ri 1 ? .
Hab. Island of St. Thomas, W. Africa, ff. Mann.— Very near N. Spekei, but smaller
in size, the veinlets fewer, and the rachises densely fibrillose and glandular, and sori
betwe’en them, lower ones slightly reduced ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and
under side finely p ubescent; veinlets 10-12 on a sid e ; sori quite marginal.—
H k . Sp. 4. jO. 112.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 94, 343.—Allied to the three preceding.
27. N. (Last.) ohliquatum, Baker ; rhizome creeping ; S t . 8 in. 1., reddish,
densely pubescent ; f r . 1 ft. 1., 6-8 in. br., ovate-acuminate ;. pinnæ lanceolate,
cut down to a narrowly-winged rachis into close linear-oblong entire lobes ;
textwre papyraceo-herbaceous ; under surface and raehis densely villose ; veinlets
6-8 on a side, bearing the sori near tlie apex.—Aspid. Mett. F il. Nov. Cal. p . 76.
Hab. New Caledonia, Vieillard, 1628.—Allied to species 23-27, but recognizable by
its villose stems and frond.
28. N. (Last.) alho-punctatum, Desv. ; rhizome wide-creeping, scandent, scaly
or n a k e d ; st. naked, greyish or ebeneous, jointed ; f r . 9-12 in. 1., 4-6 in. ?■. ;
pinnæ spreading, 2-3 in. 1., J in. hr., cut h a lf down to tlie rachis or more into
olilong, blunt, entire lobes ; texture herbaceous ; rachis pubescent and under side
slightly so ; veins pinnate in tlie lobes, witli 3-4 veinlets on each side ; sori
termina l on the veinlets near tlie edge.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 85. F il. F x . t. 89.
Artliropteris, J . Sm.
H a b . G u in e a Coast, A ngola, Mascaren Isles, F iji.—T h e pin næ h av e w h ite cretaceous
d o ts on th e u p p e r surface, as in Nephrolepis. N . Wehbianum, H k ., from Amb o y n a,
ap p e a rs to be a form o f this, with a g labrous rachis an d p in næ less deeply lobed th a n th e
ty p e .
29. N. (L a st.) c a l c a r a t u m , H k . ; S t . densely tufted, stramineous, villose
above; s t . 1 ft. 1., 3-6 in. br. ; p i n n oe spreading, 2-4 in. 1., f - j in. hr., cut
down two-thirds or more to the rachis into oblique, subfalcate, linear-oblong,
acute or blunt lobes ; c o l o u r dark-green ; r a c h i s villose ; t e x t u r e herbaceous or
subcoriaceous ; under s i d e more or less villose ; v e i n l e t s 3-6 on each side ; s o r i
medial ; i n v o l . glabrous, persistent.—Hk. Sp. 4. p . 93. IN. falcilobum, H k . Sp. 4.
p . 108.
H a b . N . In d ia to Ceylon, H o n g -K o n g , P h ilip p in e s , M ala ccas.—A w ell-mark ed p lan t,
with a considerable ran g e o f v a ria tio n in c u ttin g an d te x tu re . T h e lower p in næ a re
sometimes b u t n o t usually red u ced . N . fa lcilo b um is a form w ith b ro ad e r pin næ an d
d e e p e r an d more sp re ad in g lebes th a n u sual.
80. N. (Last.) viscosum. Baker ; st. 6 in. or more 1., firm, erect, reddish-brown,
slightly scaly, finely villose ; f r . 9-12 in. 1., 4-5 in. hr., oblong-lanceolate ;
p in noe 'close, 2-3 in. 1., f - J in. br., cut nearly to the rachis into close, spreading
linear-oblong lobes under 1 lin. br. ; texture herbaceous ; colour dark-green ;
rachises villose ; under surface densely glandular ; veinlets 5-6 on a side ; sori
medial.—Lastrea, J . Sm.
H a b . Malacca, Cuming, 401 ; P h ilip p in e s an d Borneo, T. Lobb.
31. N. (L a st.) falciculatum, Pesv. ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., clotlied below with
dark-brown linear scales ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 8 10 in. br., oblong-deltoid ; pinnæ
4-5 in. 1., 1 in. hr., cut down very nearly to the rachis into linear-oblong entire
falcate lobes lJ -2 lin. br., the lower ones not reduced ; texture herbaceous ;
rachises slightly fibrillose, and both sides densely pubescent and glandular ;
veinlets 8-10 on a side ; sori large, submarginal.—Ilk . Sp. 4. p . 102.
H ab . Mexico to Bra z il au d P e ru .
