; H
Fronds fu lly tripinnate. Sp. 2GC--263.
2G0. A. (Dipl.) gracilescens, Mett. ; st. straw-coloured, slender, b u t fiim,
naked, polished ; f r . 3-4 ft. I., 2-3 ft. br., tripinnate ; lower pinncB_ 12-18 in. 1.,
0 in. br. ; lanceolate-acuminate ; pinnl. close, short-stalked, 2-3 in. 1., nearly
3 in. br., lanceolate-acuminate, with oblong unequal-sided pinnatifid_ segm.^ ;
texture herbaceous ; raehis stramineous and both sides naked ; two veinlets in
the upper, four in the lower lobes ; sori only one in each, except the lowest,
1 Un. 1 .; invol. membranous. — Mett. F il. Nov. Gran. p . 237. Diplazium,
Hab. Venezuela, Schlim, 69.
201. A. { R ifi.) Sandwichiamm, Mett. ; st. 2 ft. 1., firm, dark-brown, tomentose,
furnished a t the base with ovate-lanceolate scales, dark-brown in the centre, and
a broad margin suddenly scariose ; / r . 2-3 ft. 1., lJ -2 ft. h r. ; lower pinnæ 9-16
in . 1., 6 in. hr., with numerous spreading pinnl. 3 iu. 1., 1 in. b r., with distmct
oblong segm. J in. ]., J in. br., the lower ones cut down nearly to the raclns
into blunt lobes ; texture herbaceous ; colour dark-green ; rachises brown and very
tomentose, those of the pinnules distinctly winged ; veins distant, pinnate ; son
copious, in regular rows not reaching the edge.— Hk . Sp. 8. p . 225. Athyrium,
Fresl. A. alienum, Mett. p. 169. A. fuscopubescens, Flh. Sp. 3 .p . 264.
Hab. Sandwich Islands ; Peru, Lechler, Spruce, 4759, 5416a.—Spruce’s specimens quite
.agree with those from Mr. Lambert, mentioned in “ Species Filicum.”
262. A. (Dipl.) Wilsoni, Baker ; St. slender, brownish, naked ; f r . 3-4 ft. 1.,
2 ft. br. ; lower pinnai 10-12 in. 1., 2-2J in. br., with nuinerous imbricated pinnl.
I J - I J in. 1., J in. br., the point blunt, cut down to the rachis, except at the apex,
into oblong-rhomboidal lobes, the low'er ones J in . 1., I J '2 lin. br., broadly but not
deeply lobed ; texture herbaceous ; both surfaces and rachis quite naked ; colour
deep-green ; veins four on a side in the lower lobes, the lower ones forked ; sori
linear, 1 lin. 1., rare ly diplazioid ; invol. tumid.
Hab. Jamaica, Wilson, 929 ; March, 206, 877.—In habit and cutting this resembles
the preceding closely.
263. A. (Dipl.) divisissimum. B a k e r; st. 1-2 ft. 1., firm, angular, polished,
reddish-brow'U, shaggy below, with nearly black dense fibrillæ ; f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 2 ft.
lumerons pinnæ on each side, the low'er ones 3-4 in.br., w'ithnumero j , -------------- . ^ a.pa. r.t, 1 ft. 1., 6 in.
br., with very numerous close-placed lanceolate pinnl. 3 in. 1., f in. br., out down
into very numerous oblong segm. J in. L, 2 lin. br., W'hich are again cut down to
the rachis into obovate u lt. divisions 1 lin. br. ; texture herbaceous ; raehis
dark-coloured, naked ; colour dark-green ; two veinlas on each side in the lower
u lt. divisions; sori linear, sometimes 1 lin . L, only the lowest occasionally
Hab. Foot ofM. Chimborazo, Spruce, 6695.—This comes nearest to the two preceding,
but is much more compound. We have an incomplete specimen of a very similar plant
from Celebes.
§§§§§§ Anisogonium, Presl. Sori as in Diplazmm, iu t veins anastomosing.
Sp.'264/276. Callipteris, Bory. Fig, 38, g.
* Fronds simple or simply pinnate. Sp. 264-273.
