: í :í .1
very narrow simple or forked linear p in n l.; texture herbaceous ; raclns firm,
e r e c t; sori linear, solitary, marginal.—Hh. Sp. 3. p . 213. 2nd Gent. t. 37.
Hab. Norfolk Island.—Easily recognized by its dimorpbons fronds.
throughout ; lower segm. again pinnatifid ; ult. divisions narrowly linear ;
texture thinly herbaceous ; rachis firm, erect ; one vein in each division ; sori
solitary, marginal.—Hh. Sp. 3. p . 216. 2nd Cent. t. 37.
Hab. New Guinea and the Philippines ; and a similar plant, with simply pinnate
pinnæ and a stem about 1 in. 1., from Fiji and Celebes.
174. A. (Dare a) muUifidum, Brack. ; S t . stout, erect, grey, naked, slightly
paleaceous, 12-18 in. 1. ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 12-18 in. b n , subdeltoid, quadripinnatifid,
with nuinerousBΫ«® on each side, the low'est 6-9 in. 1., 4 in. hr. ; pinnl. lanceolate-
deltoid, truncate a t the base on the lower side ; segm. J - | in. 1., j in. hr., the
lowest cut down n early to the rachis below into close oblong-spathulate
bluntly-toothed divisions, J in. br. ; texture subcoriaceous ; raehis grey, firm,
rather scaly ; vdns and sori one to each division, the latter very small, quite
marginal.—Hh. Sp. 3. p . 212.
Hab. Tahiti, Society Isles, and Fiji.
naked, greyish, firm,A (Darea) Powellii, Baker ; S t. hrm , eerreecct t;; ff rr .. 22 -- 33 fItt..
J in. hr., subdeltoid, 5-pinnatifid, with nuinerous imbricated erecto-patent
on each side, the lowest 9-12 in 1., 3-4 in. hr. ; p in fi. deltoid 8 m. 1.,
176. A.
]., 12-181
ir in Z k low -r e r le gm . deltoid, aI-.their ».:». lower /divisions 15 tri Ol zvn e Qrroin again Td p in n TI n a/.a tifid I TI n ;• 01,ult.I t .
divisions linear, lJ -2 lin. 1., -J lin. hr., all the divisions erecto-patent ; _ texture
herhaceous ; colour bright-green ; rachis firm, compressed upwards ; veins and
sori solitary, the latte r small (under 1 lin. 1.), linear-oblong, submarginal.
Hab. Samoa, Bev. T. Poiceii.—This comes nearest to the preceding, but is considerably
more divided.
176 A. ferulaceum, Moore ; st. 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, naked, greyish ;
fr 1-2 ft 1. 9-12 in. hr., ovate-deltoid, with several pinnm decreasing gradually
upwards,* the lowest horizontal or deflexed, 6-9 in. 1., 3-5 in br. ; pinnl. lanceolate
deltoid ; segm. |- 1 in. 1., their divisions again pinnatifid ; ult. lohes
lin e a r blunt, 1 Iin. 1., J lin. br. ; teccture th in ly herhaceous ; colour bright-green ;
main 'rachis firm, naked ; veins solitary ; sori lateral, very sinalL—i ? / , Sp. 3.
p . 216. 2nd Cent, t, 38.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador and New Granada.
SSSS Athyrium, Roth. Veins free, sori more or less curved, sometimes horse-
slm-shaped. Sp. 177-199. Fig. 38. e.
* Fronds deltoid. Sp. 177-180.
177 A. (A th y r.) crenulatum, Fries ; st. 6-12 in. 1., scattered, firm, erect,
naked, straw-coloured, clothed towards the base witli large ovate dark-brown
scales ’ fr. 9-15 in. each way, deltoid, tri- or quadripinnatifid, with 9-12 ptnnæ
on each side, the lowest much the largest, 6-9 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br. ; pin n l. la.n-
ceolate cut down to the rachis except towards the point on each side into 4-6
b lu n t oblong segm. 2 lin. 1., 1 lin. br., which are b lu n tly toothed ; texture^
herbaceous ; raehis straw-coloured ; both surfaces hairy or nearly naked ; sort
2-6 to a segm., oblong, usua lly nearly straight, often double.—Hh. Sp. 3.
p . 226.
