ill If’
two oblique rows, almost confined to the undivided p a rt of the pinnæ.—Hh.
Sp. S. p . 160.
Hab. Cape Colony to Natal, Mauritius, Abyssinia, and Fernando Po,
n o . A. Hallii, H k . ; sl. tufted, 1-2 in. 1., glossy, chesnut-hrown ; f r . 6-12 in.
]., lJ -2 in. hr., elongated and rooting at the point ; pinnce numerous, horizontal,
tiie lower ones deflexed, 1 in. 1., J - f in. hr., the point bluntly rounded, the
upjier two-thirds cu t only halfway down to the rib with linear erecto-patent
teeth, blit the lovver third cut down nearly or quite to the centre ; texture
lierbaceous ; rachis polislied like the stem ; veins simple, oblique ; sori iu two
rovvs.—Hh. Sp. 3. p . 202. 2nd Gent. F . t. 30.
Hab. Ecuador and the Amazon Valley.—The alliance of this is with A . protensum, of
which it may be an American form, aud both closely resemble the very variable A. erectum
in many points.
111. A. mucronatum, Presl ; St. tufted, slender, naked, polished, 1-2 in. 1. ; f r .
1 ft. or more 1., 1 in. or less br., very flaccid in habit, with very numerous pairs
of deflexed sessile pinnæ, which are J - | in. 1., J - f in. hr., deeply pinnatifid on
both sides, the lobes mucronate, in the lower p a rt reaching down nearly to the
rachis, the base on both sides cordate ; texture membranous ; colour bright-
green ; upper veins simple, distant ; sori liuear-oblong, short.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 128.
Ic. F il. t. 917.
Hab. Brazil.—A very delicate and well-marked plant.
112. A. hipartitum, Bory ; st, tufted, 3-6 in. 1., firm, slender, greyish, naked ;
f r - 6-8 in. 1., 2-3 in. hr., with about 10-15 conspicuously stalked pinnce on each
side, which are 1 - lJ in. 1., J - j in. hr., bluntish a t the point, cut down at the base
on the upper side into one distinctly-stalked c u n e a t e s o m e t im e s into two
or three, the outer edge inciso-crenate, the base on the lower side obliquely
truncate ; texture herbaceous ; rachis compressed, winged upwards, naked ;
veins mostly simple ; sori in two regular rows, which reach nearly to the edge.
:—H k . Sp. 3. p . 178. t. 208.
Hab. Mascaren Isles.—This comes nearest some of the divided forms of auritum, but is
less rigid.
113. A. pumilum, Sw. ; st. tufted, 3-4 in. ]., erect, naked, polished, ebeneous
below ; f r . 4-6 in. each way, deltoid, the upper p a rt sinuated only, the lower cut
down to tlie rachis into distinct pinnæ, of which the lowest pair is much the
largest, tlie pinnl. on the lower side sometimes 2 in. 1., reaching down to a
slightly-winged rachis, acuininate and deeply lobed ; texture herbaceous ;
raehis green, flaccid, compressed ; sori very oblique, the lower ones sometimes
j-1 in. \.— Hk. Sp. 3. p. 174.
Hab. W. Indies and Mexico to Columbia ; and a small tender form (A. tenerrimum,
Höchst.) has been gathered by Schimper in Abyssinia, and Dr. Kirk in Zambesi Land.—
A very distinct species.
Sp. 114-156. See also Fronds U- to Sp. 64, 75, 88-90.
Group o f A . cuneatum. Texture coriaceous. Ultimate divisions o f the fro n d
linear, or ovate-cuneate, often shining on the upper surface. Venation sulfiabellate.
Sp. 114-132.
114. A. germanicum,'Noiss; st. densely tufted, 2-4 in. 1., naked, slender,
ebeneous ; f r . 2-3 in. 1., j-1 in. br., lanceolate, cut down to the rachis into a few
distant narrow flabellato-ouneate pinnæ on each side, the lowest of which are
again deeply cleft and also slightly inciso-serrate towards the point ; texture
coriaceous ; veins obscure, subparallel ; sori linear, when mature covering the
whole breadth, h u t falling short of the point of the pinnæ.—Hk. Sp. 3. p . 175.
