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2 1 4 3 8 . A S P L E N I U M , § § E U A S P L E N I U M .
f r . 2-3 in. 1., 1 in. br., lanceolate-deltoid, with several pinnæ on each side, the
lowest of which are distinctly stalked, deltoid, about J in. each way, cut down to
tlie rachis in the lower p a rt into spathulato-cuneate pinnl., sharply serrated
round the outer edge ; texture coriaceous ; rachis naked, green, compressed,
winged upwards ; veins obscure ; sori short, copious.—Hk. Sp. 3. p. 177.
Hab. United States.—Intermediate between Buta-muraria and Adicmtum-nigrum.
121. .4. Adiantum-nigrum, Linn. ; St. tufted, 6-9 in. 1., nearly naked, polished,
chesnut-brown ; f r . 6-12 in. I., 4-6 in. br., sub-deltoid, with numerous ?>»««
each side, the lower ones deltoid, 2-8 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br., cut down to a compressed
winged rachis into numerous lanceolate-deltoid pinnl., truncate on the
lower side, cut down nearly or quite to the rachis into oblong or spathiilate
segm., sliarply toothed round the outer edge ; textxtre coriaceous ; rachis polished
and chesnut-coloured below, upwards winged and compressed ; veins obscure,
oblique ; sori copious, a t last often occupying the whole under surface of the
segm.—(3, A. aeutwn, Bory ; habit more graceful, fr. more finely cut ; ult. div.
linear-spathulate with mucronate te e th .—y, A. ohtusum, Willd. ; ult. segm. short,
iiabellato-cuneate, often | in. hr., habit more slender. A. Serpentini, Tausch.
S , A. Gaudichaudianum, H k . ; texture very thick ; pinnl. distant, lanceolate,
with small distant oblong-spathulate ult. segm.—Hk. Sp. 3. p. 187. Brit. F.
t. 33.
Hab. Norway and Britain to the Cape Verdes, Azores, Canaries, Cameroon Mountains,
Algiers, Abyssinia, Himalayas, and Siberia ; Cape Colony, Sandwich Islands.
Reported also from Java, Virginia, Porto Rico, St. Helena, and Mascaren Isles.
122. A. solidum, Kunze ; st. tufted, 4-6 in. 1., dark chesnut-brown, naked,
polished ; f r . oblong-deltoid, 6-12 in. 1., 4-6 in. br., with 8-12 pinnæ on each
side, whicli decrease gradually upwards, the lowest lanceolate-deltoid, 4 in. 1.,
2 in. br., cut down to tbe rachis into several quite distinct deltoid pinnl., which
are again cut down below to the racliis into sharply serrated rhomboidal segm.;
texture subcoriaceous ; rachis chesnut-brown and polished like the stem ; veins
flabellate, channelled ; sori linear-oblong, when mature sometimes filling up
nearly the whole width of the segments.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 167. t. 201.
Hab. Cape Colony ; and a plant which appears to be the same has been gathered by
Oldham in Japan.—Very near the preceding, with which it probably should be joined.
123. A. dissectum, Brack. ; S t. 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, greyish, naked ; f r . 12-18
in. 1., 4-6 in. br., cut down to the rachis into numerous lanceolate-deltoid pinnoe
on each side, the lowest of wliich are 4-0 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br. ; pinnl. and segm.
distant, subdeltoid, the la tte r cut into narrow linear ult. divisions, 1-2 lin. 1.,
J lin. br., acute or acutely toothed at the apex ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis
firm, greyish ; veins one in each u lt. division ; sori usua lly solitary.—Brack.
Fil. U.S. Expl. Exp. t . 24.
Hab. Sandwich Islands ; gathered by Douglas and Brackenridge.
124. A. c u n e a t u m , Lam. ; S t . tufted, 6-9 in. L , firm, erect, naked ; f r . 6-15 in.
6-9 in. br., with numerous spreading pinnæ on each side, the lower ones
3-4 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., lanceolate-deltoid, cut down to the rachis into several
distinct ovate-ouneate pinnl., which are inciso-dentate and cut down in the lower
p a rt nearly or quite to the rachis ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis firm, greyish,
nearly naked ; veins fine, conspicuous on the upper surface ; sori linear, subflabellate.—
« / . Sp. 3. p . 168.
Hab. Tropical America, West Indies to Brazil ; Polynesian Islands to Java and
Hong-Kong; Cape Colony to Mozambique, Johanna Island, and Seychelles.—A. splendens,
Kze. Hk. Sp. 3. p. 168, does not seem to be safely separable.
