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densely clothed, especially below, with lai-ge lanceolate pale-hrown scales ; f r ,
2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more b r . ; lower?)«««« 6-9 in. 1., 2-3 in. b r . ; pinnl. lanceolate,
cu t down in the lower p a rt into oblong segm.; teeth blunt or slightly mucronate ;
texture subcoriaceous ; rachis more or less scaly ; both surfaces naked ; veins
obscure ; sori placed near the sinuses of the pinnl.—Hk . Sp. 4. p. 27. Kew
Gard. Misc. 8. t. H .
H ab . Ceylon.—A v e ry curious p lan t, p e rh ap s an ab n o rm a l form of 18. The sori a re
often upon th e u p p e r surface, an d sometimes q u ite d e s titu te of involucre.
28. A. (Polyst.) amabile, Blume ; st, scattered, 6-12 in. 1., slender, polished,
sliglitly scaly below ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1., 6-9 in. br., ivith a lanceolate terminal
p inna and 3-6 lateral ones on each side, which are 6-8 in. 1., 1-] J in. hr., the
lowest sometimes slightly compound a t the base ; segm. subrhomboidal, with at
least h a lf tlie lower side cut away, J - j in. 1., J - f in. br., the upper side and
outer p a rt of the lower lobed and sha rply spinuloso-serrated ; texture subcoriaceous
; rachis and both surfaces naked ; lower veinlets in groups of 3-5 : sw i
submarginal.—H k . Sp. 4. p. 25. t. 225.
Hab. Nepaul, Ceylon, Malaccas, Foimosa, Japan.—This is nearest the simpler forms
of aristatlim, but has a long terminal pinna, with subuniform large rhomboidal segmeuts.
29. A. (Polyst.) tnpteron, Kunze ; st. 6-9 in. 1., densely clothed at the base
witli large ovate dark-brown scales ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., with a large terminal
and two small spreading lateral pinnæ a t the base of it, the former 2J-3 in. hr.,
with very numerous spreading pinnl. on each side, I J in. ]., | - J in br., very
unequal-sided, the point acute, the edge deeply inciso-pinnatifld, tlie lower lobes
again toothed, the upper side abruptly narrowed and tlie lower obliquely
truncate a t the base ; lat. pinnæ 3-6 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br., with numerous
similar pinnl. ; texture herbaceous ; raehis nearly naked, stramineous ; sori
principally in two rows midway between midrib and edge.—« / . Sp. 4 .’p. 15.
2nd Gent. t. 56.
Hab. J apan and Tsus-Sima.—A very distinct plant.
**** Lower pinnæ more than once pinnate. Sp. 30-41.
30. A. (Polyst.) laserpitiifolium, Mett. ; st. 4 in. I., stramineous, scaly at the
base ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., ovate-deltoid, tripinnate ; lower pinnæ the
largest, with p in n l. on the lower side prolonged, lanceolate, imbricated witli
small, distinct, bluntly, not deeply lobed segm.; texture subcoriaceous; colour
light-green ; botli sides and rachis glabrous ; sori in two rows occupyino- nearly
the whole space between the edge and midrib.—M a t. F il. Lnd. p . 227. t. 6 . / . 2.
Hab. Japan.—Differs from A. amahile by being more compound, with smaller, cuneate,
oblong, iess-toothed segments and larger sori.
(¿oJyst-) Sw. ; rhizome subrepent; St. 6-12 in. 1., densely
fibri lose be ow ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 9-12 in. br., lanceolate-deltoid ; lower pinnæ
much the largest, subdeitoid, unequal-sided, 4-6 in. 1., 3-4 in. br. ; pinnl.
lanceolate, imbricated, the lowest one on the under side much larger than the
otliers ; segm. oblong, blunt, faintly toothed, the teeth not awned ; texture subcoriaceous
; both surfaces naked ; rachis slightly fibrillose ; sori principallv in
two rows near the midrib ; invol. peltate or reniform.—« / . Sp. 4. ¡t>.‘ 30
t, 226. Lastrea, H k , olim,
Hab. Japan, southward to Hong-Kong.—Habit intermediate between that of a
Lastrea and typical Polystichum.
32. A. (P o ly st.) capense, Willd. ; st. scattered, 1-2 ft. ].., firm, erect, greyish.
densely scaly below ; f r . 1-3 ft. 1., 12-18 in. hr., subdeitoid ; lowest pinnæ the
largest, 6-12 in. 1., 3-4 in. br. ; pinnl. and segm. lanceolate, the latte r bluntly
lobed, the teeth not mucronate ; texture very coriaceous ; rachis strong, polished ;
both surfaces naked ; veins immersed, pinnate ; sori 1 lin. br., in two rows
filling nearly the space between midrib and edge.—Polyp. L . A . coriaceum,
Sw. H k . Sp. 4. p . S2.
