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about Iialfvvay to the midrib into subtriangular, falcate, acute lobes, the lowest not
smaller th a n the n ex t pair ; texture subcoriaceous ; racMs and both surtaces
naked ; veins pinnate in the lobes, with G-10 veinlets on a side ; so n in rows
ap a rt from the midrib.—N. augescens, F'ee. H k . Sp. 4. p. 79.
Hab. West Indies.—According to Grisebach, this is the Serra of Swartz. I t is
distinguished by its very narrow rigid pinnæ, with deep sharp lobes.
167. N. pallidivenium, Baker ; S t . 1 ft. or more 1., stramineous, naked or
nearly so ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 8-12 in. br. ; pinnæ 4-6 in. 1., |- 1 in. br., cut two-tliirds
of the way dow»n to the rachis into linear-oblong, slightly falcate lobes ; lower
pinnæ not much smaller th a n the rest ; texture coriaceous ; under surfaees naked
or villose ; veinl&ts close, prominent, 12-16 on a side, the small sori in close rows
about midway between the midrib and edge.—Polyp. Hh. Sp. 5. p . 8.
Hab. Guinea Coast, Vogel, Barter, Mann; and gathered in the Livingstone Expedition
on the shores o{ Lake Nyassa.—Characterized in the group by its rigid texture, deep,
close lobes, and very numerous veinlets.
168. N. dissectum, Desv. ; rhizmne stout, wide-creeping ; St. 1 ft. or more I.,
stout, brownish, villose ; f r . lJ -2 ft. 1., 8-12 in. br. ; pinnæ numerous, 4-6 in. 1.,
J in. br., cut about one-third down into sharp, trian g u la r, falcate lobes ; lower
pinnæ distant and dwarfed; texture subcoriaceous; rachis and under surface
villose ; vdns pinnate in the lobes, with 6-8 veinlets on a side ; sori in rows
close to the midrib ; caps, setose.—Polyp. Forst. Asp. Mett. F il. In d . p. 232.
A. attenuatum, Sw.
Hab. Common in the Polynesian Islands.—Very like N. euenllatum, from which it is
distinguished by its setose capsules and lower pinnæ not dwarfed.
169. N. procurrens. Baker ; st. 2 ft. 1., villose above ; f r . 18 in. 1., 10 in. br. ;
pinnæ 5-6 in. 1., cu t down to a narrow wing into oblong, obtuse lobes, the
lowest not muoh shorter th an the others and deflexed ; racliis and botli surfaces
more or less villose ; texture herbaceous ; veinlets 5-6 on a side, with sori midway
between the midrib and edge.—Asp. Mett. F il. In d . p . 231.
Hab. Java.—Very like N. molle, but distinguished by its creeping rhizome.
170. N. l o n g i p e s , Moore ; S t . 3-4 ft. 1., livid ; f r . 3 ft. 1., 9-10 in. br. ; p i n n æ
6-6 in. 1., j in. br., cut two-thirds of the way down into oblique, ra th e r acute,
oblong lobes, with a distinct sinus between them ; t e x t u r e subcoriaceous ; upper
s u r f a c e densely h a iry on the veins, lower less so ; v d n s 8-10 on a side ; s o r i
placed midway between the midrib and edge.—Aspid. B l. Mett. F il. In d .
p . 231.
Hab. Java,—With this we are not acquainted.
** Lower pinnoe conspicuously reduced. Sp. 171-176.
171. N. cucullatum, Baker ; S t . 1 ft. 1., strong, erect, brownish, nearly naked ;
f r . 18-24 in. 1., 8-12 in. br. ; pinnæ close, 4-6 in. 1., J in. hr., cu t down one-third
of the way to the raohis into triangular, acute, subfalcate lobes ; lower pinnæ
dwindling down suddenly into mere auricles ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and
lower surface densely pubescent ; veins pinnate in the lobes, 8-10 veinlets on a
sid e ; sori su b te rm in a l; caps, naked.—Aspid. B l. Mett. F il. In d . p . 232. N.
unitum, Sieb. H k . Sp. 4. p . 81. {in p a rt). N. canescens, Presl.
Hab. N. India, Ceylon, Malaccas, Mascaren Isle.s, Fiji.