125. A. furcatiim, T hunb. ; S t. tufted, 4-8 in. 1., firm, erect, clothed with
deciduous woolly hairs ; f r . 6-18 in. 1., 4-6 in. hr., with 12-20 pinnæ on each
side, which are lanceolate-deltoid in general outline, 2-3 in. 1., f-1 in. br., cut
down tlironghout n early or quite to the rachis into linear-cuneate pinnl., which
are sharply serrated on the outer edge ; texture coriaceous ; rachis firm, erect,
more or less fibrillose like the stem ; veins deep-cliannelled, flabellate ; sori
linear, rad ian t.—Hk . Sp. 3. p . 165. A. præmorsum, Sw.
H a b . Tropical America, from Mexico an d th e W e s t In d ie s to P e ru ; P olynesian Islan d s
an d A u s tra lia n o rthw a rd to Tsus-Sima an d th e H im a lay a s ; Cape Colony to Mascaren
Isles, Abyssinia, an d th e Canaries.—D istin g u ish ed from th e p re c ed in g by its fibrillose
rach is a n d longe r an d narrower divisions.
126. A. affne, Sw a rtz ; st. 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, grey,_ nearly naked ; /p .
12-18 in. 1., 6-12 in. br., with numerous pinnæ on each side, the lower ones
lanceolate-rhomboidal, cu t down to the rachis into numerous distinct rhoni-
hoidal pinnl. 4-6 in. 1., lJ -2 in. hr., which are again inciso-serrate or deeply
lobed ; texture subcoriaceous ; x-achis firm, naked ; veins subflabellate ; sori
copious, linear.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 170. t. 202. A. spathulinum, J . Sm. H k . Sp. 3.
p . 170.
H ab . M a sc a ren Is le s , Ceylon, P h ilip p in e s , Borneo, F iji, Sandwich Is la n d s .—V e ry
n e a r A. cuneatum, b u t a mo re ro b u s t p la n t, w ith o ften 10-15 d is tin c t pmnules to th e
low er pinnæ.
127. A. nitidum, Swz. ; st. 1 ft. 1., firm, erect, greyish, naked ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1.,
1 ft. br., with numerous lanceolate-deltoid pinnoe on each side, the lowest of
which are 6-9 in. 1., 2-3 in. hr., cut down to the rachis into numerous stalked
subdeltoid pinnl., which are again cut down to the rachis into broad flabellato-
cuneate segm., inciso-serrate round the outer edge ; texture subcoriaceoim ; rachis
firm, grey, naked ; veins channelled, flabellate ; sori short, radiant. « / . Sp. 3.
p. 172.
H a b . N o rth of In d ia , Ceylon, Malay an P en in su la an d Is le s .—V e ry n e a r th e la st, h u t
a s till la rg e r p la n t, w ith ample sh in in g rhomb o id al acum in a te p innules, sometimes aga in
pinna tifid.
128. A. laserpitiifolium, Lam. ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., firm, erect, greyisby
naked ; f r . 2-4 ft. 1., 6-18 in. br., with numerous pinnoe on each side, the lowest
deltoid^lanceolate, 6-9 in. 1., 4-6 in. br., cut down to the rachis into numerous
distinct pinnl., the lowest wdth rhomboidal-cuneate segm, again deeply pinnatifid ;
texture herbaceous ; x-aeUs slender, naked ; veixis fine and deeply channelled ;
sori short, linear-oblong, irregular.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 171. t. 203.
H a b . P o ly n e sian Is lan d s an d N. A u s tra lia n o rthw a rd to Ch u san an d Assam ; an d
g a th e r e d a ls o h yG e r r a rd in N a ta l.—L ik e th e tw o preceding, closely allied to A. cm eaiiim.
129. A. niqritianmn, H k .; si. tufted, strong, erect, 4-6 in. 1., nearly black and
densely villose ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 4-6 in. br., with numerous horizontal or slightly
deflexed pinxiæ on each side, which are 2-3 in. 1., J - f m. hr., cut down to the
raohis into numerous subdimidiate rhomhoidal pinxil, the lower ones once
deeply lobed and also inciso-crenate, the lowest imbricated over the mam raclns ;
texture subcoriaceous ; raehis firm, erect ; veixis subflabellate ; son oblong.
H k . Sp. 3. p. 223. 2xid Gent. t. 44.
H ab . P rin c e ’s Is la n d an d St. Thomas, G u in e a Coast ; g a th e red by B a rte r an d M an n .
—A v e ry d is tin c t species, of which o u r dried specimens are n ea rly black.
130. A. scandicinum, Kaulf. ; st. tufted, 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, grey, naked ;
fr 9-18 in 1 4 - 8 i n . b r . , w i th numerous rather distant?»»«® on ®ai:h side, me
lower ones subdeltoid, 3-6 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., cut down to the rachis into-
numerous stalked siibdistant pixinl., which are agam cut down mto cuneate-
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