49. C. dealhata, Sw. ; unarmed or slightly asperous ; rachises and costæ clotliej
with pale, ferruginous, deciduous tomentum ; f r . subcoriaceous, bi-tripinnate-
pin næ oblong, acuminate, pure white beneath from the presence of a deciduos
powder deeply pinnatifid or pinnate at the base ; lobes oblong, acute, falcate
serrated ; son copious, sometimes confined to the lower h a lf of the lohes ; inmi
rather small, globose, raeinbranaceoiis, fragile, soon breaking down in an irregular
manner the hase often remaining an orbicular membrane.—/ / / . Sp. 1 . ». 27
Kick. F l. N . Zeal. p . 77. t. 10.—/3 subglaucous, but not white, beneath.
where it .seems generally to retain its pure white beneath. Penan»,
’''mi • ®te''>le. Lord Howe’s Island (along with var. ¡3), Milne & McOilivray
—Ihis latter island may be reckoned as in the N. Zealand groupe.
60. C. Aneitense, Hk. ; unarmed ; main and second, rachises ebeneous, piirple-
hiack, quite smooth ; f r . coriaceo-membranaceous ; prim, pinnæ 1 - 1 4 in. 1 . 4 - .1
in. w., sessile, or nearly so, oblong, shortly-acuminate, pinnatifid nearly to the
rachis ; hbes ra th e r distant, oblong, acute, subserrated ; veins forked : sori copious
intermediate between the costa and the margin ; invol. tliin-membranaceous, persistent,
soon breaking down, and generally opening at the hack so as to form a large,
lax, almost transparent, 2 -lohed and ragged cup, often again irreg u la rly lacerated ■
nit. rachises and costee villous, with narrow' scales.
Hab.^ Isle of Aneiteum, N. Hebrides, Milm, McGiUvray. Ternate, Herb. Ilort. Calc.
Iliis IS quite new, and not known, apparently, to Brackenridge.
5.1. C. nigricans, Mett. ; “f r . coriaceous, opaque, green above, paler beneath,
bipmnatisecto-pmnatipartite ; rachis unarmed, purplish, glossy ; prrim. pinna;
siibovato-lanceolate ; second, ones subsessile, elongato-oblong, acuminate, caudate
at the apex and sharply serrated, subglabrous above, beneath squamulose a t the
costæ and costules, with imbricated, white, búllate, ciliated scales; lobes siib-
distiiict, contiguous by the dilated base, elongato-ohlong, subfalcate, attenuated
a t the apex, obtuse or nearly so, serrated ; veins forked, rare ly bifurcate ; sori
•l-D on each side the costule, the lowest ones distant from the costule, the rest near
to It ; hemispherical ; paraphyses few, filiform, curved, generally torulose,
lormed of cells tumid m the middle, the terminal cell subglobose, or more or less
dilated. —Mett. in Miq. A n n . Mus. Bot. L . Bat. 1 . p . 36.
Hab. “ Ualan, of the Caroline Islands, Mertens.’’—Unknown to me.
62. C. leueolepis, Mett. ; unarmed, and h a iry only on the costæ above \ f r . ample,
hrm-mem branaceous, bipinnate, lurid-green, paler beneath ; prim, pinnæ U in. 1. ■
pinnl. sessile or subpetiolate, paleaceous, with whitish búllate scales on the costæ
and costules beneath, 3-4 In. 1., from a broad base 1 in. w. (narrowest on the
inferior side), oblong, suddenly acuminate, pinnatifid f of the way to the
costule ; lobes oblong, obtuse, subfalcate, subentire ; veins all forked a t the middle,
distant ; so n copious, ra th e r distant, and forming a line on each side between the
costule and the m a rg in ; invol. ra th e r firm-membranaceous, of the same lurid-
green as the frond,_ lo n g -p e rs isten t, then breaking away a t the summit, and
eventually forming irregular lohes.—J f t a . in Miq. A n n . M m . Bot. L . Bat. 1 1. c.
p. 6 6 . C. Brackenridgii, Mett., 1 c.
Hab. Samoan Islands, Powell. Fiji. Harvey, Powell, n. 20 ; Aneiteum and Saloman’.s
groupe (M<Atenms), Braehem-idgel, « t e . -C a u d e x 6 ft. high, 2 in. in diam. (Powell).
rf swLtr®” *
63. _ G. Milne i, H k . - caud. 30 ft. 1., 9 in. diam. ; f r . subcoriaceous, dark
blackish-gteen above, paler b en e a th ; rachises palish-brown, asperous, woolly,
as well as the under side of the pinnæ, near their base, with copious, deciduous
tomentum ; pinnm lg - 2 ft. 1 ., 6 - 1 0 in. w. ; pinnl. elongato-ohlong, deeply to the
costules pinnatifid ; lobes oblong, falcate, subobtuse, crenato-serrate, the margins
a httle recurved ; so n copious, moderately large, mostly situated a t the base of
the lobes, near the costule ; invol. membranaceous, ra th e r firm, long-persistent
in a cup-like form, witli very ii-regular margins, occupying most of the breadth
of the lobes.