172. N. Haenkeanum, Pre sl ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., strong, erect, slightly pubescent ;
f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 12-16 in. br. ; pinnoe 6-8 in. 1., J in br. ; cut from one-third to
halfway down into acute subfalcate lobes ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and
under surface finely pubescent ; vemlets 10-12 on a side ; sori subterminal.—
A. multilineatum, Mett. F il. In d . p . 232. {non Wall.)
Hab. Ceylon, Malaya, Fiji,—Much larger and less hairy than the last, with more
numerous veins, and a very fugacious involucre. A plant sent from Mauritius by
Lady Barkly as N. datum, Bojer, is probably distinct. I t has medial sori, 14-16 veinlets
on a side and fronds sometimes 2 feet broad.
173. F . muMjugum, Baker ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., strong, erect, subglabrous ; f r . 3-4
ft. 1., 12-15 in. br. ; pinnæ 6-8 in. I., | - J in. br., cut two-thirds of the way down
to the rachis into close, acute, subfalcate lobes J in. br. ; texture subcoriaceous ;
rachis and both sides nearly naked ; vdnlets 10-12 on a side ; sori near the
inidrib.—Aspidium, Wallich.
Hab. Malayan Peninsula.—This comes very near the last, but is nearly naked and
more deeply cut, with the íiori in a different position.
174. N. hirsutum, J . Sm. ; st. 1 ft. or more 1., grey, villose ; f r . 3-4 ft. 1.,
I J ft. h r .; pinnoe very close and numerous, spreading, the largest 10 in. 1.,
j in. br., cut down halfway to the rachis into entire, linear-oblong, subfalcate
lobes ; the lower ones with a gland beneath a t the base ; texture subcoriaceous ;
rachis densely clotlied with soft spreading hairs ; under surface glandular ;
vdns 6-8 on each side ; sori medial.—/ f t . Sp. 4. p . 70. t. 240. B. {not Don).
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 82.—Habit of the two last, but the veins muoh fewer, sori
medial, and lower pinnæ with a large gland at the base.
175. F . aridum, Baker ; S t . 1 ft. or more 1., erect, naked ; f r . 3-4 ft. I., 12-18 in.
br. ; pinnæ 6-0 in. 1., f-1 in. br., cut about one-third of the way down into subtriangular
sharp-pointed lobes ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and lower surface
naked or slightlv hairy ; vemlets 8-10 on a side ; sori in rows about midway
between the midrib and edge ; caps, n a k e d .— Aspid. Don P rod. F l. Nep. p . 4.
A. venulosum, Wall. A. obscurum, B l.
Hah. F . India, Philippines, Malayan Peninsula.—This differs from the three preceding
by the under side being nearly or quite naked, and in tlie position of the sori. A. callosum,
Blume, quite agrees with this, except that there is a large prickle-like gland at the base
of the pinnæ, and sometimes also of the veins.
176. F . v e n u l o s u m , I lk . ; S t . I J ft. 1., naked, greyish, sharply angled ; f r .
4 ft. 1., 12-18 in. br. ; p i n n oe numerous, the lowest short and very distant, the
largest 8-9 in, 1., 1 in. br., cut down halfway to the rachis into slightly-toothed
oblong lobes ; t e x t u r e subcoriaceous ; both s u r f a e e s naked ; c o l o u r bright-green ;
v e i n s about 9 on each side, conspicuous above, witb a sorus on each midway to
the edge.—H k . Sp. 4. p. 71.
Hab. Fernando Po.—A large plant, most like N. truncatum in habit and texture, but
the rhizome creeping.
Kronds large, pinnate ; caudex erect or suherect. Sp. 177-196.
f Pinnm entire or slightly lohed, so that most ofthe veinlets unite. Sp, 177-184.
177. N. glandulosnm, J . Sm. ; st. tufted, 1 ft. or more 1., naked or slightly
villose ; / r . 1 foot or more L, 4-6 in. hr., with 8 1 2 spreading pinnm on each
side, those of the barren fr. the largest and closest, 2-8 in. i., |- 1 in. br.,^ the
margin entiie or slightly lohed, the base abruptly truncate and sometimes
auricled; texture papyraceo-herbaceous; rachis and under surface naked or
slightly villose, sometimes g la n d u la r; fertile pinnm contracted, the main veins
not more than 1 lin. apart ; veinlets 4-8 on a side, with the sori close to the
inidrib.—LIk. Sp. 4. p . 76. Abacopteris, Fée.
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