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irregularly linear or oblong patches.—Scbaffneria, Fêe. Asplénium, I lk . Kew
Gard. Misc. 9. t. 9.
Hab. Mexico aud Guatemala.
Camptosorus, Lin k . Veins anastmnosing near the midrib but fre e outwards.
Sori usually in opposite pairs, but more or less divaricating. Sp. 8-9.
8. S. (Campt.) rhizophyllum, I lk . ; sl. 1-4 in. 1., naked, compressed, below
chesnut-brown ; f r . 4-9 in. 1., lanceolate, from an auricled cordate base, the point
tapering ont and often rooting ; ioe iîi« coriaceous ; sori short, irregular, liuear-
oblong.—H k . S p . 4. p . 4.
Hab. British America to the Southern United States.
9. S. (Campt.) sibiricum. I l k . ; barren / r . ovate-acuminate, 1 in. 1., J - f in.
br. ; fertile f r . 6 in. or more 1., J in. hr., the apex elongated and rooting, the
base not auricled and narrowed gradually ; st. 2-3 in. 1., naked, green upwards,
ebeneous beloxv ; texture subcoriaceous ; sori linear or oblong.—I lk . Sp. 4. p . 4.
2nd Gent. t. 35.
Hab. W. Siberia, Kamschatka, Tsus-Sima, Japan.
T r i b e 10. A s p i d i b æ .
Sori dorsal, subglobose, rarely elliptical. Involucre superior, similar in shape to
the sorus, fixed either by ike centre or a sinus. G e n . 42-47.
G e n . 42. D i d y m o c h l æ n a , Desv.
Sori e llip tic a l, te rm in a l on a v e in le t, b u t d is tin c tly in tr am a rg in a l. Invol.
e llip tic a l, em a rg in a te a t th e base, a tta c h e d to th e lin e a r receptacle, free a ll ro u n d
th e edge. T a b . 4. f. 42.
1. D. lunulata, Desv. ; catid. erect, subarborescent ; f r . densely tufted, 4-G ft.
1., bipinnate ; pinnl. j-1 in. br., dimidiate, subquadrangular, entire or slightly
sin u a ted ; texture subcoriaceous; venation subflabellate; sori 2-G to a pinnule.
— m . Sp. 4. p . 5. G. F . t. 17. Aspid. truncatulum, Sw., Willd.
Hab. Tropical America, from Cuba and Gujitemala to Peru and Brazil ; Fiji, Malayan
Peninsula and Isles, Madagascar, Johanna Island, Katal, Fernando Po.—The pinnules
in shape and texture correspond with those of the dimidiate Âdianteæ and Lindsayæ.
2. p . polycarpa, Baker ; eaud. erect ; St. tufted, short ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 12-18 in.
br., simply pinnate ; pinnm close, very numerous, spreading, dwindling down
below to mere auricles, the largest 6-9 in. 1., J in. br., cut down halfway or more
to the rachis into close linear-oblong lobes; racliis and lower surface villose ;
vmis very close, pinnated, 12 or more on each side in a lobe ; sori small,
ffiose, ultimately confluent.—Aspid, B l., Mett. Nephi*odium javanicum, H k .
F il. E x . t. 01. Mesochloena, R . B r . M S S . Sphærostephanos,
_ Hab. Malayan Peninsula and Islands.—Habit and venation of Eunephrodium, but the
involucre m structure resembles tbe preceding. M. asplenioides, J . Smith, is a villose
variety, with narrower pinnæ than usual, with short oblong-deltoid lobes.
G e n . 43. A s p i d i u m , Sw. (m p a r t) , R . B r.
Äon subglobose, dorsal or te rm in a l on th e veinlets. Invol. o rb ic u la r, fixed b y
the centre. A cosmopolitan genus, the species o f which vary much in size, texture,
cutting, and venation. T ab. 5. f. 48. »
Polystichum, Roth. Veins all fre e. Sp. 1-42. Texture more or less
coriaceous in all except species 1, 4, 38, 39, and 41, and teeth usually owned.
* Frond pin: Sp. 1-2.
