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hairy, and densely glandular beneath, with the lower pinnæ suddenly dwarfed. A, dimor-
phu-m, Kze., is said to differ from this by the presence of a gland at the base of the
189. _N. stipellatimi, I lk . ; st. tufted, 1 ft. 1., grey, naked ; f r . 2 ft. 1., 8-]0 in.
br. ; pinnoe 4-5 in. 1., | in. br., the apex acuininate, the edge cu t about one-third
down into oblong-falcate lobes, the base with a large scale-like gland beneath
the m id rib ; texture subcoriaceous; rachis and midrib beneath villose; veins
pinnate in the lohes, with G veinlets on a side, with sori iu rows near the main
vein.—/ / / . Sp. 4. p. 70.
H a b . J a v a .—A mo re coriaceous p la n t th a n A . molle, w ith b ro ad e r lobes, th e u n d e r
su rface nea rly naked. A . latehrosum, K z e ., is said to differ from th is by being more
deeply lobed, w ith th e u n d e r surface g la n d u la r, an d th e basal g land b lu n tly tu b e rcu la r,
n o t scale-like. ’
190. N. crinipes, H k . ; st. 12-18 in. 1., stout, erect, densely clothed with brown
lin e a r scales ; f r . 2-3 ft. L, 8-12 in. br. ; p innoe horizontal, 4-6 in. f | in. br.
cut about halfway down into close linear-oblong lobes ; rachis scaly in the lower
p a rt ; texture herbaceous, both sides naked ; veinlets 6-8 on a side ; sori medial
— H k . S p .A . p . I l .
_ H a b . Sikkim {subtropical region), H k . jil. an d T h omso n ; Malacca, B e s t distin
g u ish ed from trimcatum by its scaly s tem an d rachis.
191. N. venustum, J . Sm. ; st. tufted, 1 ft. or more 1., naked, grejùsh, glossy ;
f r . 2 ft. or more 1., 1 ft. br. ; pinnoe numerous, spreading, 6 in. 1., 1 in. br., with
blunt ohlong lohes reaching halfway down ; texture herhaceous ; rachis and
both surfaces naked, glossy ; veins about 8 on each side, with sori principallv in
the lobes close to the edge.— Sp. 4. p . 71. ^ v
H a b . J am a ic a .—A b o u t midway between molle an d hrachyodon. A Mexic an specimen
s en t by P ro fesso r R e ich en b ach &.Q A . paludosum, Liebm., m ay be th e same p la n t, b u t th e
v e in le ts a re closer an d more n um e ro u s (10-12 on a side).
192. N, ferox, Moore ; st. 1-2 ft. I., strong, densely iibrillose, the hairs black
and leaving the stem rough when they fall ; f r . 3-4 ft. 1., sometimes 2 ft. br. •
p in noe rather close, spreading, 6-12 in. 1., j-1 in. hr., apex very acuminate!
edge cut about a th ird down into lanceolate-falcate lobes ; texture subcoriaceous ;
hotli surfaces glossy ; veins in pinnated groups of 10-12 veinlets on a side, with
often a sortis on each close to the main vein.—i^ /. Sp. 4. p . 77. Phegopteris
Mett. Polyp, barbatum, H k , Sp. 5. p . 11. Goniopt. Lobbiana, Fée.
Hab. Kumaon, Philippines, Java.—A well-marked species.
193. N. sagittoefolium, Moore ; st. 1-2 ft. 1,, tufted, stout, erect, villose ; f r . 3-4
ft. 1., ] ft. or more br. ; p innoe numerous, spreading, 6-8 in. 1., | in. b r.,th e apex
acuminate, the edge cut from one-third to halfway down into ohlong-falcate
lobes, the loAver pinnoe suddenly dwarfed and deflexed ; texture subcoriaceous •
rachis and under surface densely villose ; veins pinnate in the lobes, with 8-10
vemlets on a side, with a sorus midway on each ; caps, setose.—/ / / . Sp. 4. p . 78.
Hab. Java.
194. N. truncatum., Presl ; st. tufted, stout, erect, 2 ft. 1., qreyish, naked or
slightly villose ; f r . 2-4 ft. 1., 12-18 in. br. ; pinnæ 6-9 in. 1,, f i n . br., cut down
oiie-third or more of the distance to tlie rachis into blunt, spreading, oblong
lobes; papyraceo-herbaceous ; lower p innoe sm a ll; Mwdav surface
nearly or quite naked ; rachis slightly villose ; veins pinnate in the lohes, witli
C-8 veinlets on a side, witli a sorus on each near the main vein.—Aspid. Mett. F il
l n d . t 2 5 f i N. abruptum, Prc sf. I lk . Sp. i . p . f i . N. Uudsoniaiuim,
Brack. N. eusorum, Thwaites.
