above, slightly crenate ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis pubescent like the stipe ;
sori roundish, placed at intervals round the edge of the pinnules.—Adiantum,
Hab. Brazil ; gathered by Beyrich and Bongard.—We have not seen this, and our
description is an abstract of that of Prof. Mettenius.
4. C. (Adiant.) paupercula, Mett. ; st. tufted, wiry, slender, erect, 4-6 in. ].,
dark chesnnt-brown, glossy, naked ; f r . 4-6 in. 1., 3-4 in. triangular-
acuminate in general outline, simply pinnate h a lf or one-third of the way down,
with 2 to 4 erecto-patent pinnoe ou eacli side of the lower half ; pinnl. 3 lin. 1.,
lin. hr., ohlong, scarcely toothed ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis like the stipe;
sori 1 to 3 to a segment, small, roundish.—Hypolepis, I lk . S p .2 . p. 73. t. 88. C.
Hab. Cuba ; gathered by Linden and Wright.
5. C. (Adiant.) radiata, R. Br. ; st. tufted, 12-18 in. L, strong, erect, wiry,
glossy, blackish, polished ; pinnoe 6 to 0, all radiating from a common centre
like the spokes of a wheel, with a whorl of bract-like segments a t the axis, the
longest G-9 in. 1., |- 1 in. br. ; pin n l. numerous, close, -J in. 1., l - l j lin. hr.,
unequal-sided, truncate at the base below, auricled at the base above; texture
subcoriaceous ; rachis glossy, naked ; sori small, very numerous, placed along
botli margins of the entire pinnules.—H^n^olepis radiata, I lk . Sp. 2. p. 72.
t. 91. A.
Hab. Tropical America, from the West Indies aud Mexico southward to Peru and Rio
6. C. (Ad ian t.) Capensis, Swz. ; st. tufted, erect, 4-6 in. 1., naked, dark
chesnut-brown ; f r . 4-6 in. 1., 3-4 in. br., ovate-deltoid, bipinnatifid ; lower pinnce
much the largest ; pinnl. on the lower side larger tlinn the others, ovate, bluntish,
1 in. 1., ^ in. hr., cut down below to a narrowly-wduged rachis into oblong
b lu n t nearly entire 3-4 1. lin., 2 lin. br. ; herbaceous ; polished,
chesnut-brown ; under surface naked, bright-green ; sori small, placed all round
the edge of the segments ; inwl. ciliated.—Hypolepis, H k . Sp. 2. p . 72. t. 77. C.
Hab. Cape Colony.—This and the next differ from all the others by their more herbaceous
7. C. (Adiant.) K ir k ii, H k . ; st. densely tufted, 6-9 in. L, erect, chesnut-
brown, polished, naked, but fibrillose towards the base ; f r . 4-6 in. each way,
deltoid, bipinnatifid, the upper pairs of pinnoe narrowly decurrent, the lower
pair much the largest and the pinnl. of the lower side much lai*ger th an those of
the upper, 1-1^ in. 1., lanceolate-oblong, acuminate, cut down nearly to] the
rachis into several linear-oblong segm., with about their own breadth het-weeii
them ; texture herbaceous ; rachis dark chesnut-brown, both surfaces nearly
naked ; sori numerous, small, roundish, marginal, contiguous but not confluent.
^ H k . 2nd Vent. F . t. 81.
Hab. Gathered by Dr. Kirk in Zambesi Laud on rocks in the Moramballa Mountains
at an elevation of from 2-3,500 ft., and by Hr. Welwitsch in Angola.—This has entirely
the habit and other characters of Pelloea geraniifolia, but the fructification is that of this
section of Cheilanthes.
