edge of the upper side parallel with the rachis, of the under side oblique
the margin largin cut about halfway balfwav down or a t the tb e base b a s e qu’ite nnite to tlie tho mïdiï’b mi/I.Ih into 1 VX J *rxlyttiS,'cîosF
blunt lobes, the lower pinnæ distinctly stalked ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and
both surfaces naked ; vcmkts 4-6 on a side ; sori medial : inml. firm, naked —
Polyp. H k . Sp. 4. p . 240.
Hall. Guiana and the Amazon Valley. — Specimens recently received from Appun
show the iuvolucre clearly. I t is not unlikely to be Willdenow's A. eniarginatum.
15. N. (L a st.) insigne, B a k e r; f r . 1 ft. 1., 9 in. b r.; pinnæ opposite, sub-
distant, sessile, 6 in. 1., I J in. br., cut down two-thirds of the way to the racliis
into close, oblong, obtuse lobes, tire lower ones deflexed ; texture thin, both sides
naked ; rac/i*« smooth, stramineous ; veins 12-16 on a side ; sori medial ; invol.
minute, slightly h a iry— Aspid. Mett. Fil. Nov. Gran. p . 247.
Hab. New Granada, Triana.—Approaches N. hrachyodon in habit.
16. N. (h a s t.) gracilescens. I lk . ; rhizome wide-creeping; st. 6-9 in. 1., slender-
naked ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1., 6 in. br. ; p innoe 2-3 in. 1., | - J in. hr., cut dowA
within a short distance of the rachis into close, linear-oblong entire lobes J in.
br., the lowest pair deflexed ; rachis and both sides nearly naked ; veinlets 4-6
on a side ; sori nearly terminal ; invol. naked.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 93.__?, JV. glanduligerum,
Kze. (sub Aspid.) ; rackri hairy ; under surface slightly glandular ; invol.
ciliated. o J a ,
H a b . J a v a ; ? , J a p a n , China, N . In d ia .—H a b it of JV. Thdypteris, b u t a smaller p la n t.
With v ein lets always simple.
17. N. (L a st.) chrysolobum, Fe'e; tufted, 4-6 in. 1., slender, villose, scaly
below ; / r . 6-9 in. 1., 3-4 in. br. ; pinnce lJ -2 in. 1., f in. br., cut down nearly to
the raclus mto close, blunt, entire lobes J in. br., the lowest p a ir deflexed and
slightly stalked ; texture herbaceous ; racliis and under surface slightly villose
and g la n d u la r; veinlas 6-8 on a side, with tlie sori near th e ir apex.—Jfcff
L ips. p. 90. ‘
H a b . B ra z il an d Columbia.—.! . Scholtianum, K z e ., is a form w ith slig h tly to o th ed
lobes. M o st lik e N . fa lc ic u la tum , b u t much smaller au d less g lan d u lar.
18. N. (Last.) macrourum, Baker ; st. 1 ft. or more 1., substramineous, nearly
naked ; f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 18-24 in. br. ; pinnoe 8-12 in. 1., 1J in. br., cu t down nearly
to the rachis into subfalcate entire lobes 2 lin. br., with a space between them
the basal lobes enlarged and pinnatifid ; texture herbaceous ; rachis and under
side finely villose ; veinlets 10-15 on a side, the sori about midway between the
edge and midrib.—Aspid. K a u lf. N. sehizotis, H k . Sp. 4. p . 107.
Hab. Brazil, Burchell, 752 ; E. Peru, 8p,~uce, 4030 ; Caraccas, RiVscfeli.—Doubtfully
distinct from N. 'patens. The lobes are not so deep, and very falcate, and the lowest lobe
on one or both sides is dilated and pinnatifid. Probably this is A. stipulare, Wilid but
none of our specimens have the dilated lobes nearly so large as iu Plumier’s t 23 ’
19. N. (Last.) patens, Desv. ; rhizome oblique ; st. 1 ft. or more I., naked or
slightly pubescent ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 8-12 in. br. ; p innoe 4-9 in. 1., J - f in. br., cu t
down about th ree-qua rters of the space to the rachis into linear-oblong subfalcate
lobes, the lowest lobes not diminished ; texture herbaceous ; raxhis and surfaces
more or less villose ; veinlas 6-12 on a side ; sori nearer the edge th a n the
midrib ; invol. persistent.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 95.