B r it. F . t. 27.
Hab. Scotland and Norway to Hungary and Dalmatia.—Intermediate between Ruta-
muraria and septentrionale.
115. A. Buta-muraria, Linn. ; st. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., slender, wiry, naked,
ebeneous towards the base ; f r . 1-2 in. 1., about 1 in. br., deltoid, cut down to the
rachis into a few pinnæ on each side, the lower ones again cut down into
spathulato-cimeate pinnl., which are serrated round the outer edge ; texture
coriaceous ; rachis firm, green, naked ; veins flabellate; sori copious. Hk. bp. 3.
p. 176. B r it. F . t. 28.
Hab. Arctic Europe to Spain, Algiers, Cashmere, Tibet, and Siberia ; Cape Colony,
United States.
116. A. Hookeriamm, Col. ; st. tufted, 1-3 in. 1., slender, greenish, deciduously
s c a ly f r . 3-8 in. 1., l-J-4 in. br., ovate-deltoid, with several distinctly stalked
erecto’-patent pinnæ on each side, which are sometimes 1-2 in. 1., with several
stalked pinnl. J i n . each way, the lower half cuneate, the upper rounded and
crenate ; texture herbaceous ; rachis greenish ; veins subflabellate ; son 3-5 to a
pinnl.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 194. A. adiantoides, var. minus, H k . F il. Ic. P I. t. 983.
Hab. New Zealand.—The pinnæ and pinnules in shape resemble tliose of Ruict-
muraria, but the petioles of the former are terete, not flattened, and the texture is
thinner. A plant which resembles this (var. Mairii, Hk. fil.) has pinnate pinnules and
Dareoid sori.
117. A. Maqellanieum, Kaulf. ; St. tufted, 3-4 in. 1., wiry, naked, ebeneous
below ■ f r 2-3 iu. 1., 1-1 è in. br., deltoid with several pmnæ on each side, the
lower ènes often 1 in. 1., j in. br., cut down to the rachis into several distinct
pinnl. oil each side, which are again cut down below into cuneato-spathulate
seqm. 1 -lJ lin. br., which are slightly inciso-serrate round tlie outer edge ;
texture coriaceous ; rachis green, naked, compressed ; veins obscure, ilabellate ;
sori oblong, copious, a t length covering the whole surface.—/i/e. bp. ¿ .p . 1/7.
m . é Gr. Ic. t. 180.
Hab. Temperate S. America.—Divisions like those of Ruta-muraria, but the frond
more compound.
118. A. fissum, Kit. ; st. tufted, 2-6 in. 1., slender, naked, ebeneous below ; f r
2-5 in. 1. 1-2 in. br., oblong-deltoid, with a few distant pmnæ on each side, with
distinct'flabellato-cuiieate " ’Fich are again deeply pinnatifid ; ult. segm.
under J lin. hr. ; texture herbaceous ; rachis green, naked, slender ; veins
solitary ; sori linear-oblong, when mature occupying the whole breadth ot the
segments.:—H k . Sp. 3. p. 177.
Hab. Scattered from Gothland to Turkey and Naples.—A well-marked species.
119. A. sepulehrale, H k ., MSS. ; st. densely tufted 1-2 in. 1., firm greenish,
nearly naked? ebeneous below ; f r . 4-6 in. 1., l - l j m. br., with several lanceolate-
deltoid p in n d on each side, which are cut down to a compressed rachis into
several oi'ate-rhomboidal pinnl. on each side, which are again deeply pmnatihd ,
ult. segm. linear-cuneate ; texture subcoriaceous ; upper surface shining ; rachis
compressed, green, naked ; vdns and so n one to a segm.
Hab. Japan, Oldham, 83, 304, 462 ; China, Blakistcm Maimgay Robinson— Tom
comes nearest to A. variam, but the texture is thicker, and the segments are narrower.
120. A. montanum, Willd. ; St. tufted, 2-3 in. 1, wiry, naked, ebeneous below ;
; ii
r !
i .