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2. D. piloselloides, Presl ; rhizome filiform, wide-creeping f r . dimorphous,
the barren ones roundish or obovate-elliptical, J-2 in. 1., J - | in. br., the fertile
ones linear-oblong, 2-4 in. 1., J - J in. hr., hoth narrowed to the base or a short
stem ; texture coriaceous ; veins immersed, anastomosing, with copious tree
veinlets ; smi, in a broad continuous submarginal line, the capsules mixed with
stalked peltate scales.—Hk. Sp. 5. p . 190. O. F . t . 46.
Hab, Himalayas, Neilgherries, Ceylon, Malaccas.
3. D. riqidum, H k . ; rhizome firm, wide-creeping ; f r . dimorphous, the barren
ones 1-1J in. 1., h a lf as hr., obovate, entire, with thickened edges, on firm erect
stems 1 in. 1., the fertile one 4-5 in. 1., J in. hr., narrowed into a stem about as
long as itself ; texture very th ick and rigid ; areolæ copious, immersed, m th o u t
free veinlets ; sori in a deep groove between the broad midrib and edge.—« / , bp.
5. p . 190.
Hab, Borneo, T. Lobb.—A-n anomalous species, which Moore places in Schizolepton of
Fée, a genus founded on our Lindsaya, cordata,
G e n . 59. H e m io n i t i s , Lin n .
Sori continuous along the veins and copiously reticulated, sometimes also
developed slightly between them. A small genus, as now restricted, almost confined
to the tropics. Veins anastomosing copiously. T ab. V I. fig. 69.
§ Euhemionitis. S o ri confined to the veins. Sp. 1-6.
1. H. lanceolata, Hk. ; caud. stout, ascending ; St. 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, glossy,
castaneous ; f r . 6-9 in. 1., 1J-2 J in. hr., ovate or ohlong-lanceolate, the apex
acuminate, the edge subentire, the base narrowed ; texture TOriaceous ; both
sides naked ; areolæ copious, oblique, about J in. 1., 1 lin .b r .—Hk. Sp. B .p . 191.
2nd Cent. t. 66.
Hab. Fiji, Seemann, 716, Milne.
2. H . cordata, Roxb. ; caud. erect ; St. of the barren frond 2 -4 in. 1., of the
fertile frond often 1 ft. 1., da rk chesnut-brown, glossy, densely fibrillose towards
the base ; f r . 2-3 in. each way, cordate-hastate, the barren ones bluntish a t the
point, with rounded basal lobes and a deep sinus, the fertile ones with the lohes
more produced and sharper ; texture herbaceous or subcoriaceous ; under surface
suhvillOse ; areolæ oblique, J - J in. 1., J lin. br.—Lik. Sp. B .p . 192. H k . <& bh'.
t. 64.
Hab. Peninsular India, Ceylon, Moulmein, Philippines.
3. R . palmata, L. ; caud. erect ; st. of barren frond 2-4 in., of the fertile frond
6-12 in. 1 , glossy, da rk chesnut-brown, clothed with soft yellowish hairs ; f r .
2-6 in. each way, palmate, with five nearly equal lanceolate divisions, those of
the fertile frond the sharpest, varying from subentire to lobed one-third of the
way down, those of the barren frond shorter, blunter, and less divided ; texture
herbaceous ; both surfaces villose ; areolæ oblique, J - J in. 1., J-1 lin. br.—H k .
Sp. 6. p. 192. E x . F l. t. 53.
Hab. West Indies and Mexico to Peru.
4. H. hederoefolia, J . Sm. ; caud. decumbent ; St. nearly 1 ft. 1., ebeneous,
naked ; f r . about 3 in. each way, palmate, with 6 lobes, the three central ones
about equal, lanceolate, the lateral ones spreading, shorter and blunter, all
entire ; texture herbaceous ; both surfaces densely matted with short silky
yellowish-grey hairs ; areolæ small, oblique.—Bot. Her. p. 339.
H a b . Mexico, Liehold.
6. H. pinnatifida. Baker ; st. tufted, 1-2 in. h, glossy, chesnut-brovrn, clothed
with soft yellowish hairs ; f r . 2 in. each way, deltoid in general outline, with a
large oblong-lanceolate subcrenate terminal lobe and two spreading ones on each
side, which reach down within J in. of the rachis, both blunt, the lowest 1 in 1.
and auricled at the base ; textwre subcoriaceous ; both sides densely coated with
yellowish hairs ; areolæ small, copious.
H a b . C en tra l Am e ric a , Wendland, 438.
6. II. pinnata, J . Sin. ; St. 6-9 in. 1., glossjq dark chesnut-brown, clothed with
soft yellowish hairs ; f r . 6-6 in. 1., 3-4 in. br., the apex deeply pmnatifid, helow
this 2-3 pairs of distinct pinnæ, the upper ones ohlong-lanceolate, 1 - lJ in. 1.,
U J in. hr., the lowest larger and forked at the base, all repand ; texture herbaceous
; both sides th in ly clothed with soft yellowish hairs ; veins oblique, 2-3
times dichotomously forked, anastomosing principally near the midrib.—« . Sm.
Gen. F il. p . 33. {name only).
H ab . Jam a ic a , Wiles.—T h is is n o t v e ry fa r from Gymnogramma ru fa , b u t th e pinnæ
a re ad n a te , an d th e g ro u p s of veins jo in slightly. O u r descriptions o f th is an d th e two
preceding a re ta k en from J . Sm ith ’s specimens, now in th e B ritish Musenm.
7. H. Griffithii, H k .f il. & T homs.; st. 8-12 in. I., scaly towards the base,
villose throughout ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1., 6-10 in. hr., suhdeltoid, pinnatifid or
pinnate, with 2-4 distinct pinnæ on each side, which are 3-4 in. L, 1-1J in. hr.,
entire, acuminate, the lower ones stalked ; texture herbaceous, thick ; raehis and
both sides villose ; main veins barren and pinnate, the veinlets fertile and
copiously reticulated.—H k . Sp. B .p . 192. H. Wilfordii, H k . F il. Ex. t. 93. {the
Hab. Khasya, Hk.fil. & Thomson; Formosa, Wilford.—This differs from the foregoing
by its barren main veins, and constitutes the genus Hictyocline of Moore.
§§ Anetium, SpUtg. S o ri lax, placed hoth mi the veins aud scattered also in the
spaces between them. Sp. 7.
8. H. (Anet.) citrifolia, H k . ; rhizome creeping; ri. J-9 in. 1., weak, compressed
; f r . pendent, 6-24 in. 1., 1-4 in. br., oblong or subspathulate, narrowed
gradually to hoth ends, the edge entire ; texture thick but flaccid ; colour pale-
green ; midrih often lost in the upper part, winged on the back below ; areolæ
vertical, long-hexagonal.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 193.
Hab. West Indies to North Brazil.—An anomalous species, with the habit of Antrophyum',
m which genus it is placed by Fée, and in the fruit connecting Grammitideoe with
T r i b e 13. A c r o s t ic h e æ .
Sori spread in a stratum over the under surface or rarely over both surfaces o f the
fro n d , not confined to the veins only. G e n . 60-61.
G e n . 60. A o e o s t ic h it m , L .
Sori spread over the whole surface of the frond or upper pinnæ, or occasionally
over both surfaces. A large genus, almost entirely tropical, including groups with
a wide range in venation and cutting. T a b . V I I. & V I I I . fig. 60.