o b liq u e ? truncate ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis firm, compressed and winged
above ; central veins once forked ; sori in 2 regular rows, falling short of the
edge.—/ / / . Sp. 3. p . 106.
Hab. Sandwich Islands.—Very near A. compressum, hut less robust.
81. A. compressim, Sw'artz ; St. tufted, stout, erect, 6-8 in. 1., clothed with
scales in the lower p a rt ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 8-12 in. hr., laiiceolate-oblong, with 10-20
sessile B » « « on each side, which are 6-8 in. 1., 1 in. or more br., acute or
bluntish at the point, the edge s lig h t? crenato-dentate, the upper ones decurrent
a t the base upon the stout fleshy compressed rachis, the upper side narrowed
su d d e n ? a t about a right angle, tbe lower one o b liq u e ? truncate ; texture herbaceous
; veins distant, often twice forked ; sori broad, distant, not reaching
either the midrib or edge.—■///. Sp. 3. p . 121. F il. Fxot. t. 76.
Hab. St. Helena.—Pinnæ often proliferous from the upper surface (A. fcecundmi,
82. A. vomerifarme, H k . ; st. 1 ft. 1., naked, firm, erect ; f r . 18 in. 1., 6 in. br.,
lanceolate, with about a dozen stalked horizontal pinnm on each side, whioh
are 3 in. 1., 1 in. hr., acute a t the point, the edge n e a r ? entire, the base cordate
on the upper, s lig h t? truncate or rounded on the lower side ; texture suboori-
aceous ; veins immersed, inconspicuous, oblique, often twice forked ; sori long,
b u t falling considerably short of the edge.—/ / / . Sp. 3. p . 109. t. 162.
Hab. Peru, Matthaus, 1861.—The alliance of this is with the two preceding, hut the
pinnæ are cordate on the upper, rounded on the lower side at the base.
83. A. maerosormn, Bert. ; St. tufted, 4-6 in. 1., scaly a t the base, naked and
polished and nearly black upwards ; f r . 6-12 in. L, 3-4 in. br., cordate-acuminate,
with a large terminal pinna, whicli is 4-6 in. 1., l - l j iu. hr., deeply crenate and
cuneate a t the base, and 2 or 3 pairs of similar lateral ones, which are slightly
stalked, and the lowest subdeltoid ; texture subcoriaceons ; rachis and midrib
dark-coloured and polished like the stem ; veins distant ; sori broad, not reaching
either the midrib or the edge.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 93. t. 176.
Hab. Juan Fernandez ; gathered hy Bertero and Philippi.
84. A. nitens, Sw'artz ; St. scattered, 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, chesnut-brown,
polished, naked ; f r . lJ -2 ft. 1., 6-9 in. hr., with 12-20 ascending or subfalcate
pinnm on each side, which are 4-6 in. 1., J-1 in. hr., the point much acuminated,
the edge finely toothed, the base broadly rounded on the upper, truncate in a
curve on the lower side ; texture subcoriaceous ; raehis naked, shining ; veins
oblique, often twice forked ; sori in close regular rows, not extending more th an
halfway from the midrib to the edge.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 167. t. 196.
Hab. Mauritius and Bourbon.—This and the two next, like species \
5 and 77, resemble
the falcatum group iu habit and texture.
8.5. A. platyhasis, Kunze ; st. scattered, 4-8 in. 1., strong, erect, channelled,
the lower pa rt scaly ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. hr., with 12-20 erecto-patent b*«««
on each side, which are 4-6 in. 1., f-1 in. hr., acuminated a t the apex, the edge
serrated, the two sides unequal, the upper one narrowed suddenly a t the base,
the lower one obliquely truncate ; rachis strong, erect, nearly naked ; veins close,
oblique ; sori copious, touching the midrib, b u t falling short of the edge.—
A. falcatum var. H k . Sp. 3. p . 160. A. firmum, Fbe, non Kunze.
Hab. St. Helena.—Differs from A. Serra mainly by its more copious sori.
86. A. Serra, Langs. & Fisch. ; St. distant, 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, chesnut-
coloured, polished, the lower pa rt scaly ; f r . 2-4 ft. 1., 6-12 in. hr., with 12-20
spreading pinnm on each side, which are 4-8 m. L, | - l g m. br., the point acuminate,
the edge sharply inciso-serrate, the upper base rounded, the lower
cuneate ; texture coriaceous ; raehis strong, erect, brown, sometimes polished ;
veins very oblique ; sori mostly in 2 parallel rows, close to the midrib.— H k . bp. 3.
p. 164.
