i ; ! - '
** Stenochlæna, J . Sm. B a rren fronds simply pinnate, the pinnoe like t tm e o f
Lomarla in their shape, coriacems texture, and fin e close venation, bp. 66 /O.
Fig. 60. f. g.
66. A. (Steno.) sorUfolinm, L. ; ¡hick woody, often 3 0 - ^
claspino- trees like a cable, sometimes prickly ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-12 in. bi.,
¿ ¿ Z t e i n n a t e ; barren pinlioe 4-8 in. 1., j - J in. br., 3 to 20 on each side, a rticu lated
I t the base, the edge entire or toothed ; texture co v ia jo n s or subcoriaceous ,
both sides naked ; rachis often winged ; fe r tile pm næ 1-2 in. apa it, 2-4 in. 1.,
j - j in. b r.—Hlc. Sp. 5. p . 241.
Hab. West Indies to Pern and South Brazil; Fiji, Samoa New Caledonia Philippines,
Malaccas, Cochin China, Seychelles, Mascaren Isles, Angola, Guinea Coast-
This corresponds to the genus Lomariopsis of Fée, who makes , The type
has 12 to 20 pairs of pinnæ about 2-3 in. 1., | m. br., the edge slightly and iriegulaily
mlnaiolereaL ; A llg ifo lia , J . Sm. (L om ja , Kaulf.) fewer pmnæ the edge more
distinctly toothed, and the base cuneate ; A. yapm-ense, Mart. (Gard. F. t. 67), pmnæ
sometimes IJ in . br., 3 to 6 on a side, almost entire, the texture not so coriaceous, and
the veining U so close ; L. fraxinea, Willd., short-stalked, entire, pmnæ often 5-6
1-U in b! • L. Wrightii, Eaton, oblong-obovate pmnæ remarkably narrowed at the
basé, aud cuspidate at the apex ; and L. cuspidata, Fée, long-stalked hgulate-cuspidate.
pinnæ sometimes 8 in. 1. Here also, as abnormal forms, probably belong A iuxfohum,
Kze., pinnæ ses.sile, coriaceous, dark-gieen, oblong, very obtuse, under 1 m. 1. , m. to.
A. variahiUs, Fée, lower pinnæ deeply pinnatifid with round crenated lobes fily p . !
Unerve, Hk., and A. Smithii, Fée, frond sessile, deltoid, tripinnatifid, the pmnules small,
dichotomously forked, or with 2 ligulate lobes on each side.
67. A. (Steno.) decrescens. B a k e r ; rhizome woody, wide-scandent ; r i . 2-3
in. 1., firm, slightly scaly ; barren f r . 18 in. 1., 4 in. hr with about 40
on each side, those about a th ird of the way down the longest, and fiom this
narrowed very gradually down to mere auricles at the hase ; pinnoe
the edge obscurely crenulate ; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked • racMs shohtly
winged fe r tile pin næ j in. br., cuneate at the base or subpetiolate. A.
polyphyllum, H k . Sp. o. p . 243. {not p . 269).
H a b . Cameroon M o u n ta in s, W e s t T ro p ical Africa, Mann, 1391.
68. A. (Steno.) J . Sm .; rhizome woody, wide-scandent scaleless;
St. 3-4 in. 1., firm, erect, naked ; f r . 1-8 ft. 1.,, 1 ft. or more br J
barren pinnæ 4-8 in. 1., | - l j in. hr.,- the point acuinina,te, the edge Sick en ed
and serrulate, the base cuneate, sessile, or shghtly stalked, articulated, and wfi
u sua lly a g û n d on the upper side ; texture coriaceous and both ^
naked ; veins fine aud close ; fertile pmnce 6-12 in. 1., 1^-2 Im. b i., the lower
ones 1-1J in. apart.—Hk . Sp. b .p . 249.
H ab . H im a lay a s an d S o u th China to Ceylon, Queensland, an d F iji.—T h e veins h e re
sp rin g from a lin e {see fig. 60. f.) which ru n s p a ra lle l w ith th e midrib, ¡I""®®*“®®
to it o r w ith a v e ry n a rrow space betwe en. Davallia achiUeifolia, W a ll. (H k . Sp. 1.
p. 195. t. 56. H.), seems to be a d e lto id trip in n a tifid abnorm al form.
69. A. (Steno.) Uurifolium, H k . ; si. firm, erect, n a k e d ; / » . 2-3 ft. 1., 12-18
in. br., simply pinnate ; barren pinnæ 6-9 in. 1., 1 J - ] | in. br., narrowed gradually
from the cordate liase to the apex, the edge sliarply but finely tootlied, the base
sessile, not articulated and without a gland ; texture coriaceous ; toc/«s and both
sides naked ; veins fine and close ; fertile pmnce 6-10 in. 1., j - J m. bi., tne lowei
ones 1-2 in. apart.—H k . S p . 5. p . 261.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 2261 ; Solomon Isles, Uilne, 518. —Like the last, but larger,
and the pinnæ not articulated.