Hab. N. India to Ceylon, Malaccas, Australia, and Polynesian Isles.—A much larger
and less herbaceous plant than A . molle, with close, blunt lobes, and the rachis and under
surface nearly or quite naked. The Mauritian N. c a u d i c u l a t u m , is either the same
or closely allied. J . Smith distinguishes the Indian from the Polynesian plant, calling
the former abruptum, the latter truncatum.
195. N. hrachyodon, H k . ; st. tufted, 1-2 ft. 1., greyish, naked ; / r . 2-3 ft. 1.,
12-18 in. br. ; pinnoe 6-9 in. 1., 1 J -1 | in. br., cut from one-tlnrd to h a lf the way
down into b lèn t, oblong, slightly falcate lobes ; loiocr pm næ not much smaller
than the others ; texture coriaceous ; raclm and both surfaces naked ; veins
pinnate in the lobes, with 10-15 vemlets on a side with a sorus on each tto iit
midway between the midrib and edge ; invol. small, fugacious.—/ f t . t>p. 4. p . 83.
Phegopteris Seemanni, J . Sm.
Hal). W. Indies and Panama southward to Peru and the Galapagos group ; Malayan
Peninsula and Isles.
196. N. Fendleri, H k ., st. tufted, 1-2 ft. 1., greyish, naked ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1.,
12-16 in. br. : p J æ 6-8 in. 1., I J in. br., cut about a third of the way down
into oblong b lu n t lobes; lower pinnæ not much smaller th an the others ; textiire
coriaceous ; raehis and both surfaces naked ; pinnate m t t e lobes, with
10-12 veinlets on a side ; sari marginal and almost confined to the lohes , mvol.
firm, persistent.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 82.
Hab. Venezuela, Eewller, 372 ; Guiana, Appm, 1035,-Very like the last in texture
and cutting.
§§§ Pleocnemia, Presl. Lower veinlas o f contiguous groups united, and tliose o f
the same group slightly so. Sp. 197-200.
197. N. (Pleo.) dissidens, H k . ; st. 6 in. 1., v illo se ;/» '. 8 in. 1., 4-5 in. br.,
ol.lono-lanceolate ; pinnæ 2J in. 1., j in. br., with oblong-acnte lobes ; text f i e
tbin and flaccid ; rachis and frond pubescent ; vems pinnate in the lobes, with
8-9 veinlets on a side, t t e lower ones forming costal arches -, son 4-6 m eacli
side near t t e margin of the lobes ; invol. small, ciliated.—/ f t . ¿>p. i . p . 60.
Hab. Porto E io o .-We have not seen this, and take the description from Mettenius.
198. N. (Pleo.) haerophyllum, H k . ; rhizome creeping ; St. 2-4 m. 1., densely
villose • f r 6-6 in. 1., 1 in. br., simple, with blunt, oblong, sliglitly falcate lobes
reachiég é quarter of the distance to the m id rib ; i« te r c coriaceous ; both
surfaces villose, especially the edge and midrib beneath ; vems pi™ate in the
lo l4 , those of the sterile frond anastomosmg towards the
each side, with a sorus on e a c h . - / / / . S p . 4. p . 62. 2nd Cent. t. 20. Haplo-
dictyum, Presl.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 322.
199. N. (Pleo.) excellens, B l.; st. naked, g rey ish ; /»• ample, bipinnatifid ;
lower pinnæ 1 ft. 1., 3-4 in. br., cut down n early to the raclns into entiie,
lanceolate lobes ; texture subcoriaceous ; raclns and both surfaces neaily j
vemlets of the lobes slightly pinnate and mostly formnig costal arclies , so«
small, copious, principally in two irregular rows near the midrib of the lobes.
Hk. Sp. 4. p . 63. Proferea, Presl.
Hab. Java, Blume.
200. N. (Pleo.) Leuzeanum, H k . ; caud. subarborescent densely s c a l y at the
crown ; si. 2-3 ft. 1., stout, striated ; f r . 4-6 ft. 1., subdeitoid _; pm næ 12-18 m. 1.,
6-8 in. br., simple, or the lowest with 2-3 large pinnated pinnl. from
side ; segm. 3-4 in. 1., f l j in. br., with oblong, subfalcate, entire, or sinuated lobes
i ; '