I l i
i .1;
b r . ; pinnl. thinly herbaceous, out down on the upper side into very slender filiform
simple or forked segments to a recurved filiform rachis ; sori small, nearly
terminal on the dilated apices of the segments ; inml. suborhicular.—H k . Sp. 1.
p. 177. t. 54. Lindsaya tenuifolia, Blume.
Hab. Java and Philippine Islands.—A very distinct and beautiful species, easily recognizable
by its slender filiform segments.
, , , , Eudavallia. Inm l. eoriacemis, semicylindrical or Mf-cupsJiaped, attaclied
at the sides as well as the base. Sp. 31-48.
t Prosaptia, Presl. Habit o f Lomaría Spieant. Lnml.
ihe texture o f the frond. Sp. 31-32.
31. D. (Prosap
1 in. hr. at the wi
rachis into numerous linear-oblong, or at the lower p a rt triangnlar,‘lobes ; texture
coriaceous ; sori 1 to 6, placed round the edge of the lobes.—Hk . Sp, 1. p. 101.
H k . £ Gr. Ic. F il. t. lOS.
Hab. Madras, Ceylon, Penang, Java, Borneo, and Philippine Islands.
32. D. (Prosap.) contigua, Swartz; f r . tufted, sessile or nearly so, 12-18 in. h,
I - I 4 in. br., linear-lanceolate, cut down nearly or quite to the rachis into numerous
linear-acuminate or bluntish slightly-toothed lobes; texture coriaceous ; sori 2 to
8 to a lobe, placed in the teeth on their upper pa rt.—H k . Sp. 1. p. 161. H k . £
Gr. Ic. Fil. t. 141. D. Preslii, H k . Sp. l . p . 161.
Hab. Ceylon, Java, and Polynesian Islands.
f t Seyphularia, Fée. Fronds once
) Emorsoni, H k . & G r . ; f r . tufted, sessile, 6-12 in. 1., nearly
est part, linear-lanceolate, cut more th an halfway down to the
lin ” . - ............................
in. hr., nearly entire. Sp. 33-34.
pinnate. Segments few , linear, 4-6 in. I.,
33. D. (Scyph.) tripliylla, H k . ; rhizome stout, creeping, densely fibrillose ; sl.
erect, strong, 2-4 in. 1. ; f r , ternate, the central segment the largest, 4-6 in. 1.,
4 - | in. hr., linear, scarcely toothed, cuneate a t the base ; texture coriaceous ; sori
placed in close rows along the margin, edge to edge ; inml. semicylindrical.—
H k . S p . l . p . 162. t. 46. A.
Hab. Singapore ; discovered by Mr. Cuming.—Yeins more prominent than in the next,
of which it may be a reduced form.
34. D. (Scyph.) pentaphylla, Blume ; rhizome creeping, stout, densely fibrillose ;
St. erect, strong, 2-4 in. 1.; f r . with a terminal segment and 2 to 3 pairs of lateral
pinnæ ; terminal segment of fertile frond linear, 4-6 in. 1., 4 in. hr., of the barren
frond broader and shorter ; lateral pinnæ similar, sessile or slightly stalked,
lowest pair sometimes with one or a pair of similar s m a l l e r a t the base ;
texture coriaceous ; sori iu rows along the slightly-toothed margin ; invol. semicylindrical.—
I l k . Sp. 1. p . 163. D. pycnocarpa, Brack, t. 35.
Hab. Java and Polynesian Islands.
-f+t Fronds ample, deltoid, tri- or quadripinnatifid, coriaceous in texture. Sp.
36-48. A well-marked group, all o f the species o f which closely resemble one another.
I t has its head-quartcrs in Polynesia and S . E. A sia , and is entirely absent from the
New Woi'ld.
35. D. Lobbiana, Moore ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., lanceolate-deltoid, bi- or
tripinnatifid ; main rachis slightly winged above ; lower p in næ 4-6 in. 1., 2 iu.
hr., lanceolate-deltoid, acuminate, cut down to the rachis in the lower p a rt into
linear- or deltoid-oblong b lu n t segm., only the lowest of which are toothed deeply;
sori copious, placed obliquely in two long rows
invol. broader th an deep.—Moore, Ind. Fil. p . 2
in the pinnules near the edge;
296. ^ ’
Hab, Borneo ; discovered by Mr. Thos. L o b h .-A very distinct species, with the invo-
Jucre resemblmg lu shape that of Ilumata, but not free at the sides.