H ab . America, from Cuba to P a ta g o n ia ; P o ly n e s ian Is lan d s , N ew Zealand, an d
A u stra lia ; Cape Colony, N a ta l, M a sc a ren Isles.
33. A. (V o \y s t) flexum, K u n z e ; rhizome stout, wide-creeping; sf. scattered,
1 ft. 1., deciduously scaly ; f r . 2-3 ft. L, 9-12 in. br. ; lower pinnæ lanceolate-
deltoid, 6-9 in. 1., 4-6 in. br. ; pinnl. lanceolate-deltoid, cut down to the rachis
below into oblong bluntly-lobed segm. J in. 1., J- J in. br. ; textitre coriaceous ;
teeth not awned ; veins beneath prominent ; under surface and rachises scaly ;
sori large, in two rows, occupying nearly the space between edge and midrib.__
A. Berteroanum, Colla. H k . Sp. 4. p . 33. t. 229.
H a b . J u a n Fern.andez.—Closely allied to th e preceding, from whioh it is distinguished
by its furfuraceous rachis an d u n d e r surface.
34. A. (Polyst.) Seemanni, Hk., ; st. stout, erect, the upper p a rt naked ; f r .
18-24 in. 1., 1 ft. br. ; pinnæ lanceolate, 6-8 in. 1., 2-2J in. br. ; pinnl. distant,
sublaneeolate, unequal-sided, 1-1J in. 1., J - f in. br., b lu n tly lobed, the lower
lobes reaching down nearly to the rachis ; texture coriaceous ; rachises and both
surfaces nearly naked ; midrib of the lobes prominent ; sori 4-6 in each. H k .
Sp. 4. p. 34. t. 230.
H ab . P an am a , Seemann.—V e ry n e a r th e tw o preceding.
36. A. (Polyst.) ascendens. Hew. ; rhizome wide-climbing ; st. 1 ft. I., straw-
coloured, polished, nearly naked ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. br., dimorphous ; lower
pinnoe of barren f r . subdeitoid, 6-9 in. ]., 3-4 in. hr. ; pinnl. lanceolate-deltoid ;
segm. stalked, ovate-rhomboidal, cut down to the rachis in the lower pa rt and
lobes acutely, not deeply toothed ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and both surfaces
glossy, naked ; fertile segm. distant, J in. 1., J in. hr., the edge undulated ; sori
in two rows, which are close to the midrib and fill up the lobes.—Hk. Sp. 4.
p . 32. t. 224. ^
H ab . Jam a ic a .—I n h a b it th is differs en tire ly from th e o th e r species, an d coincides with
Dicksonia coniifolia, of which D r. Grisebach supposes i t to be a d imorphic form.
36. A. (Polyst.) frondosum, Lowe ; st. scattered, 1-2 ft. 1., strong, straw-
coloured or pale-l)rown, polished, densely scaly below ; f r . 18-24 in. 1., 1 ft. or
more hr., subdeitoid, the lower p innoe mucli the largest,' 6-12 in. 1., 3-4 in. hr.,
long-stalked ; pinnl. lanceolate, erecto-patent ; segm. very unequal-sided, pinnatifid,
with rounded mucronate lobes, obliquely truncate at the base below ;
texture subcoriaceous ; rachis glossy, stramineous ; both sutfaces naked ; lateral
veins of lobes often forked ; sori large, copious, principally in two rows near the
midrib.—« / . /Sin. 4.?). 31.
H ab . Madeira, Zambesi-land, N a ta l.
37. A. (Po ly st.) aristatum, Sw. ; rhizome creeping ; st. scattered, 12-18 in. 1.,
clothed, especially below, with linear or fibrillose scales ; f r . 1-2 ft. ]., 9-12 in.
hr., ovate-deltoid, tri- or quadripinnatifid ; lower pinnæ largest, 6-9 in. 1.,
3-4 in. br., subdeitoid ; lowest pinnl, much the largest, lanceolate-deltoid,
2-4 in. 1., with subdeitoid lower segm. ; tedh copious, aristate ; texture subcoriaceous,
glossy ; both surfaces naked, rachis nearly so ; sori small, prin cipally
in two rows near the midrib ; invol. sometimes reniform.—?, A . conii-
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