32. N. (Last.) vestitum. Baker ; st. 6-12 in. 1., stout, densely coated witli
woolly lanceolate scales ; f r . ]-2 ft. I., 6-10 in. br. ; pinnoe 3-5 in) 1., j-1 in. br.,
cut down to a nan-owly-wiuged rachis into blunt, entire, falcate lolies 2 Un. br. ;
texture herbaceous ; rachis of the pinnæ densely clothed witli broad furfuraceous
scales ; veinlets 0-8 on a side, the sori close to the midrib.—Polyp. R addi.
N. Had d ian iim ,/ / / . 4.?>. 98. i. 245.
H ab . S. B ra z il.—T b e M a u ritia n A . n itid um , Bory, is lik e th is, e x c e p t'th a t Ihe scales
are narrower and finer, an d with this a Braz ilian p lan t, m a rk ed “ A . squamigerum” by
Mettenius, agrees.
33. N. (Last.) crinitum, Desv. ; st. 6-12 in. 1., stout, densely clotlied with
long, purplisli-bi'own, fibrillose scales ; f r . 12-24 in. 1., 8-12 in. hr., ovate-deltoid ;
pinnæ 4-6 in. 1., 1 in. br., cut down nearly to tlie racliis into sliglitly falcate,
linear-olilong lobes 2 lin. br. ; lower pinnæ deflexed ; texture lierliaceous ; rachis
and midrib more or less fibrillose ; veinlets 9 -1 2 on a side ; sori medial.—I lk . Sp.
4. p . 111. (in p a rt). A. sulcatum, K l f
H ab . M au ritiu s an d Bo u rb o n ,—Tb is an d th e tw o preceding resemble one an o th e r
closely in h ab it, te x tu re , an d shape of th e lobes, and in all th re e th e involucre is tliin.
and fugacious. I n A. paucijlorum, K au lf., th e scales a re fewer, an d n o t so distinctly
subulate, b u t th e y do n o t seem clearly separable.
84. N. (L a s t.) Ctenitis, Baker ; st. move th an ] ft. 1., clothed tln’onghouÇ>vith
black and ferruginous scales ; f r . 2 ft. I., 1 ft. or more br. ; pinnoe 8-9 in. 1.,
I J - l J in. hr., cut down nearly to the rachis into obtusely-toothed lobes, the lower
ones with a space between them, the lower pinnæ stalked ; texture subcoriaceous ;
upper surface with scattered short ferruginous hairs, lower with da rk scales on
the midrib ; veinlets about 15 on a side ; sori near the main veins ; invol. persistent,
glabrous.—Aspid. Kze. Mett. Asp. p . 91.
H ab . B raz il,
85. N. (Last.) velleum, Baker ; st. 6 in. 1., densely clothed, especially a t the
base, with long linear scales ; f r . IJ-2 ft. 1., 8-9 in. br. ; pinnoe 3-4 in. 1., |-1 in.
hr., cut down to the rachis into linear-oblong lobes lJ -2 lin. br. ; texture
herbaceous ; imder side naked ; rachises densely clotlied with long, pale, bright-
brown iibrillose scales ; veinlets 7-8 on a side, the sori close to the midrib.—
Aspid. Willd. N. aureo-vestitnm, HJc. Sp. 4. p . 101. t. 24G,
Hab. W e st In d ie s.—This most resembles th e th r e e preceding, b u t th e frond is n a rrower
an d more elongated, an d th e c lo th in g o f th e rachis is q u ite peculiar.
30. N. (Last.) Caripcnse, H k . ; st. 1 ft. or more ]., firm, clothed principally at
the base with long, dense, linear scales ; f r . lJ -2 ft. 1., 8-12 in. br. ; pinnoe 4-0
in. 1., 1 in. br., cut down to a broadly-winged rachis into clo&e, blunt, entire
lobes 2 lin. br., the lower lobes reduced and lower pinnæ slightly staikeil ;
texture firm ; rachis nearly and both sides quite naked ; veinlets 12-15 on a side ;
sori medial ; invol. smali, fugacious. —H k . Sp. 4. p. 99. N. Tarapotense, Hk.
Sp. 4. p . 107.
H a b . G u atemala to Braz il an d P e ru .—A . alsopTiilacmm of K u n z e an d M e tte n iu s is
said to differ by its more rigid te x tu re , an d lobes n o t reach in g more th a n halfway down
to th e midrib, with 9-10 v ein le ts on a side.
87. N. (Last.) trichophorum. B a k e r; rhizome creeping; st. 0-9 in. k, firm,
pubescent upwards ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 8-0 in. br. ; pinnoe 4-5 in. L, j- J in. br,,
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