A i r a / f r ? " ! / f t ' " ® ® ® ®" fl*'® connected veinlets.—/ f t . Njo. 6. ?.. 36.
Hab. Brazil.—Ne.ar P. s, but thicker in textnre, and veins less distinct.
v e f l c L - T . ^ T T '^ o o * i, Kunze ; »/«feme slender, the scales small, iibrillose,
} ellowibh , si. distant, slender, naked, 3-4 in. 1. ; /» . 1J 2 J in 1. 1 -14 in br ovate
¿ ‘a t o l t t f A U L'"®®®,’ ' f ' ,®/y decurrent ; texture coriaceous ; botli sides ¿aked *
mam distmct neariy to the edge, with fine areolæ and free ve in le ts; sori
ra th e r large, few, scattered.—/ft-. s. ? . 7 1 . ’
H a b . P h ilip p in es, Cuming, 58.
fib?Ufos^! f r T ! I f l V f •’ e’nn't-creeping, the scales black,
r s h o i t r t e £ T t b T b i ; ’ L f “ ■ /‘'■’ "T™ gradually upwards and below into
f i t! i . l o f ®"®®;/'® ®®8^® .®te'ra ; subcoriaceons ; no main veins;
- « l a r g e , in a single row on each side
H ab . Cape Colony an d N a ta l.
303. P . (P h ym .) Cimninghmni, H k . ; rUzome short-creeping, the scales large
I to ri T T ' - T - i ta- ta-., the poi.it a te nm in a tttte edlé
to tiT ’h l e te " ! ! down, from whicli it is narrowed gradually
I n i f o r i l l i b l ' t f ®tam ; coriaceous, not rigid ; surfaces naked ; aréolæ
o b lo T in a rtetene ‘‘d ulets ; SO»« large, prominent, not immersed, roundish or
Oblong, m a iow nearer the midrib th an the edge.—/ft- S v & n .58 P atten,,
a tu m ,/7 / .f t .i .4 0 9 . Dictymia lanceolata, J". P - 53- P . attenu-
H ab . N ew Ze alan d an d N ew H eb rid e s,
i„ ?■ Uneare, Thunb. ; rUzome wide-creeping, woody, the scales
Knceolate, dull-brown ; si varying from almost none to 1 - 2 in. 1 . ; f r . 0 - 1 2 in 1
siles n’e a r i /n a r e ’d t e T r / subcoriaceous ; both
K s t e io T ’- te r taee veinlets ; son distinctly immeised,
lai„e, prominent, forming a single row nearer the inidrib th an th e T g e
Æ f t f ¿ 6 3 " peltate s c a le s .-G « r /. F . 1. 14. Pleopeltis n u L ;
,7 7 . 7 ^- *■ 63.—f t F . simplex, Sw. ; f r . larger, sometimes 2 in. br. 18 in 1 ^
" S i “ ’/ . " . ™ “ ” ■
Kunze ; rUzome slender, woody, scandent ;/» . 9-18
™ î a î , t e i l ! tot„ ? L " t e “ '" " ‘i®’ te® ®®e® ®"‘ft®’ ta e lèw e rp a r tn ’i i w e d
, . s . , . . 7 s “ s
287, 832.—The only species Hab. Philippines, of the group with small
irregularly-scattered sori.
306. P . (Vbyva.) ttenophyllum, Bl. ; rUzome moderately thick wide-creeiiimv
f T c t tV 4 te"-"*' ft"'®-ta:?"’u scales ; si. distant, 1 in. or more 1., f i r . /
e ie c t, f r . 4-J m. 1., j - J m. br., entire, narrowed gradually to both ends - terfufr
Ite dT eT lT nT ts’ " " ’'t e I fT '"® ® ® “ ’ iuraieraed, uo distinct main veins,
ridp t e t , " ■ Y ’ ®°™Pletely immersed, and very prominent on the uppeiside,
forming a single row close to the edge.—« / . S p . B .p . 66.