Hab. Florida and Texas to Rio and Chili ; Polynesia, Japan, Zambesi-land, Angola,
St, Helena. This has the general habit and soft herbaceous texture of molle and it is
not always easy to separate them. N. patens, J . Sm,, is intermediate between the two
having an erect caudex, with the lowest pair of veins joining. A. alUcaule, Fée, seems
to belong here, and N. pilosulum (Hk. Sp. 4, p. 102) to be a more hairy form than usual
A. Brackenridgii, Mett., from Polynesia, is said to differ by its reduced lower lobes, and
the presence of a small black gland at the base of the midrib of the pinnæ.
20. N. (Last.) attenuatum. Baker ; st. 1 ft. or more 1., firm, glossy, naked ;
f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 2 ft. br. ; p innæ 9-12 iu. 1., | - J in. hr., very acuminate a t the point,
the edge cnt three-quarters of tlie way' down into entire, spreading, blunt lobes
1 lin. br., the basal lobes much reduced, lower pinnæ slightly stalked ; texture
siilicoriaceous ; rachis naked ; under surface glandular ; veinlets 12-16 on a
side ; sori in a close row near the midrib.—Lastrea, J . Sm. (not Brack.)
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 327.—Rabit oi BidymocMcena polycarpa.
21. N. (Last.) abruptum. B a k e r; st. ] J ft. 1., angular, slightly villose above;
f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br. ; pinnæ 6-8 in. 1., 1 in. br., cut down to a broadly-
winged rachis into close, acute, falcate, entire lobes J in. br., the basal lobes
rather reduced, and the pinnæ on the upper side cut off in a slight curve ; texture
subcoriaceous, rigid ; rachis and both surfaces nearly naked ; veinlets prominent,
12-16 on a side, with the sori near the apex.—Aspid. Kze. Mett. (non Blume).
Hab. Peru.—General habit and texture of N. invisum.
22. N. (Last.) invisum. Baker ; rhizome stout, wide-creeping, scaly ; st. 1-2 ft.
1., smooth ; f r . 3-4 ft, 1., 1-2 ft. br. ; pinnæ 6-12 in. 1., J - | in. br., cut down
nearly to the rachis into entire, linear-subfalcate lobes 1 lin. br., tiie basal ones
the largest ; texture sulicoriaceous, rigid ; rachis and under surface naked or
finely villose; veinlets 10-15 on a side, with the sori midway between tlie edge
and midrib.—Polyp. Swz. N. macroniiim and Serra, Hk. Sp. 4. p . 96-8.
Hab. Mexico and Cuba, southward to Brazil and Peru.—A larger and more rigid
pl.ant than N. patens, with narrower and more acute lobes, and closer and more prominent
23. N. (Last.) immersum, H k . ; st. tufted, 2 ft. 1., or more, naked, substramineous
; /®. 3-4 ft. 1., 1-2 ft. br. ; pinnæ often 1 ft. 1., 1-1J in. hr., cut
down very nearly to the rachis into spreading linear lobes 1 lin. hr., with more
tlian th e ir own space between them ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachis and
under surface naked or slightly pubescent and g lan d u la r; veinlas 10-20 on a
side ; sori submarginal, immersed so as to project on the upper surface ; invol.
subpeltate.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 112.
Hab. Assam, Philippines, Malaccas.—Perhaps tbe shape of the involucre would justify
our placing this in Aspidium, but in other respects it comes near the following four
species. L, caudiculata, Presl, is said to differ from this by its medial sori.
24. N. (Last.) Spekei, Baker ; si. 1 ft. 1., stramineous, slender, fibrillose ; f r .
18-24 in. 1., 9-12 in. br. ; pinnæ 4-6 in. 1., 1 in. br., cut down very nearly to
the rachis, entire, those of the fertile frond 1 lin. br., tliose of tlie barren frond
wider ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; main rachis and tliat of thé pinnæ sliglitly
fibrillose ; under side naked ; veinlets 8-12 on a side ; scrri midway between the
edge and midrib ; invol. subpeltate.
Hab. Johanna Island, Capt. Speke, Br. Kirk ; Angola, Welwitzsch. — This comes near
the last, but the texture is thinner, the veinlets are fewer, and the sori medial, and not
immersed. A plant from the Cameroou Mountains differs only by its more scaly
25. N. (Last.) crinibulbon, Hk. ; si. 9-12 in. 1., tufted, slender, glanduloso-
pilose, and fibrillose, especially below ; st. 1 ft. 1., 6 in. br. ; pinnoe spreading,
3 in. 1., f - f in. br., cut down very nearly to the rachis into linear-oblong entire
lobes J in. br. ; texture herbaceous ; rachis fibrillose and viscose, and midrib
beneath slightly so ; veinlas 5-6 on each side, with the sori nearly te rm in a l.—
Hk. Sp. 4. p . 92. t. 244.
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