i :
j ■
A r ; i
1., 8-lto in. br. ; p innæ numerous, erecto-patent, 4-6 in. 1. 4-
entire, the base subcuneate ; textitre coriaceous ; rachis and 1
areolæ and prominent sori in a single series.—« 4 . Sp. 8. p . 30.
Hab. West Indies to Ecuador.
T I T pItttoUpis, H k . ; rhizome stout, the scales squarrose Ian
ceola e, ferrugmous ; G-12 in. 1., firm, straininèous, glossy / r 1 2 ’ft T '
L ; fi” T i ta-.: naiiowed g ra c lu ll?
Dom the base to the point, the edge distinctly crenate ; texture pSpvraceo
f in. br., the edge
lotli sides naked;
Ic. t. 09.
finely pubescent; W « and .orifilnTsingle
Hab. Mexico and Guatemala.
s o f f lrc^dh,l"di,°lfil’’T * '■''“ft"'**' etaut, densely clothed with
2 ¿ 1 T o ' T ® ® ? f if ’■ 1-, erect, slender, n aked;
•!’ • ’ rachis into distinct entire
• ' ” ■ " a :
s n T f ’u ’ ’ persicoefolhm, Desv.; rhizome wide-creepino-, the scales
3 - I t o T T ’/ '.‘¿ “'“ -fi fi“ - “ "keU subebeneous ; > 1-3 ft 1
Ë t £ 5 i E S S
/ f t .% S. ¿ 32 " “ ‘“ rial, distinctly immersed. P. cuspidatum, Blume.
Hab. Burmah, Rev. G. S. Parish.
t o / r l h e ^C cT ; f o / / / “ ®?fifift fi’" “ “ ‘¿ f le d or even / r ic ie d
wli, %l. Tt
f f t i T “ “ ’ ^"fifi- fi*-2 ft. 1., firm, erect, terete, naked ;
several rows ; sori confined to the inner one, firm, immersed, so as to form very
distinct papilloe on the upper side.—Mk. Sp. 6. p . 81.—G. F . t. 41.
H ab . P h ilp p in e s an d M ala ccas.—Th is an d th e two preceding form th e g e n u s /S'cÆeZZo?e^is
of J . Smith.
253. P . (Gonioph.) Kortlialsii, Mett. ; wide-creeping, the scales small,
reddish-brown, subulate, ciliated; st. 5-6 in. 1., smooth, reddish-brown; f r .
12-15 in. 1., 1 ft. br. ; pinnoe lax, spreading, sessile, 5-7 in. 1., 1 - l j in. br.,
lanceolate-acuminate, the base cuneate, the edge slightly crenate ; texture subcoriaceous
; rachis and both sides quite naked ; areolæ in 3-4 and the sori in 1-3
rows.—MeU. F il. In d . 2. p . 223.
H ab . S um a tra , Korthals.—Differs from tb e th re e preceding by its mu ltise ria l sori.
P . Lampongense, Zoll,, may be th e same, b u t th e pin næ a re said to be co rd ate o r even
su b au ricu late a t th e base.
254. P . (Gonioph.) attenuatum, H. B. K. ; rhizome stout, the scales gi'ey,
ovate-acuminate, spreading ; st. firm, erect, 6-12 in. 1., glossy, naked ; f r . 1-2
ft. 1., often 1 ft. hr., cut down to the rachis into numerous erecto-patent entire
pinnæ 4-6 in. 1., in. hr., wdiich are dilated a t the base ; texture subcoriaceous ;
rachis and both sides naked ; areolæ in 3 or 4 rows ; sori slightly immersed in
1 or 2 rows.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 24. {non R . B r .) . P . xiphophoron and gladiatum,
H a b . W e s t In d ie s to Bra z il an d Ecu ad o r,—V e ry n e a r th e n e x t, w ith which Grisebach
u n ites it. The pinnæ a re closer, n a rrow e r, an d d ilated , sometimes confluent a t th e base,
and th e sori mo stly uniserial.
255. P . (Gonioph.) neriifoUum, Schk. ; rhizome stout, the scales grey, lanceolate,
spreading ; st. 6-12 in. L, firm, glossy ; f r . 1-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more hr.,
with an entire or slightly sinuated terminal p inna 4-8 in. 1., j - l j in. hr.,
and numerous similar ones on each side, which are narrowed a t the base, the
lowest sometimes stalked ; texture coriaceous ; racliis and both sides naked ; veins
beneath prominent ; areolæ in 2-6 rows between the midrib and edge, the
immersed sori 1-3 serial.—H k . Sp. 5. p. 28.
H a b . W e s t In d ie s an d Mexico to B raz il an d P e ru .— 0 . intermedium an d acuminatum,
Fée, F il. A n t, t. 18-19, ap p e a r to belong here. A p p a re n tly th is is P . h'asiliense, Lam.,
and if so, th a t name h a s p rio rity .
256. P. (Gonioph.) giiatemalense, H k , ; St. 6-12 in. I., naked, stramineous;
f r . 2-8 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br,, with an entire termina l p inna 6-8 in. 1., 1 - l j in.
br., and several similar ones on each side, the upper ones narrowed h u t adnate
at the base ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and both sides naked ; areolæ in
series of 3-4, the large uniserial sori in the first or second row,—H k . Sp. 5. p . 29.
Phlebodium inæquale, Moore.
H a b . G u a tem a la , Sk in n e r.—In th is th e re is occasionally a costal areole inside th e one
th a t contains th e sorus, b u t th e fre e v e in le t which bears th e la tte r is always simple.
257. P. (Gonioph.) cordatum, K z e .; rhizome stout, clothed with spreading
linear scales ; st. 1 ft. or more 1., strong, quite naked ; f r . 1 j-2 ft. 1., 8-10 in.
br. ; pinnæ in numerous opposite pairs, 4-5 in. 1., j-1 in. br., the edge entire, the
point acute, the base very cordate ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and both sides
naked ; areolæ irregular except the inner series ; sori in 1-2 rows, immersed.—
MeU. Polyp, p . 85.
H a b . P e ru .
258. P. (Gonioph.) adnatum, Kunze ; st. 6-12 in. 1., glossy, naked ; f r . l j - 3
ft. 1., 1 ft. hr., with an entire ohlong-lanceolate terminal pinna 6-9 in. h, 1 j-2 in.
2 X