36. D. micans, Metten. ; rhizmne stout, wide-creeping, densely clothed with
large lanceolate-acuminate silvery-brown scales ; st. 1-2 in. ]., erect • f r . 6-8 in
1., 2-3 m. hr., lanceolate, hi- or tripinnatifid ; lower pinnæ 1 -1 | in. Í., \ in. br ’
lanceolate, spreadmg from the rachis a t a right angle, cnt down to the rachis a t
the base into ohlong-rhomboidal deeply-toothed pmn u le s; texture subcoriaceous •
son 1 to 4 to a pinnule large suborbicular (4 lin. br.), placed a t the base of tlm
teetii a t some distance from the margin.
Hab. Bootan, Gi'iffiih, 2790.
37. D. Moorei, H k ; rhizome creeping, fibrillose ; st. erect, strong, 4-8 in. 1. ;
fi . 4-6 in. 1. 3-4 in hr., bi- or tripinnatifid ; main raehis slightly winged above ;
lowest /« » « / cut down nearly to the rachis below, the lobes oblong, b lu n t ?
d^rti, ce’f r ^ f t o 4 to 6 to a lobe, placed in the teeth at a Uttll
distance fiom the edge ; invol. half-cupshaped.—i f t . 2nd Cent. Ferns, t. 53.
Hab. New Caledonia, discovered by Mr, C. Moore.
38. p . decurrens, H k . ; rjiizome stout, creeping, densely fibrillose; st. 4-6
ImVdH ¿ lY '“ ’ deltoid, tripinnatifid ; main rachis
h a i d ? a t all 'vmSp'i a t the apex ; /« « « / of the lower pinnæ lanceolate-acuminate,
r a ih ri wiH) 1 j f ' throughout within a short distance of the
n n to è n f subcoriaceous; Veins
1.“ I67.V dZ H ^ B a lf-c u p sh a p e d .-ft/. Sp. F il.
position of the
stout, densely clothed with adpressed scales or
fibres ; _s<. strong, erect, 4-6 in. 1-2 ft. 1., 12-16 in. br deltoid trin im m tifift
S p T “ ®4erate? broad undivided c entre; segm. ovate-rhomboidal, deeply
®Barper in fertile frond; veins uniform ; coriaceoL^
F i l E x l l t 5 ? " j «®“ ic y lin c lric a l.-f t/. 6>. l . p . 164. <. 42.
I I I . Fxot. t. 57.—p, D. caudata, Cav .; pinnules more divided with narrower
segments. I lk . Sp. l . p . 164. D. L in d le /i, I lk . Sp. 1. p . 103. ¿ d l B.
N ew ¥ e n S ^™ Beninsiüa, Java, and Polynesian Islands.-The reported station in
New Zealanci appears to be a mistake. D. stenomera, Kunze, from Java, which I have
“ L a cuneatTe-eo^bbioWng segments, and urceolate involucres. D. ornata Wallr oaiso da eld^ rpapin nLuanleHs ,
some form, with broad slightly-cut segments. ^ ^
. ^ 7 ^ y J • * e -m I t . J . , »
Mis slightly wing-ed towards the nnev • i...,— « r. •
; Pi^nl. of tiie lo w e ï pïÎnæ i-sT n !
wd¿ Y® - c h i s in th"e lower part.
base on the lower side ; texture coriaceous ; venation close, prominent irreaular •
ar!hTe®d» but the sharp teeth projecting beyond them’
t w / r n i l T Z - ''¥ - c '* P s b a p e d .- - f t/. A d a la , Sw a x ll;
tHl ik. sbpS. 11 . pt . 116666 . tr. 55. A. D. Vogelii, H k . Sp. m1. ore deeply and sharply cut.— 1 68. i. 69. B.
Hab. Ceylon, Malayan Peninsula, China, Java, Borneo, Polynesian Islands, Tropical