Y 5- about 6 in. I., slender, erect, naked, pale ; fr;
about 1 tt. I., 4-6 m. br., terminated by a p in n a with a long, narrow, sharply
serrated linear apex, below wliich are 12 to 20 pairs of closely-placed short
lobes 2 in. or less 1,, J in. In-., tlie lower two-thirds of the frond with 6 to 9
opposite pairs of distantly-placed;pinnæ with a long linear point, and a t the
base a tew spreadmg pinnules : raehis s c a lirn n a • te r in r i.
Hab. Luzon, Philippine Islands ; gathered by Mr, Cuming.
*** Pinnatoe. Sp. 12-18.
12. P. heteromorpha, Fe'e ; st. 6-12 in. naked, erect, pale ; f r . 12-18 in 1
6-9 in. br., ovate-lanceolate, with the apex of the long terminal point entire,’
but the lower h a lf siimated and furnished with a few short linear lobes : pinnæ
in several opposite pairs, the lowest of wliicli are 3-4 in. apart, the upper ones
entire or shghtly compound a t tlie base, the lowest pair cut down nearlv to the
raclus with several spreading linear pinnules on each side, 1 in. or more'l f in
br. ; texture^ subcoriaceous ; raehis and both surfaces naked, the margins slightly'
crisped ; vems conspicuous, usually once forked, their bases about 1 lin. apa rt •
««»0« narrow, membranous. 77/. Ñ?>. 2.??. 166. « 127. B. ’
Hab. Philippine Islands ; gathered by Mr. Cmniiig.—This may be one of the aberrant
forms of.P. semipmnata, which it resembles in general habit.
13. P . Oriffithii, I lk . ; si 6-8 in. 1., slender, erect, wiry, naked, straw-
coloured ; f r . 6-8 in. 1., 2-3 in. br., ovate-lanceolate, the terniiiial pinna linear,
entire, about 2 in. 1., J in. br. ; upper lateral ones simple, not more than 4 in
apart, and the base decurrent down to the next, tlie lower ones lanceolate-deltoid
with a linear entire point and several short erecto-patent linear entire pinnl. on
eaoii side ; texture subconaceous ; rachis and both surfaces naked ; »««»s obscure
about J in. apa rt a t tlie base, usua lly once forked ; ' ’ narrow, mem-
branous.—77/. Sp. 2. p . 170. t. 123. A.
Hab. Mishmee; N. Hindostán ; gathered by Griffith.
14. P . i
upper lateral ones smali, linear, ........., o.,a,„,.ou
the lower ones 2 in. apart at the base, deflexed, oblong-lanceolate, about 6 in. ].(
4 in. br., with an entire terminal lobe and several stalked lateral pinnl. on each
side, which are about 2 in. 1., 2 lin. hr., deeply serrated towards the point,
and spreading from the scabrous rachis at right an g le s; texture coriaceous •
vems conspicuous, about 1 lin. ap a rt at the base and u sua lly once forked
iiear the base ; mvol. narrow, A r m . ~ m . S p . 2. p . 171. t. 122. A. P . subserrata,
Ap' ; f r . ample, bipinnate ; termina l pinna linear, the
iile, those nex t in order larger and stalked.
Hab. Madagascar ; gathered by M. Bojer.
IS. P . mutilata, Linn. ; st. slender, erect, naked, polished, straw-coloured or
bright-brown, those of tlie fertile frond the largest (9-12 in.) and strongest ;
f r . about 6 m. each way, deltoid, with a linear entire point, several entire pinnæ
but the lowest pair lanceolate-deltoid, 4-6 in. 1., 3-4 in. br., with several linear’
erecto-patent pmnules on each side, the divisions ofth e barren frond shorter and
broader th an those of the fertile one, not serrated, but mucronate at the point,
and turnished with a crisped white cartilaginous border ; raehis and both
c n T + a n /- ic i .a », J _1 . . _ i ^ -» ..»»»» ^ „xiiuv vcbiLiiti^iiiuuo u u iu e i , TUrCiuLs a n a DOtli
surtaces naked and sh in in g ; veins about 1 lin. apa rt a t the base, simple or once
lorked ; mvol. narrow, membranous.—77/. Sp. 2. p . 164. t. 131. A.
Hab, West-Indian Islands.—P. concinna, Heward, is a more compound form than usual.
i f ^
more or less pinnate on the upper side. also,
by intermediates.
i l i i i f i l l i f i i
Sp. 2. p. 194.
Hab. Mexico,—This and the next species have quite the habit of quadriaiirita, but t e
venation seems to distinguish them.
18. P. litobrochioides, Klotzsch ; S t. strong, erect, naked,
brown • fr 2 ft 1. 18 in. br., the termina l? ?»»« 1 ft. or more 1., 2 3 in bi., cut
down within a short distance of the raohis into numerous s p r e f mg linear
“0"*1 1 1 1 1 in or more br. the lower sinuses ro u n d ed ; lateral
4 L l a c h side! similar to the terminal one, erecto-patent, the lowest
3 to 4 in. distant a t the base, all unlu-aiiched^ in our ^ specimens ; U fiw e
coriaoeous; rachis and both surfaces n a k e d ; vems f®’f ® ¥ ¥
1 lin. apart at the base ; sori reaching nearly to the apex of the lobe.s.— 77/. bp.
2 .??. 178.
Hab. Gathered hy Sir E. Schomburgk in British Guiana, and Dr. Spruce in the Amazon
*««* TUni.nnntæ. Lowest pinnæ at least bipinnatifid. Sp. 19-3.5.
10. P . marattiæfolia, I lk . ; st. stout, erect, quadrangular, deep y sulcate glossy
sti-aw-cfoured ; f r . àmple, bipinnate, the upper p a rt simply pinnate, wirii
f e v e / l i T a r iobes which’ are" slightly decurrent at the base, px'omment y
serrated towards the point, the longest 4 m. 1., J m. br. ; lower pmnæ 6-1^ in. 1.,
pinnate, with niiineroiis similar lobes on both sides and again
L a l l e r pinnl. on both sides at the base ; scarcely s Z I o t
both surfaces naked ; veins usually once foiked J "p a rt a t the base , f ^
reaching to the apex of the lo b e s .-7 7 /. Sp. 2. p . I l7 . t . 122. B. P . flexuosa,
Mett. P . seiniaduata, Philippi.
Hab. Chili aiid Chiloe.-A very distinct species, easily recognizable by its large distinct
pmnules, of which only the lowest of the basal pinnæ are agam compound.
20. P. Dalhousiæ, I lk . ; S t. strong, erect about 1 ft.
liaht-brown • fr. 2-3 ft. 1., 12-18 iu. br., tri- or quadripinnatifid , tippei pm næ
linear unbranched, decurrent down to the n ex t pair, lower ones sometimes
1 ft l ’ deltoid ; pinnl. with simple or occasionally with branched Imeai segm.,
f i 'f ' ii
4I ' ‘ I
: i i , ‘
' ¿.ft *
• -, ;
r i