1. A. {Valyai.) glandulosum, I lk . & Gr. ; st. tufted, very s h o r t; f r . 6-8 in. 1.,
1 - l J in . br., oblong-lanceolate, tapering to both ends, cut down nearly to the
rachis above and quite below into b lu n tly sinuated linear-oblong lobes,
emarginate on the upper, decurrent on the lower side at the base ; texture
herbaceous; raehis and botli surfaces finely glanduloso-pilose ; veins pinnate,
the veinlets in groups of three ; sori 2-8 to a pinna, midway between the midrib
and edge.—/ / / . Sp. 4. p . 6. Ilk . £ Gr. t. 140. {not Blume).
Hab. Cuba and Jamaica.
2. A.
- -tt f r ) Plaschnichianum, Kunze ; st. tufted, 3-4 in. 1., slender, fibrillose
4-6 in. 1., J - | in. br., lanceolate, rooting a t the point, subentire or
slightly or deeply lobed a t the base ; texture coriaceous ; both surfaces slightly
fibrillose ; lower veins in groups of four ; sori copious, scattered.—I lk . Sp 4
p . 7. t. 211.
Hab. J amaica.—According to Grisebach, a less cut form of species 3.
•** Fronds once pinnate, the lower pinnæ entire or pinnatifid below. Sp. 3-17.
3. A. (Polyst.) tzophyllum,rhizo,
Swz. ; st. tufted, 1-2 in. h, fibrillose, slender ; fr .
2-6 in. 1., J in br., with
. * . the long) narrow, upper h a lf of the frond lengthened
out and rooting, the lower half cut down to a flattened fibrillose rachis into
oblong rhomboidal subentire lobes, f - J in. br., J in. deep ; texture subcoriaceous •
vems copiously pinnate in the lobes; sori scattered.— « / . Sp. 4. ». 7. H k . £
Gr. Ic. t, 59.
H ab . Jam a ic a an d Cuba.
4. A (P o ly st.) semicordatum, Sw. ; st. scattered, 6-12 in. 1., fibriilose a t the
base ; f i \ 2-3 ft. 1., 8-12 in. br., simply pinnate ; pinnoe spreading, 4-6 in. 1.,
2 - 4 in. br., nearly entire, acuminate, cordate or truncate at the base ; texture
papyraceo-herbaceous or subcoriaceous, both sides naked and rachis nearly so ;
veins pinnate, the lower ones ending short of the edge ; sori in 1-3 rows on each
side, the inner one the most constant and regular, close to the midrib.—.^ / . Sp.
4. p . 16. Cyclopeltis, J . Sm.
H ab . Tropical America, from Cuba a n d P an am a to Braz il an d P e ru • Pliilip p in es
Amboyna, M a lay an P en in su la an d Is le s .—This corresponds to th e g en u s Hemicavdium
ot b é e , who makes five species. A. Kingii, H an c e (Ann. Sc. N a t. 4. ser. 18. p. 237),
from th e Caroline Is le s , is said to h ave b lu n t rep an d pin næ 1^- in. 1., u n d e r 4 in . br. •
veins less branched, an d fru it in a single line. ’
5. A. (Polyst.) munitum, K a u lf.; st. tufted, 4-9 in. 1., strong, straw-coloured,
densely clothed, especially below, witli large glossy lanceolate scales ; f r . 1-2
it. k, 4-8 in. br. ; p innoe close, 8-4 in. I., in. br., the apex acuminate, the
edge hnely spinuloso-serrated throughout, the upper side auricled and the lower
obliquely truncate a t the base ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis generally scaly *
veinlets fine, close ; sori in two rows near the edge.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 10. t. 219.
H ab . W e s te rn N . America, from N o o tk a to California.
6. A. (P o ly st.) falcinellum, Swz .; st. tufted, 4-8 in. 1., densely clothed,
especially below, with blackish-brown lanceolate scales ; / r . 12-18 in. 1., 4-6 in.
br. ; central pinnoe with about their own space betw^een them, 3 in. 1., 4 in. br., the
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