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15. P . (Alio.) ternifolia, Fée ; st. tufted, densely fibrillose a t the base, 2-4 in. 1.,
strong, erect, da rk chesnut-brown, naked, polished ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br.,
linear-lanceolate, with 6 to 12 opposite pairs of pinnæ, which are cleft down
nearly to the base into three linear mucronate rigid segments w ith enrolled edges ;
texture coriaceous ; rachis dark-coloured and polished like the stipe ; both surfaces
pale glaucous-green, naked ; inw l. formed out of the edge of the frond, rolled over
the sori till they a tta in full m a tu rity .—H k . Sp. 2. p . 142. F il. Exot. t. 15.
Hab. Tropical America, especially in the Andes, from Mexico southward to Peru and
Chili ; Sandwich Islands.—Easily recognizable by its claw-like pinnoe.
16. P . (Alio.) mucrmata, Eaton ; st. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., strong, erect, naked,
dark-brown, polished ; f r . 3-6 in. 1., 1-3 in. br., deltoid, bipinnate
mg or erecto-patent, rigid, 1 in. or more 1., with several distant linear-oblong
p in n l. on each side, about j in. 1., with enrolled edges and a sharp mucronate
p o in t; rachis chesnut-brown, polished like the stipe ; texture coriaceous ; both
surfaces naked, pale glaucous-green ; invol. broad, coriaceous, rolled permanently
over the sori.—A. mucronatus, Eaton in Sill. J o um . Ju ly 1866. P . Wrightiana,
H k . Sp. 2. p . 142. t. 116. B. P . longimucronata, H k . Sp. 2. p . 148. t. 115. A.
Hab. California, New Mexico, and valley of the Eio Grande.
17. P . (Alio.) profusa, J . Sm. ; st. tufted, 2-3 in. L, wiry, erect, blackish,
polished, more or less fiijrillose throughout ; f r . 3-4 in. 1., 1-11 in. br., oblong-
lanceolate, ti’ipinnatifid ; lower p innæ opposite, lanceolate-deltoid, cut down to
the rachis into several deltoid pinnl., the upper of which are ternately lobed, the
lower cut down to the rachis below ; texture coriaceous ; rachis blackish, naked,
polished ; both surfaces green and naked ; sori continuous ; invol, distinct and
pale membranous.—Cheil.,. Kunze: H k . Sp. 2. p . 108.
Hab. Namaqua Land and Cape Colony.—O. cornuta, from Zeyher and Drége, appears
to be safely referrible here ; but whether Eoklon’s plant, described by Mettenius (Cheil.
No. 33), be the same, is doubtful.
18. P . (Alio.) aspera, Baker ; st. densely tufted, 2-3 in. 1,, wiry, blackish, more
oblong nearly entire pinnl. ; texture subcoriaceous ; raehis scaly and tomentose
like the stipe ; both surfaces pale-green and scabrous, with short white bristly
hairs ; sori copious, marginal, confluent.—Cheil., H k . Sp. 2. p . 111. t. 108. A.
Hab. New Mexico ; gathered by Mr. C. Wright.—Very like V. profusa in size and
habit, but easily recognizable by its scabrous hairy surface.
19. V. {AWo.) Alabamensis, B a k e r ; st. subtufted, 2-4 iu. 1., wiry, polished,
blackish, fibrillose below, and at the base with copious fine woolly reddish-brown
scales ; f r . 4-8 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br., ovate-lanceolate, bi- or tripinnatifid ; pinnæ
numerous, the lower ones opposite, about | in. 1., J in. br., lanceolate, cut down
to the rachis into numerous linear-oblong segm., most of which are entire, but
the lowest often again pinnatifid ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis blackish,
polished ; both surfaces naked ; sori continuous along both edges of the pinnules ;
invol. pale-green, membranous.—Cheil., Kunze. H k . Sp. 2. p. 89. t. 103. B,
Ex. F . t. 90.
Hab. Alabama, Georgia, and Tenessee.
20. P . (Alio.) intramarginalis, J . Sm. ; st. tufted, 3-6 in. 1., erect, dark chesnut-
brown, polished, slightly fibrillose below ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 2-4 in. br., ovate-
lanceolate, bipinnatifid ; p innæ opposite, lanceolate, 2-3 in. l._, 1 in. br., cut down
nearly to the rachis into long linear-oblong pinnl. ; rachis polished like the stipe ;
fallax, ¿2 GaUom.
TTfl.Vi Mexico and Guatemala.
uri.—-ix/L. —
Hab. Oalifornia.-The pinnules here are clawed like the pinme of P. Umifolia.
** Frond at I Sp. 22-32.
H k . Sp. 2. p. 113. Ic. P I. 10. t. 912. Allosorus, Presl.
Hah. Himalayas, ascending to 6,000 ft.
. s . p I '- i '; ? ? : “ a S S 'S i “
chesnut-biown, ' j.u o fo or lancrolate ; segm. numerous, linear, with
piunm a n i pmnl. 7 sharp-pointed or mucronate, the terminal
enrolled edges, sessile or . rachis and both surfaces
t. 125. B. Onychium, Brack.
Hab. Oregon, Washington territory, and California.
9 A P r Alio ) robusta H k . ; S t. 1-2 in. 1., erect, wiry, bright-brown, naked,
nolithed'- f t 2-3 in. 1- 1 in. or less br., oblong, obtuse tripinnatifid ; f»««®
in. 1.,’ M to id , cut down to the rachis into se vera l? ?»»/ on each side with a
thick linear-oblong simple or forked segm. not more th an I j hn. 1., ^ hn. b i . ,
L i r a subcoTiaceo^^^^^ and both sLfaces light-green, naked ; m a
continuous line along both edges ; m®<?/ similar m substance to the frond, and
rolled over the fru it till full maturity.—f t / . Sp. 2. p . 147.
Hab NamaquaLand, S. Africa.-This and P. densa are very like Oryptogramme c r j a
in size' and h / i t , hut the barren and fertile fronds are similar, the segments smaller
and more crowded, and the involucre thicker in texture.
25 P . (Alio.) Boivini, H k . ; st. 4-8 in. 1., strong, erect, naked, dark-brown,
nolished • fr 6-9 in. 1., 4-6 in br., subdeltoid, bi- or tripinnate ; ??«»«« erecto-
Fatent or ‘spreading, growing gradually smaller upwards, the lowest ¿ re aM y
lanceolate, simply pinnate, or occasionally bipinnate ; ult. ® / /B g ¥ a r e '
or acute J-1 in. 1., i-S in. br., shortly stalked, cordate or rounded a t the^ base ,
texture coriaceous ; rachis tomentose ; both surfaces naked ; fcm s sun c in le
frond ; sori in a continuous line all round the segments ; «
nearly half a line broad.—H k . Sp. 2. p . 1 4 7 .1 .118. A.
sunk in the
/ membranous.
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