Tab. IX.
Fig. 68. Lygodium.—a, portion of barren frond ; b, d, portions
of fertile frond ; c, § Lygodiotyon, barren portion.
Fig. 69. A ngiopteris.—a, cluster of capsules; h, pair of capsules
and section of frond ; c, single detached capsule.
Fig. 70. M a r a t t ia .— a, h, portions of frond, with a single multi-
locular receptacle ; c, vertical section of receptacle.
Fig. 71. D a n jia .— a, portion of fertile frond ; h, section of receptacle
; c, spores.
Fig. 72. K aulfussia.—a, portion of fertile frond ; h, c, detached
receptacles; d, spores.
Fig. 73. Ophioglossum.—a, complete plant ; h, barren portion ;
c, fertile portion ; d, spores.
Fig. 74. H elminthostachys.—a, nearly complete p la n t; h, portion
of barren frond ; c, d, portions of fertile frond.
Fig. 75. B o try ch ium .—a, complete plant ; h, barren portion ;
c, fertile portion ; d, spores.
YincexLt .Brooks, Imp,