inidi-ib to the edge, l)iit only those of different groups joining one anotlier ; sori
reaching nearly to the edge and copiously double.—?, D. robusta. Fée ; pinnæ
12-18 ill. 1., deeply lobed in the upper pai-t, in the lower cut down to the rachis
into d i s t i n c t 2 iu. 1., | in. h r.—H i . Sp. 3. p . 270.
Hab. Polynesian and Malayan Islands, and sent lately by Dr. Ferd. Mueller from
Queensland ; Mascaren Isles, Angola, and Guinea Coast.—The Assam station given in
“ Species Filicum ” is a mistake.
271. A. (Aniso.) Chimhorazense, Spruce, MSS. ; st. 3 ft. 1., § in. thick at the
base, brown, angular, densely clothed below with large linear-lanceolate brown
scales ; f r . 6 ft. 1., the apex pinnatifid, with lanceolate lobes towards the base of
the pinnatifid portion 4-0 in. 1., below th is about 16 pairs of pinnæ, the
lowest 16 in. 1., 2J in. br., the point suddenly acuininate, the edge slightly
undulated, the base narrowed suddenly on both sides ; texture th in b u t subcoriaceous
; raehis strong, naked, brown ; vdns in groups of about six, not
Uniting till beyond ha lf the way from the midrib to the rachis, the veins of the
same and separate clusters anastomosing copiously beyond this ; sori in slender
lines reaching two-thirds of the way to the edge.
Hab. Foot of Chimborazo (alt. 3-4,000 ft.), Sprnce, 5703.
272. A. (Aniso.) rivale. Spruce, MSS. ; St. 18 in. 1., strong, erect, brownish,
scaly towards the base ; f r . 4-5 ft. 1., the apex pinnatifid ; below this about
16 pairs of pinnæ, the largest 8-9 in. 1., 2 in. br., the point acuininate, the edge
slightly repand, the base subcuneate on both sides ; texture papyraceous, only
the veins beneath slightly h a iry ; veins pinnate, with a distinct barren vein in
the centre of each group and 6-8 lateral veinlets, all of wliioh except the upper
one or two unite with tliose of the nex t group, begiuning to do so within J in. of
the costa ; sori linear, medial, rare ly double.
Hab. Foot of Chimborazo (alt. 8-4,000 ft.), Spruce, 5700.
273. A. (Aniso.) stenoearpum, Mett. ; f r . 5-8 ft. 1., I j ft. br. ; pinnæ
nuinerous, close, tlie lower ones short-stalked, 9-10 in. 1., 2 in. br., the point
acuminate, sha rply toothed, the edge broadly lobed to a depth of 1-3 lin., the
base truncate ; texture herbaceous ; only the rachis and vdns beneath slightly
h a iry ; main vdns 3-4 lin. ap a rt ; veinlets 6-8 on a side, the lower ones ceasing
before they reach the edge, free or uniting with those of the n ex t group, the
upper ones free ; sori reaching from the main vein more th an halfway along the
veinlets.—Aíeíí. Fil. Nov. Gran. p . 232.
Hab. Kew Granada, Lindig and Triana.—The imperfectly-known A. cJiocoense, Triana,
resembles this, but the under surface is clothed, especially on the veins, with ferruginous
hairs, and the lower three or four veinlets of each group unite with those of the adjoining
** Fronds Sp. 274-276.
274. A. (Aniso.)
strong, erect, tufted
usua lly bipinnate ;
Pre sl ; caud. subarborescent, erect ; st. 1-2 ft. 1.,
f r . 4-6 ft. 1., occasionally simply pinnate only, but
lerpinnæ 12-18 in. 1., 6-8 in. br. ; pinnl. 3-6 in. 1., |- 1 in.
Or more br., the point acuminate, the edge more or less deeply lobed, the base
narrowed suddenly, often auricled ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis often
pubescent ; veins fine, copiously pinnated, 6-10 on each side in each lobe,
with a distinct barren central midrib, tbe veinlets of the different clusters
beginning to unite a short distance from the midrib, with lines of sori often on
all the lateral veinlets.—H i . Sp. 3. p . 268. Digrammaria, Presl.