70. A. (Steno.) tenuifolium. B a k e r; rhizome wide-scandent, woody, slightly
scaly ; barren f r . simply pinnate, the st. 4-6 in. 1., naked, firm, erect, th e /r . 8-5
ft. 1., 12-18 in. br. ; pinnæ 6-12 in. 1., j - l j in. br., the point acuminate, the edge
thickened and serrulate, the base short-stalked, with a gland on the upper side,
not articulated ; fertile f r . bipinnate, on a longer stem ; pinnæ long-stalked, with
numerous distant p in n l. 2-3 in. 1., J-1 lin. br., spreading from the rachis at
right angles ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and both sides glossy ; veins fine and
close.—Lomaria, Desv. A. Meyerianum, H k . Sp. b. p . 250. G. F . t. 16.
Hab, Mascaren Isles and Natal.—WeU distinguisbed from all the others by its compound
fertile pinnoe.
**•* Polybotrya, H . B . K . Barren fr o n d not lomarioid in habit, variously
pinnatifid or pinnate, with the veins, except in the firs t species, pinnate in the
ultimate divisions o f the barren frond. Fig. 60. c, d, e. Sp. 71-83.
71. A. (Polyb.) bifurcatum, Sw'Z. ; st. densely tufted, 2-4 in. I., slender,
stramineous, naked ; f r . 3-4 in. 1., J - | in. br., pinnate ; lower pinnæ of
barren fr. usua lly 2- sometimes 3-cleft, with linear divisions, tliose of the barren
pinnse broader and not so deep ; texture herbaceous ; both sides naked ; a single
vein carried into each ult. div isio n .— H k . Sp. 5. p . 209. 2nd Cent. t. 91.
Microstaphyla, Fresl.
Hab. St. Helena.
72. A. (Po ly b .) aritWafeffi, H k . ; ri. firm, erect, nearly n a k e d ; f r . ample,
probably several feet long, bipinnate ; barren pinnæ (in our specimens) 9 in. 1.,
] J in. br. ; p innl. close, oblong, the point bluntish, tbe edge crenate, the upper-
side distinctly auricled, and the lower obliquely truncate at the base ; texture
subcoriaceous ; raehis and both sides naked ; fertile pinnæ 3-4 in. 1., stalked,
linear-cylindrical, auricled on the upper side a t the base.—H k , Sp. 6. p . 247.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 296.
73. A. (Polyb.) Wilkesianum, H k . ; rhizome woody, wide-scandent, naked ; st.
6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, naked, stramineous ; f r . bipinnate, 1-2 ft. 1., 8-12 in. br.,
upper p innæ of the barren fr. entire in one of our specimens, usually all cut
down to the rachis into numerous unequal-sided rhomboidal p innl., which are
cuneate, especiaUy below a t tlie base, the rest of the edge deeply toothed ; texture
glossy, subcoriaceous ; rachis and both .sides naked ; fertile pinnl. stalked, linear-
cylindrical or oblong-subdimidiate.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 247.
Hab. Society Isles and New Caledonia.—This comes near the preceding, with
which Mettenius unites it. Both have the pinnæ aud pinnules distinctly jointed at the
74. A. (Polyb.) apiifolium, H k . ; caud. stout, woody, erect ; st. of barren fr.
2-3 in. 1., erect, densely clothed with tomentum ; barren f r . 4-6 in. each way,
deltoid, tripinnate ; p innæ close, only the lowest pair with pinnatifid p in n l. ;
ult. divisions oblong-rhomboidal, J - f in. 1., the base equally cuneate,^ the outer
edge slightly tootlied ; texture herhaceous ; rachises tomentose ; fertile on a
slender naked st. 6-8 in. 1., the f r . panicled with a few distant slender simple
or compound beaded branches.— H k . Sp. 5. p . 248.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 26, Lobb.—This has altogether the habit of an Anemia, with
the fertile segments ball-like, with the sori all over the surface.
. A. {F o lyh .) plumbicaide. Baker ; rhizome vraody, wide-scandent, scaly ; ri.
..arren fr. 9-10 in. 1., firm, erect, glossy, naked ; barren f r . lJ -2 ft. 1.,
7 5
of liar
nearly 1 ft. br., simply pinnate, with aliout 12 pinnae on each side below the
point, the lower ones sessile, 6-0 in. 1., 1 in. br., the jioint acuminate, the edge in
the upper p a rt sharply toothed, the base broadly rounded on the upper, truncate