Hab Tropical America, from Cuba and Guatemala s o u t h w a r d to Organ MonntaiM and
Peru, and gathered also by Mann on the Cameroon Mountains and at hernando ±-o.—
Var. Im ra y a n vm , Hk., is a large form with tbe pinnæ often deeply lobed.
87. A. marinum, Linn. ; S t . tufted, 3-6 in. 1., naked, except at the base
polished, chesnut-brown, the scales linear, nearly black ; / r . 6-12 jn. 1., 2 J
in. br., oblong-lanceolate, the apex pinnatifid ; pinnoe of the lower half quite
distinct, spreading horizontally, 1 in. or more 1., J in. br., oblong or lanceolate-
deltoid, the point acute or obtuse, the margin crenato-dentate, sometimes d e e p ?
sinuated, the base slightly truncate below, and often auricled ahoye ; texture
subcoriaceous ; veins u s u a l? once forked ; sori broad, falling short of the edge.
—H k . Sp. 3. p . 96. B rit. F. t. 31.
Hab. Coast of W. Europe, from the Orkueys to the Canaries and Azores ; and there
are specimens also in the Kew Herbarium from Nova Scotia, the island of St. Vincent,
and S. Brazil.
88. A. obtusatum, Forst. ; st. tufted, 3-6 in. 1., firm, greyish, densely clotlied
at the base with large, th in , grey, lanceolate scales ; f r . 6-12 m. 1., 3-4 in. br.,
oblong or ovate-deltoid, with a terminal B*««« not much larger th an the others,
and 2-6 pairs on each side, which are 1-2 in. 1., J - f m. hr. obtuse a t the point
the edge crenate, the base truncato-cuneate, especially on the lower side and
s h o r t? stalked ; texture cartilaginous ; rachis firm, broad, often compressed and
channelled, both surfaces naked ; colour pale-green ; vems immersed and inconspicuous
; sori copious, broad, linear-oblong, falling short of the edge. D k . b f i
Fil. 3. p. 96. F il. F x . t. 46.— ¡3, A . obhquum, Forst. ; f r . often more th an 1 ft. 1.,
6 in. br. : pinnæ more numerous, often 4 iu. 1., 1 in. br., narrowed g ra d u a l? to
an acute point, with the lines of fru it J - j in. 1. and closer ; texture^ still cartilaginous.—
y, H F o r s t . \ f r . sometimes 2 ft. 1., with 15-20 pairs of pm m i
on each side, which are more herbaceous in texture, darker green in colour, the
lowest 6 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., narrowed gradually to a long acuminated point,
the edge more deeply toothed, the rachis often dark-coloured.—/ / / , bp. 3.p . J9.
Hab Peru and Chili, Polynesian Islands, and plentiful in New Zealand and Australia.
—The three well-known plants here united appear to glide mto one another by the most
gradual intermediate stages of transition ; and what complicates the matter ^
the oceurrenoe of forms with the pinnæ pinnatifid or even ° tL e
separated clearly. Of these A. scleropium, Homhr. & Jacq., is most like/3 m texture,
with the pinnæ regularly and close? toothed throughout to a depth of two lines oi more ,
A difforme B. Br., has an ovate-deltoid frond of coriaceous texture, with pmnæ quite
rut d î n té fnarréw-winged rachis in the ' ' ¿ K ^ H k fit
or oblong sinuated pmnules ; and A. L y a llii, Moore (A lu a d um , var Xyato Hk fil.
Fl N. Z t. 77), has a herbaceous frond nearly 18 in. 1., 9 m. hr., with lanceolate deltoid
lower pinnæ 6 in. 1., 3 in. br. ; in the extreme form cut down into deeply-toothed pm-
nules, which, are cuneate at the base and distinctly stalked.
89- A. qemmiferum, Schrad. ; si. tufted, 3-6 in. 1., firm, greyish the base aM
lower p a rt s e a ? ; / r . 1-2 ft. 1.,’ 4-8 in. br., oblong, g e n e ra l? proliferous at t t e
apex, F ith 6-12 erecto-patent distinctly-stalked pmnm on each side, the lowest
of which are 4-6 in. in. hr., narrowed gradually to an acute P“ " i ^
edge crenato-dentate, the base truncato-cuneate ; texture herbaceous
a c lo u s ; rachis firm, naked, compressed below ; vems immersed
spicuous ; sori copious, broad, falling short of both edge and midrib.—« / . bp. 3.
p . 100.
j Í.