S S i g l p i H S S i S
l a r ? : t a K a well-marked species, most like N. fragrans on a
t t Fronds suhdeltoid. Sp. 1 0 2 - 1 1 7
Hab. Ladrones, Mertens.-WMb tbis we are not acquainted,
and low e st? )» « ;, larger th an t t ’ othera ivlffih a r ¥ l ” r
Hab. West Ind.es, and gathered also by Mr. Curror in West Tropical Africa
a n ? ttu L e™ “ ‘'° ^™ « -M o s t like sparsum and mexicanum in cutting
i:-r .)
Hb ft
s S ¥ s ¥ 3 S i ¥ “ -
Hab. N. China, Col. Urguhart; Korea, Wilford; Japan, Dtchens.
m m f r 2 m . s p E M
Hab. Sandwich Islands.-Very near the preceding.
¿rtftJiT ’ ’ tUifr
lobes ; V e tcL o n s ^ L t t f a r t d r f f i r s ^ a ? fnd " t l f o s ^ ' b i S
glandular and grey, with sliort stiff hairs ; sori small, medial.—I lk . Sp. 4.
?). 144.
Hab. Fiji, Brackenridge, Milne.
108. N. (Last.) edentulum, Baker ; sl. stramineous ; f r . upwards of 1 ft. 1. and
nearly as b r . ; lower ?)*««« 5-0 in. ]., more th an 2 in. hr., lanceolate-acuminate ;
distant, spreading, connected a t the base, oblong, obtuse, I J in. 1., with
oblong, obtuse, entire lobes ; texture th in ly herbaceous ; colour deep-green ;
under surface fibrillose on the midribs, tlie rest naked ; veins 1 to each lobe ;
sori close to the midrib, 1 or 2 to a lobe ; invol. thin, glabrous, persistent.—’
Aspid. Kxe.
Hab. Java.—Our description is from Mettenius.
109. N. (Last.) oemulum, B a k e r; si. tufted, 1 ft. 1.; scales linear-lanceolate,
concolorous, dense b elow;/®. lanceolate-deltoid, 12-18 in. 1., 6-10 in .b r ., the
lowest pinnce much the largest ; lowest pinnl. larger than the others, which are
ovate-lanceolate, cut down to the rachis below into deeply pinnatifid lobes with
aristate teeth ; texture herbaceous ; rachis slightly scaly ; under surface glandular ;
imol. not gland-ciliated.— Polyp. Sol. N. spinulosum ?, I lk . Sp. 4. p . 127.
Brit. F. t. 20. N. Fænisecii, Lowe. L. recurva, Newm.
Hab. Britain, Madeira, Azores.—Smelling like hay when dried, the pinnæ and pinnules
with the edge turned upwards in the growing plant.
110. N. (h a s t.) Karwinskyanum, B a k e r; st. 6-9 in. 1., slender, stramineous,
with a few small concolorous scales ; f r . 12-15 in. 1., 8-12 in. hr., deltoid ; lower
pinnæ much the largest, oblong-deltoid ; p in n l. close, lanceolate, 1-1J in. 1., cut
down below nearly to the rachis into oblong bluntly-toothed lobes ; texture
herbaceous ; rachis slender, slightly scaly ; under surface mealy, with fine
glands; sori at the base of the lobes; invol. prominent, ciliated.—Aspid. Mett.
p. 59.
Hab. Mexico and Guatemala.—Differs from sphærocarpum by its glandular fronds and
deltoid outline.
111. N. (Last.) Napoleonis, B o ry ; st. 6-12 in. L, densely scaly at the base,
naked upwards ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 8-12 in. hr., subdeitoid ; lower pinnæ much the
largest ; pinnl. of the under side the longest, J in . hr., linear-lanceolate, close,
cut down nearly to the rachis into slightly-toothed, broad, blunt lobes; texture
subcoriaceous ; rachis and both sides naked ; sori close to the midrib ; invol.
naked.—« / . Sp. 4. p. 123. t. 255.
Hab. St. Helena.
112. N. (Last.) Asccnsionis, U k . ; st. tufted, stout, densely clothed with dark-
brown linear sc ales;/®. 8-12 in. 1., 4-6 in. br., subdeitoid; pinnoe imbricated,
the lower ones 3-4 in. 1., 2 in. hr. ; pinnl. linear-lanceolate, J in. hr., cut down
to tlie rachis into subentire, ohlong lobes ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachises scaly ;
sari one at the base of each lobe.—I lk . Sp. 4. p . 124. t. 267.
Hab. Island of Ascension.
113. N. (Last.) cognatum, H k . ; st. tufted, stout, 1 ft. 1., densely clothed with
large ovate scales ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 12-18 in. hr., ovate-deltoid ; pinnæ close,
lanceolate, 6-9 in. 1., 1J in. hr., the lowest pair broadest ; loles oblong, bluntish,
3-4 lin. br., broadly toothed ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachises scaly ; sori iu
rows midway between the edge and midrib.—Hk. Sp. 4. p. 123. t. 256.
Hab. St. Helena.
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