.
tomentum thicker. um in general habit, but the sori larger and the
294. p . (Niph.) penangianum, Hk. ; st. very short ; fr . 12-18 in. ]., 2-3 in br
the point acute, the lower pa rt narrowed very gradually, the edge o b sc u re ?
undulated ; texture papyraceous ; upper surface naked, lower thinly clothed wit'h
fine silky tomentum ; mam vems very oblique, distinct to the edge, connected by
n e a r ? straight vemlets ; the areolæ with 3 to 4 sori in each, the rows close tooe-
ther, confined to the upper p a rt of the frond, and the mass falling distinctly slmrt
of the edge, U k . S p , 5. p . 52 {not p . 13). JPolycampium, Presl.
Hab. Penang, Lady Dalhousie.
296. P- (Niph.) Boothii, Hk. ; st. 1 ft. or more h, firm, erect, with lanceolate
scales a t the base ; f r . lJ -2 it. 1., 3-4 in. br., narrowed g r a d u a l? towards both
ends, the edge entire ; texture coriaceous ; upper surface glabrous, lower with a
thick coat of ferruginous tomentum ; main veins distinct to the edge, connected
by arched veinlets ; the areolæ containing 2 irregular rows of sori, with 6 to 12
in each.—I lk . Sp. B. p . 63.
Hab. Bhootan, Qriffiih, Booth.
296. P . (Niph.) splendens, Hk. ; f r . subsessile, lJ -3 ft. 1., 3-4 in. br., the
point cuspidate, the lower part narrowed very gradually, the edge entire ; texture
subcoriaceous, upper surface with scattered cottony down, lower matted with
ferruginous tomentum and fine silky dark-brown hairs ; main veins straight to
the edge, connected by n e a r ? straight veinlets ; the sori very fine and close, falling
short of the edge.—/ f t . Sp. S. p . 52. Apaloplilebia, Presl.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 331.
§§§§§§§§§ Phymatodes,/ ’»ex/ÍKc/M/««^ Pleopeltis, Haci.). Areolæ fine, copious,
irregular, the fre e veinlets spreading in various directions, the sori various in position,
generally on the bach o f united veinlets. Sp. 297-889. T ab . 48. fig. n.
* Fronds simple. Sp. 297-344.
t M ain veins not distinct to the edge. Sp. 297-329.
A. Substance thick, all the veins obscure. Sp. 297-318.
A*. Under surface naked. Sp. 297-312.
297. P . (Ph ym .) suhecostatum, Hk. ; rhizome creeping, matted with tomentum,
the scales brown, fibrillose, squarrose ; f r . sessile, 4-8 in. 1., J in. br., narrowed
gradually' to both ends, the edge entire ; texture thick, coriaceous ; colour pale-
green ; both sides naked ; no main veins, areolæ obscure ; sori in single marginal
rows.—/ / / . Sp. S. p . 69. t. 273. A.
H ab . Borneo, Lobb.— M id rib upwards in d istin ct, an d d istin g u isb ed from all its allies
by q u ite sessile fronds.
298. P . (Phym.) accedens, Blume ; rhizome threadlike, very wide-creeping,
sc a rc e ? scaly ; st. very short ; f r . dimorphous, the sterile ones oblong, obtuse,
the fertile ones longer and narrower, 2-4 in. 1., j - J in. hr., the soriferous portion
contracted ; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ; veins hidden, no distinct main
veins, areolæ irregular, with free veinlets ; sori in single rows close to the midrib.
■—I l k . Sp. 5. p . 66.
H ab . P h ilip p in e s , M a lay a an d Polynesian Is lan d s .—C h a ra cterized h y th e sori being
confined to th e n arrow ed u p p e r fe rtile p a r t o f th e frond.
299. P. (Pliym .) rostratum, H k . ; rhizome filiform, wide-creeping, the scales
sniall, fibrillose ; st. 1-2 in. 1., firm, naked ; f r . 2-4 in. 1., J-1 in. br., narrowed
gradually to both ends, the edge entire ; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ;
veins immersed, no distinct main veins, areolæ fine, copious, with free veinlets ;
sori large, in single rows not fa r from the midrib.—Hk. Sp. 5. p . 66. 2nd
Cent. t. 63.
H ah . K h a s ia , B h ootan, an d Mishmee ; g a th e red b y Griffith an d Drs, H o o k e r an d
300. P . (Phym.) geminatum, Sclirad. ; rhizome stout, very w'ide-creeping, tlie
young scales linear, ferruginous ;/» . subsessile, u s u a l? in distant pairs, uniform,
entire, 3-6 in. 1., J-1 in. br., narrowed towards both ends, but the point often
blunt ; texture coriaceons ; both sides naked ; veins immersed, the main ones with
copious fine areolæ between them ; sori in a row midway between the niidrib and
2 Y