264. A. (Aniso.) t e r n a t u m , H k . ; S t . slender, 3-6 in. 1.; f r . ternate, with an
oblong-lanceolate terminal p i n n a 3-4 in. 1., I j in. br., the point acuminate, the
edge serrated, the base narrowed gradually, and a pair of similar smaller lateral
ones; texture coriaceons ; veins in pinnate groups, the outer upper vein of the
group joining the others before they reach the edge, b u t the separate groups free
from one another.—Hh. Sp. 3. “ . 265.
Hab. Mexico, Lkhmann.
lanceolate-acuminate lobes, the lower half w'ith distant oblong-acuminate entire
p i n n æ 3-4 in. 1., lJ -2 in, br. ; t e x t u r e coriaceous ; v e i n s in pinnated groups which
iuinn iitt ep vv pevrxyr ini PeQaTr t-fh. lieP midrib, TwXnitjlhv tsttlleaxnTdV/el nrii llii. tnt/ett rs, ro\.4f- sori oy. n eac« Ih. »e.»x.Xte»_n_ d. I iÎn__g_X t„o x t1h_»e _edge.
—H k .S p .3 .p .2Q 6 .
Hab. Ecuador and Peru.
266. A. (Aniso.) cordifolium, Mett. ; S t . 6-12 in, 1., firm, erect, scaly below ; f r .
8-12 in. 1., 3-4 in. br., entire, cordate at the base, the point acuininate ; texture
coriaceous ; veim in close groups of about four, anastomosing copiously in the
outer half of the pagina ; sori reaching from the midrib to the edge.—?, D.
integrifoUum, Blume ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., subdeitoid, with a large terminal and
one or two pairs of smaller but similar spreading lateral pin noe.—Hk. Sp. 3.
p . 207. Ic. t. 930. l e x r
Hab. Philippines and Malayan Peninsula and Isles.
267. A. (Aniso.) alismæfolium, Hk. ; st. 2-6 in. 1., firm, erect, scaly throughout ;
f r . varying in shape from simple, oblong-lanceolate, 6-9 in. 1., 2-3 in. br., the
edges entire, the apex acuminate, to ternate or pinnate, with a large terminal
and three pairs of lateral pinnee, each like the entire frond of the simple
state ; texture coriaceous ; veins about three to a group in the inner half, b u t
anastomosing copiously with hexagonal areolæ towards the edge.—H k . Sp. 3.
p . 267.
Hab. Luzon, Cummg, 116.
268. A. (Aniso.) lineolatum, Mett. ; S t . 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, grey, scaly below ;
f r . occasionally simple, usua lly with a terminal pinna and 3-6 pairs of lateral
ones, wliich are 6-12 in 1., 2 in. or more br., entire, often suddenly acuminate ;
texture coriaceous ; rachis naked ; veins 4-8 to a cluster, uniting slightly
towards the edge.—Diplazium, B l. A. elegans, Mett. H k . Sp. 3. p . 268. Ic.
P I. t. 939.
Hab. Philippines and Malayan Peninsula and Islands.
269. A. (Aniso.) heterophleUum, Mett. MSS. ; S t . 1 ft. 1., grey, scaly
throughout ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 8-9 in. br., with 6-8 opposite pairs of pinnæ below
the pinnatifid apex ; the lowest 2 in. or more apart, 3-4 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., the
edge undulated, the point acute, the base cordate on both sides ; texture thinly
herbaceous ; eolmir^ dark-green ; rachis villose and fibrillose throughout ; both
surfaces naked ; veins pinnate, the groups joining one-third of the way from the
midrib to the edge, and the veins of the same and different groups anastomosing ;
sori not reaching the edge, copiously diplazioid.)
Hab. Mishmee and Assam, Qriffith.
270. A. (Aniso.) decussatum, Sw. ; st. 1-2 ft. 1., strong, erect, often muricated ;
f r . 2-4 ft. 1., with numerous pinnæ on each side, which are 6-12 in. 1., 1-2 in. br.,
often proliferous in the axils, the edge nearly entire or slightly lohed ; texture
herbaceous or subcoriaceous ; veins in copiously pinnated groups, with a
distinct barren vein in the centre, uniting one-third of the distance from the