I r
br., ovate in general outline, with a long, linear, terminal pinna and 2-3 opposite
pairs which are 3-4 in. h, J - j in. br., with an acuminate point, the margm
faintly crenated, the base cordate, the nodes thickened ; texture coriaceous ;
rachis and both surfaces naked ; veins distant, obscure ; sari falling short of the
margm.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 95. t. 165. A. diversifolium, Blume.
Hab. Java.—This and the two preceding agree in texture, but may be recognized by
the base of tbe pinnæ.
base nearly 'equal on both sides, but the upper one slightly more dilated f f x tu r e
herbaceous ; mins usua lly once forked ; sori distant, not reaching- either the
midrib or edge.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 121.
Hab. West Indies and Columbia southward to Peru and S. Brazil.
64. A. Vieillardii, M e tt.; st. tufted, 4-6 in. 1., firm, erect, nearly naked ; / r . 6-9
in. 1., 6 in. br., with a large linear-lanceolate terminal pinna, lengthened out at
5 slightly StCUJiVVyXl tULi «.JX... x/ix.kxvy , - A ' T j
s oblique, once or twice forked ; sori distant, falling short of both edge and
margin.—Mett. Annales^ 4 ser. 'g. 15. p . 72.
Hab. New Caledonia, Vieillard, 1645-6.
55. A. salicifoUum, Linn. ; st. tufted, strong, naked, erect, 6-12 in .l. \ f r . 12-18
in. 1., 6-9 in. br., oblong, with a p in n a and 4-10 distinctly stalked often
horizontal ones on each side, which are 4-6 in. !., f-1 in. or more hr., the point
acuminate, the edge nearly entire or occasionally lohed below, the base equally
truncato-cuneate on both sides ; texture herbaceous ; reins erecto-patent, rather
close, once or twice forked ; sori falling short both of the edge and midrib.—
m . i S p . 3. p . 112.
Hab. West Indies and Panama southward to Eio J a n e i r o and P e r u .— According to
Mettenius, A . juglandifolium, Lam. {A. integerrimimi, Spr.), is a distinct species, allied
to this, with entire pinnæ ; and A . neogranatense, Fée, a form of the same with few pinnæ,
the'terminal one elongated.
56. A. longieauda, I lk . ; st. 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, brownish, nearly naked ;
f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., with a large obloiig-acnminate terminal pinna 6-8
in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., which is often elongated and proliferous ; lateral pinnæ 3-9
on each side, similar in shape to the terminal one, b u t usua lly smaller, the
margin obscurely undulated, the base nearly equal, and the lower ones_ slightly
stalked ; texture herbaceous ; colour deep-green ; veins J in. apart, simple or
forked ; sori broad and distant, not reaching either the edge or midrib.—H k .
2nd Cent. F. t. 69.
Hab. Cameroon Mountains and Fernando Po.—In one of Dr. Curror’s specimens the
terminal pinna is a foot long, considerably sinuated upwards, and gemmiferous at the
apex ; the lateral pinnæ are also often proliferous at the point.
57. A. emarginatum, Beanv. ; st. 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, brownish, nearly naked ;
f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. hr., with a large lanceolate-oblong terminal pinna 6-8
in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., and 3-6 pairs of distant slightly-stalked lateral ones, the
lowest of which are ra th e r smaller th an the terminal one, the apex of each
emarginate, with a small bud in the open sinus, the edge slightly crenate, the
base equal on both sides, rounded into a short s ta lk ; texture thinly herbaceous
; colour bright-green ; veins usually forked ; sori irregular, close, reaching
from the midrib nearly to the edge.—H k . 2nd Gent. F . t, 80.
Hab. Guinea coast and Angola.
68. A. V i r e n s , P re s l; s t . 6-12 iu. 1., ra th e r slender, greyish, naked ; f r . 9-12
in. 1., 6-8 in. br., ovate, with a terminal b*««« and 3-6 lateral ones on each side,
which are i - l i in. apart a t the base, the lowest only distinctly stalked, 3-4
in. 1. Í-1 in. br., the point acuininate, the margin deeply crenato-dentate, tlie
base ’truncato-cuneate ; t e x t u r e herbaceous ; c o l o u r bright-green ; r a d a s green,
subflaccid, n a k e d ; v e i n s d is ta n t; s o r i reaching from the midrib to the edge.—
Hk. Sp. 3. p . 101.
Hab. Gorgona Island and Guyaquil, West Tropical America. — Closely allied to
A. salicifolium and oligophyllum.
69. A. vulcanieum, Blume ; S t . 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, grey, naked ; / r . 1-2
ft, 1., 4-8 in. br., oblong-lanceolate, with a linear-terminal B*«««. or gemmiteious
a t the apex, and 6-12 lateral ones on each side, t t e ¿ ' ' « / ¿ i / l v c K f t o
stalked, 4-6 in. 1., |- 1 in. hr., the point acuminated, the edge s li|litly
dentate, the base truncato-cuneate into a petiole ? “ etimes g m. h
naked ; texture herbaceous or subconaceous ; vems simple oi foiked , so n veiy
regulaé and parallel, falling short of the edge ; mvol. broad, p a l e . - « / , bp. 3.
p . 102. A. heterodon, Mett., H k . Sp. 3. p. 107.
Hab Java and F ü i.-T b e Ceylonese A. Wallcerce, Hk. Sp. 3. p. 108. t 163 does not
1 1 - - --.J „ays tbat this last and A. Wightianum
Mume, is said to differ by its stouter
GO. A. oligophyllum, Kaulf. ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, “ ftl? ^
f r 1 2 ft 1 6-9 in br., oblong, with a large terminal pm n a and 3-8 erectoiL
e n t t w one7o?i ’each site , which a r f 6-8 in. 1., 1 - lJ T X K X
acuminate the edge obscurely sinuated, the base nearly equal, naiiowed
“ d tA both sfle? into a slfort winged petiole, the upper ones decnrrefo on
the rachis ; texture herbaceous ; vems famt, distmit, usua lly once toiked ,
not reaching the edge by a considerable space.—« / , bp. 3. p . HH.
Hab. Columbia and Brazil; and I cannot distinguish
, plant gathered at Penang by
side, the inner -
B. Pinnce narrowed suddenly at the base o)J the obliquely truncate.
nearly paraUel with the main raehis, the lower
Sp. 61-98.
a. Group o f A . erectum. Texture o f the fro n d Urhaceous, the colour
the veins clearly visible. Sp. 61-76.
l i l s S i i i p i S midrib.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 117. A. elongatum, Sw. H k . I. c.
t.: 7