Hab Sunday or Raoul Island (of the N. Zealand region) UiUe & MeOihvray). -
I idve this as a new species with considerable hesitation. I t has the deciduous wool of
C^dmlhata (to which Mr. Moore is disposed to refer it), but the aspect rather of C. affinis,
of which, however, it wants the decided prickles.
obloni.'faTcate,‘'obtuse, entire ; the ultimate p in n l and generally the most fertile,
subpinnatifido-serrate ; veins once or twice forked ; sori copious, la th e i neaiei
the costule th an the margin, compact to the apex ; invol. menihranaceous, fia,,iie,
breaking down from the apex in a very h-regular manner ; costules beneath with
few small deciduous scales.—Nwj. Syn. i l l . p. 140 and 358 \Brack.^ F it. p ^ 8 8 ..
Polypodium, jfforsA G. eydnxisa, Sw. Schh. F il.t. \32. a-c. G. propinqua,-3/e«. .
Hab. “ Pacific Isles,” Forster. Fiji, Brackenridge, Milne, Seemann. Lord Howe’s
Island Milne. Pitcairn’s Island, Mathews. Cummg (involucres rather more membiana-
ceous). Cape Otway Roughs, Victoria, Wilkinson, (Mueller).-! possess ^ C
this plant from Forster’s Herbarium, but unnamed, and I believe it to be the tine 0.
a§inis Sw., possibly the same as C. medullai'is of N. Zealand.
65. C. Vieillardii, Mett. ; “ unarmed ; f r . subcqriaceons, dark-green above,
densely hairy, riu tv on the costæ and rachises, bi- s>ibtripinnate ih
second, ones 4ssile,' ovato-oblong or lanceolate, d eeplj
at the base, acuminate and obtusely serrate a t the apex X n thè
acute, obtusely serrate ; sori at the forking of the veins, in ermed.ate
costule and the m a rg in ; invol m e m b r a n a c e o u s , gradually breaking down an
disappearingtfatesceîis).” - i / c « . F i l N . Caled. A n n . Sc. N a t. Bot. W 6 \ ,p . 82.
Hab. Balade, N. Caledonia, Vieillard. “ Near D. Cunninghmi (Hk. f), whmh differs
in beino- muricated, the lobes sharply serrated, and in the son being oostular. —I bave
seen only a small specimen of this from M. Lenormand s collection.
GiiN. 5 . H e m i t e l i a , B r ,
Sori globose, dorsal upon a vein or veinlet. Becept. elevated. In v d .a s c a le
situated on the underside of the sorus, varying m size, and shape, and tex tu ie ,
often indistinct, ami often very d e c id iio u s .- J /o i« / tropical and arhorescent,mth thc
hahit o f Cyatbea; a connecting link, as it were,between the latter genus and M so^hila,
consequently often difficult to recognise. Fronds ample, pinnate_ or decompound.
Veins pinnated, simple or branched, free, or, the costal ones especiaUy, more or less
anastamosing. T a b . I. f. 5.
§ Euhemitelia. Costal veins anastomosing. T ab. I. f. 5. b. Sp. 1-5.
Pinnate. Sp. 1-5.
1. II. (E uhemit.) Karsteniana, KI. ; St. muricated and scaly a t the base ; scales
white, dark-brown in the centre ; f r . ample, coriaceo-membranaceous, pinnated ;
pinnæ sessile, a span to 1 ft. 1., 1 ^ - 2 4 in. w., from a truncated base, elliptical,
bliort-acuminate, quite entire, or more or less lobed at the very margin smi
(when perfect) in two oblique lines, meeting towards the rachis, and torming a
series of the letter V between each p a ir of costules.—F l Bot. Zeit. 12. p . 43J ,
Mett. F . H . Lips. p. 111. i. 2 9 ./. 1-4.
Hab. Caracas, Karsten, Fendler, ii. 386 Fund; n. 769.
2. II. (E uhemit.) suhincisa, Kze. ; st. rough, h u t scarcely muricate ; f r . ample,
pinnate ; pinnæ remote, subpetiolate, firm-membranaceous, from a cuneato-
truncated base, oblong or elliptico-lanceolate, finely acuminate, 10-12 in. J. by
1-2 in. hr., the margin inciso-lohate ; lobes 2-4 lines ]., with generally an acute