8. C. (Adiant.) pedata, A. Br. ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. I., wiry, erect, naked, dark
chesnut-brown, glossy; f r . about 6 in. each way, te rnately divided, the central
portion triangular-acuminate, with numerous linear-lanceolate growing
gradually larger downwards, the lateral portions lanceolate, with the lowest
pinnl. on each side 1-2 in. 1., p in n a te ; segm. 3-4 lin. 1., 1 - lJ lin. br., oblong,
narrowed suddenly to a point, auricled a t the base above; texture subcoriaceous ;
rachis dark-coloured and polished like the stipe ; sori numerous, placed round
both edges of the segments, small, roundish.—Hypolepis, H k . Sp. 2. p. 73,
t. 92. A.
Hab. Jamaica ; discovered by Mr. Purdie.
0. C. (Adiant.) dichotoma, Sw a rtz ; si. densely tufted, slender, 4-6 in. I.,
polished, naked, dark chesnut-brown ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 4-6 m. br., oblong, tri- or
quadripinnate, the main rachis very slender, ^ zigzag, the secondary ones the
same, spreading a t right angles ; pinnoe 2-3 in. I., deltoid ; pinnl. lanceolate-
oblong, cut down to the rachis into a few ternately-divided roundish or oblong
seqm. or even again slightly branched at the base ; nit. divisions J in. each way ;
rachis naked and polished, both surfaces n ak ed ; sori small, roundish, marginal,
distinct.—/ f t . Sp. 2. p . 104. t. 102. B.
Hab. Quito, Brazil, and Uraguay.—Very different from all the others in manner of
growth, &c.
10. C. (Adiant.) Seemanni, Hk. ; st. tufted, S-G in. 1., strong, wiry, erect,
dark chesnut-brown, fibrillose below ; f r . 4-9 in. 1., 2-3 in. br., ovate-lanceolate,
tripinnatifid ; pinnæ in numerous nearly op])osite jiaivs, tlie lowest 1J-2 in. 1.,
in. br., lanceolate ; the??«»»/ oblong-lanceolate, cut down to the raæhis below ;
texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and both surfaces nearly naked ; sori roundish,
1 to 4 to the segments, lateral, not confluent ; invol. pale-hrown.—/ f t . Sp. F il. 2.
p. 85. t. 97. A.
Hab. Sierra Madre, N.W. Mexico ; discovered by Dr. Seemann.—This may be a form
of C. mia-opihylla, from which it differs only in its distinct involucres.
11. C. (Adiant.) Sehimperi, H k . ; St. tufted, 3-G in. erect, wiry, naked,
raehis glossy, naked ; sori numerous, small, placed along both margins of the
ult. divisions.—Hh. Sp. 2. p . 70.
Hab. Abyssinia ; discovered by Schimper.—Habit of Hypolepis Californica and Cheilanthes
12. C. (Adiant.) incisa, Kunze ; S t. 1-2 in. 1., erect, polished, naked, dark-
brown; f r . 2 in. 1., 1 in. hr., ovate-deltoid, tripinnatifid ; lower pinnoe 1 in. h,
cut down to the rachis into several ohlong pinnl. ; segm. narrow, linear, sharp-
pointed ; texture subcoriaceous ; sori few, distant, marginal, roundish or tra n s versely
oblong.—Melt. Gheil. No. 65. t. 3 .f . 28-81.
Hab. South of Brazil, fide Mettenius.—There is no specimen of tins in the Hookerian
Herbarium, but it is carefully figured and described by Prof. Mettenius, and seems a
very distinct plant.
13. C. (Adiant.) ehlorophylla, Swz. ; rhizome stout, paleaceous ; st. contiguous,
12-18 in. 1., strong, erect, polished, naked, dark chesnut-brown ; f r . 12-18 in. 1.,
4-8 in. hr., ovate-lanceolate tripinnatifid ; pinnæ 3-6 in. 1., j to I J in. hr.,
distant, lanceolate ; pinnl. lanceolate, cut down to the rachis into numerous
entire linear-ohlong segm. ; texture herhaceous ; rachis like the stipe ; sori
numerous, small, roundish, placed on both edges.—Hypolepis spectabilis, Lin k ,
Hk. Sp. 2. p . 73. t. 88. B.
Hab. South America, from New Granada southward to Monte Video.
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