Hab. Philippines and Malaccas,
3 0 7 . P . (Ph ym .) soridens, Hk. ; rUzome wide-creeping, the scales squarrose,
linear, reddish ; st. 1-3 in. 1., slender, naked ( f r . 4-12 in. 1., j - J in. br., narrowed
very gradually to both ends, the barren ones entire, the fertile ones repand ;
texture rigid, coriaceous ; both sides glossy ; areolæ fine, irregular, free veinlets
rare ; sori 1 to each lobe, deeply immersed, and forming very distinct papillæ on
the upper side.—« / . Sp. 5. p . 61. t. 283. B.
Hab. Borneo, Wallace, Lobb.
308. P . (P h ym .) sinuosum. Wall. ; rUzome forming a crust which enwraps the
matrix, clothed with peltate scales, black in the middle and white round the edge,
the stein arising from a conical protuberance, 1-2 in. 1., firm, naked ; f r . dimorphous,
the barren ones 3-6 in. 1., -J-1 in. br., the edge entire, the fertile ones longer,
and the edge repand ; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ; veins obscure ; sori
large, immersed, round or oblong, marginal or submarginal.—« / . Sp. 5. p . 61.
t. 2 7 4 .
Hab. Malaccas, Amboyna, New Hebrides, Solomon Isles.
309. P . (P h ym .) longifolium, Mett. ; rUzome woody, short-creeping, the scales
linear, nearly black ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., J - l J in. br., the apex acute, the edge entire,
often revolute, the lower p a rt narrowed very gradually into a short firm stem ;
texture coriaceous, the lovrer surface naked or subfurfuraceous ; main veins none ;
areolæ fine, hidden, -vi-ith copious free veinlets ; sori oblong, quite immersed, placed
end to end a space from one another in a line close to the edge, the caps, mixed
with minute stalked peltate scales.—« / . Sp. 5. p. 60. 2nd Cent. t. 87. F il. Fx.
t. 20. Paragramma, Moore.
Hab. Malaccas and Philippines.
310. P . (Ph ym .) Brownii, Wickst. ; rUzome -n-oody, wide-creeping, the scales
lanceolate, dull-brown ; f r . scattered, 6-18 in. 1., j - J in. br., ligulate, the point
bluntish, the edge entire or slightly repand, the lower p a rt narrowed very g ra dually
to a base or short stem ; texture very coriaceous, rigid ; areolæ uniform,
without free veinlets ; sori large, prominent, ohlong, immersed, in a single row
end to end a space from one another midway between the midrib and edge.—
P. attenuatum, B . B r. Hk. Sp. 5. p . 58. G. F . t. 30 {not « . B . K .). Dictyniia,
J . Sm.—f t marginatum ; sori quite marginal.
Hab, Australia, New Caledonia, F iji; f t New Caledonia and Isle of Pines.
311. P . (P h ym .) superficiale, Blume ; rhizome woody, wide-creeping, the scales
lanceolate, spreading, brown, shining ; st. 4-6 in. 1., firm, naked, often curved ;
f r . 6-12 in. 1., 1-2 in. br., narrowed gradually a t both ends, the edge entire ;
texture subcoriaceous ; b o th ri/e s naked ; areolæ fine, irregular, with free veinlets ;
sori copious, scattered irregularly.—/ / / . Sp. B .p . 71.
Hab. N. India (up to 5-6,000 ft.), Tsus-Sima, Hong-Kong, Malaccas.—Characterized
in the group by its large, copious, irregularly-scattered sori.
312. P . (Phym.) Schomhurghianum, Kze. ; rhizome J-1 in. thick, densely clothed
with spreading lanceolate scales, with a broad scariose border ; st. distant, 1-2
in. 1., firm, erect ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., lJ -3 in. br., entire, narrowed at both ends ;
texture coriaceous ; hotli sides naked, the margin thickened, no distinct main
veins ; areolæ copious, fine, witli free veinlets ; sori large, not immersed, in single
rows not far from the midrib.—« / . Sp. 5. p . 68.
Hab. Guiana and Amazon Valley.