Hab. Himalayas to Ceylon, Hong-Kong, Formosa, Malayan Peninsula and Isles.—-
I), serampurense, Spreng., is a pubescent simply pinnate form,
276. A. (Aniso.) Smithianum, Baker ; caudex oblique, decumbent ; st. tliick,
1 it. ]., slightly scaly below, furfuraceous throughout, and rather densely
muricated ; f r . 18-24 in. 1., by nearly as broad, w'ith 4-6 pinnate pinnoe and
4-6 th a t are only pinnatifid below the point on each side, the lowest 3 in. apart,
about 9 in. I., 4 in. br. ; pinnl. sessile, 2-3 in. I., f - J in. br., the edge subentire,
the point slightly toothed, acuminated, the base rounded on botli sides ; texttire
subcoriaceous ; both surfaces and racliis naked, the la tte r inuricated in the lower
p a rt ; veins in groups of 2-3 on a side, the groups usually joining halfway across
to the edge ; sori often J in. 1.—A. dilatatum, J . Sm. (non Blume).
Hab. Ceylon, Gardner, 1351.—Our description bere is taken from the living cultivated
plant. I t differs from latifolium by its oblique caudex and anastomosing venation and
asperous stipe. ®
point, and bluntly
herbaceous ; rack
in^ the lobes with 6-9 veinlets on a side, the lowest of contiguous groups
joining midway between the midrib and sinus ; sori copious, medial • invol
itly lolmd about one-third of the way down to the midrib ; texture
^finely pubescent, both sides nearly n a k e d ; veins pinnate
Hab. Fiji,
tion to A.
.. / communicated by Prof. Eeiohenbach.—This bears the same rela-
that the preceding does to A. latifolium.
§§§ Ilemidictyum, Presl.
Fig. 38, h. Sp. 277-280.
anastomosing towards the margin. Sori
(Hemi.) Ceterach, L. ; st. densely tufted, 1-3 in. 1., wh y , ebeneous,
chaffy ; f r . 4-6 m. I , 1 in. or less br., cut down nearly or quite to the rachis
into^ alternate, blu n t subentire broadly-oblong or roundish lobes, §-4 in. 1.
J - f in. br., with a rounded sinus between tliem ; texture subcoriaceous; upper
surface naked ; lower densely coated with small pale reddish-brown ovate
membranous scales ; sori linear, oblique ; invol. very rudimenta ry.—B rit. F.
t. 86. Ceteracli officinarum, Willd. f f , C. aureum, L ink ; fr . 6-12 in. 1. Ù -2
in. br., lobes oblong, scales toothed.—/ / / . Bp. 8. p . 273.
^ Hab. Britain and Gothland to Spain, Greece, Himalayas, and the Caucasus ; ¡3, Canaries
and Madeira.—The involucre is so very nearly absent, that this is placed by most
authors in Grammitideoe.
378. A. (Hemi.) Purdieanum, H k . ; 5 / 6-9 in. 1., clothed copiously with
greyish-brown lanceolate-acuminate scales; f r . 6-9 in. each way deltoid
cordate, with a terminal and 2-3 pairs of opposite lateral pinnm, the largest
4-5 in, 1., 1-^-2 in. br., acute at the point, narrowed a t the base, the edge entire •
texture subcoriaceous ; both surfaces naked ; veins fine, the prima ry ones very
oblique, anastomosing copiously halfway from the midrib to the edge, connected
by a vague line within the margin ; lower sori sometimes 1 in. 1.—/ / / , Sr> 3
p>. 273. Ic. t. 938. ^
Hab. Discovered by Mr. Purdie in Venezuela (not Jamaica), and since gathered bv
Dr. Spruce in Peru. & j
279. A. (Hemi.) Finlaysoniammi, Wall. ; st. 6-9 in. L, green, subcompressed
nearly naked ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-8 in. br., simply pinnate, with 2-6 opposite pairs
of lateral pinnm, the lower ones 4-8 in. 1., 1^-2 in. br., tlie point very acuminate
the base narrowed very gradually on both sides to a distinct petiole, the edoe
entire, the two sides often unequal ; texture coriaceous ; veins subflabellate, very
oblique, anastomosing slightly towards the edge, sometimes bounded by an