Hab. Scandinavia by way of Siberia to Japan.
178. A. (A th y r.) spinulosim, Baker ; st. 6-12 in. 1., scattered, firm, erect,
naked, straw-coloured, more or less clothed througliout with lanceolate pale-
brown scales ; f r . 9-12 in. each way, deltoid, tri- or quadripinnatifid, with 9-12
pinnæ on each side, the lowest much the largest, 6-9 in. 1., 2g-3 in. hr., ovate-
lanceolate ; pinnl. lanceolate, cut down to the rachis on each side into 6-9
oblong-rhomboidal mucronate segm., 2 lin. 1., 1 Im. br., which are sharply
toothed ; texture herbaceous ; rachis firm, naked, or nearly so ; sori 2-10 to
a segm., usua lly round and the invol. ovate, but occasionally ohlong, and the
invol. slightly curved.—Cystopteris spinulosa, Max. F l. Amur. p . 340.
Hab. Amur-land, Uaximowiez; Manchuria, Wilford, 1163 ; Korea, Wilford, 908.
179. A. (A th y r.) suUriangulare, Hk. MSS. ; st. 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, naked,
.clothed towards the base with lanceolate pale-brown scales ; / r . 1 ft. each way,
deltoid, quadripinnatifid, with 12-18 pinnæ on each side, the lowest much the
largest, 6-9 in. 1., 2 in. br., lanceolate ; pm n l. lanceolate, cu t down to the racuis
on each side into 9-12 close elliptio-rhomboidal segm., 2 lin. 1., 1 hn. hr., which
are inciso-serrated, sometimes halfway down ; texture herbaceous ; rachis m*m,
naked ; sori 2-12 to a segm., roundish, b u t the lower mvol. quite horseshoe-
shaped.—Athy. Hookerianum, Moore.
Hab. Sikkim, 10-12,000 ft. ; gathered hy Dr. Hooker.—Pinnæ more numerous than
in the preceding, the segments narrower, more abundantly but not so sharply toothed,
the sori more copious, and the involucre different.
180. A. (A th y r.) m e d i u m , H k . ; S t. tufted, 4-6 in. 1., firm, erect, densely
clothed throughout with crisped linear reddish-brown scales ; f r . 6-9 in. 1.,
4-6 in. hr., subdeltoid, tripinnate, with numerous spreading B»«® on each side,
the lowest 3-4 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br. ; p i n n l . numerous, lanceolate-rhomboidal, the
lohes ovate-acuminate, in the lower p a rt reaching down nearly or quite to the
ra c h is ; t e x t u r e herbaceous; r a e h i s firm, erect, fibrillose; pinnate, conspicuous
; s o r i copious, often 6-8 to a segm. ; i n v o l . roundish, r e n i f o rm . - « / .
Sp. S. p . 227. Ic. t. 43.
Hab. Tristan d’Aounha.—A well-marked species, which was placed by Carmichael in
** Fronds lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate. Sp. 181-199.
, pinnatifid above, cut
d E 7 t o '’’th ri7 c h is ‘ b T o V to to blun’t ovate-rhomioIdalB»«ft, which are broadly
lobed about halfway down to the- m id rib ; ¿ « » « herbaceous, bop surfafis
slio-htly h a irv and glandular ; sori 2-6 to a pmnl., placed near the base of the
teeth hispid, l u n u l a t e . - « / . Sp. 3. p. 220. Athyrium, Faton.
Hab. Loo-Choo Islands.—A small plant with the habit of Cystopteris fragilis, and a
slender wide-creeping rhizome.
182 A. (A th v r.) Hohenacherianum, Kunze ; st. tufted, 2-4 in. \., firm, erect,
clothed throughout ra th e r closely with linear-subulate scales; f r . 6-9 in. 1.,
lL-3 in br ovate-lanceolate, with numerous lanceolate pmnm on each side,
which a’re cut down below nearly or quite to the rachis into ovate mciso-serrated
p in n l ; texture herbaceous ; raehis naked or scaly below ■, son copious, oblong ;
invol, conspicuous, some distinctly curved. H k . Sp. 3. p . 220.
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