i * !'
27 A fulvum R a o u l: st. 6-9 in. 1., strong, erect, polished, da rk chesnnt-brown,
rough below, with strong hairs -J r. 9-12 in. 1., 6-8 in. hr., deltoid in general outline,
with a terminal p im m 4-6 in. 1., about I J in. br., and several eiecto-patent
branches, the lower of which are branched again ; p i« « / about i in. J., t m. aeep,
dimidiate, the lower edge nearly straight, the upper almost parallel, with shai ply-
toothed lohes like the oblique outer edge ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; mehis
glossy, h u t scabrous and ra th e r h a ir y ; sari large, numerous, obvrn-sely reniform,
placed in small depressions round the upper and outer edge.—f t* , bp. ¿ .p . 52.
t. 86. A.
Hab. New Zealand, Norfolk Island, N. S. Wales, and F iji.-V e ry variable in the
shape of its pinnules. I t is much less compound than A . formosum, and the pinnules are
28. A. tm , Blume ; st. 6-12 in. 1., erect, naked, polished, nearly black ;
fr. a foot or more each way, with a terminal central p inna 6-9 m. h, I 2 f f
and a few large spreading lateral ones on each side, the lower ones branched again
with 2 to 4 erecto-patent branches ; segm. J - J in. 1., M in. deep dimidiate t k
lower line upcurved, the upper nearly straight, shghtly toothed ; texture coii-
aceous ; rachis tomentose ; sori small, numerous, roundish, placed on the uppei
edge.—f t / . Sp. 2 .20. 38. A. Lobhianum, f t / . Sp. 2. p . 51. t. 80. t .
Hab Java, and gathered also by Milne in Aneiteum.—This comes very near A. fidmm,
in the shape, size, and texture of the segments, but is a larger plant with a more hairy
29 A. crenatum, Willd. ; st. 6-9 in. 1., polished, blackish, naked or nearly so ;
f r . with a terminal central 6-9 iu. 1., and several large erecto-patent lateral
ones on each side, the lowest of which are branched again ; s fi/m .^ - ^m . 1., j m.
deep, dimidiate, tiie lower line upcurved, the upper nearly straight, shghtly crenate ;
texture subcoriaceous ; rachis slightly tomentose , sori numerous round, placed on
the upper and sometimes the outer edge.—A. Wilesianum, f t / , bp. 2 . p). 0 0 .
t. 83. C.
Hab. Mexico and West Indian Islands.—This also comes very near A. tetraphyllum,
but the rachis is only very slightly tomentose, and the main stem is glossy polished,
and the segments are perhaps more papyraceous iu texture. A.politum, Ii. IV., la
referred here by Sprengel.
30. A. pectimtum, Kunze ; st. I J -2 ft. 1., strong, erect, nearly black, scabrous;
ft. 3-6 ft. 1., 2-3 ft. hr., tr i- or quadripinnate ; lower pdnnoe 12-18 in. 1., 6-J in. oi.,
their lower branches with a long terminal pinnule and several erecto-patent
lateral ones, the lowest of w hich are sometimes branched again ; a m. br.,
less th an è in. deep, dimidiate, the lower line straight, the upper slightly rounded,
th e point not very blu n t ; rachis tomentose ; surfaces naked ; so n suborbicular,
numerous, placed round the upper and outer edge.
Hab. Brazil, Bwchell, No. 7416 ; Eastern Peru, Spruce, 4781.—A very fine
size and babit at once clearly characterize. A. velutinum and Lmdem, described by mr.
Moore in Gard. Chron. 1866, p. 777, seem to be allied to this species.
31. A. tetraphyllum, Willd. ; st. G-12 in. 1., strong, erect, tomentose ; f r . with
a long terminal pin n a 6-9 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., and numerous erecto-patent or
spreading lateral ones nearly as large on both sides, so th a t the frond is^ not
unfrequently h a lf a yard long h y nearly as much broad ; segm. in. br., j m.
deep subdimidiate, the lower line straight or somewhat deourved, the upper
nearly parallel, finely toothed, the outer edge very oblique ; textwe coriaceous ;
rachis and under surface tomentose ; sori interrupted, marginal, usually transversely
ohlong or transversely reniform, placed round the upper and outer
edge.--A. prmnophyllum, f t . B . K . H k . Sp. 2. p . 21. A. fructuosum, Sp;
Hk. 2. p . 24.
Hab . Tropical America, from Mexico an d th e We st In d ie s so u thw ard to Bra z il ;
gathered also in W e st Tropical Africa by B a rte r, Vogel, an d M an n ,—I am n o t p rep a re d
to p o in t o u t any good ch a ra c te r by which A . Caijennense, Willd ., and A . Brasiliense,
Kaddi, may be d istinguished from th is widely-diffused an d v a riab le species.
-x--x-*-x Oligosorous group.—Frond once or more pinnate, the f r u it in continuous
or slightly interrupted marginal lines. Sp. 32-40.
t Segments with a line o f f r u it on both sides, therefore not dimidiate. Sp. 32-36.
32. A. lucidum, Swartz ; st. 6-9 in. 1., strong, erect, scabrous, tomentose ; f r .
9-15 in. 1., 4-8 in. br., simpl}^ pinnate, with a large terminal pinna and 6 to 10
lateral ones on each side, or the lowest very slightly branched, 3-4 in. 1., ¿-1 in.
br., nearly equal-sided, but obliquely truncate a t the base below, lanceolate-
acuminate, slightly serrated towards the point ; texture coriaceous ; rachis
densely tomentose ; veins free or anastomosing casually towards the edge, midrib
distinct ; sori in a continuous row along each side.—I lk . Sp. 2. p. 4. t. 79. C.
H ab . W e st In d ia n Is lan d s an d P an am a so u thw ard to Bra z il,—This comes so n e a r th e
polysorous A . obliquum in ev e ry th in g b u t th e fru it, th a t D r. Grisebach u n ites them.
A . platypliyllum, Swartz, is a little-k n ow n p la n t allied to th is species.
33. A . Phyllitidis, J . Smitli ; st. strong, erect, naked, nearly black, polished,
6-12 in. 1. ;//■. 6-12 in. 1., 3-6 in. hr., simply pinnate, with a large terminal
lobe, and 1 to 6 pinnoe on each side, or the lower pair again branched below ;
pinnoe 3-4 in. 1., |- 1 J in. hr., ovate or lanceolate-acuminate, very nearly entire,
narrowed or rather rounded and stalked at the base ; texture coriaceous ; sori in
a continuous line along both margins.—Hh. Sp. 2. p . 5. t. 72. B.
H a b . Guiana and E a ste rn P e ru ; g a th e red by Schomburgk, Spruce, an d A p p u n .—This
comes very n e a r v4. lucidum, b u t th e pinnæ are fewer in n um b e r an d b roader, au d th e te x tu
r e is th ick e r, an d th e venation consequently less d is tin c t. Th ey are th e only polysorous
species with a d is tin c t midrib, an d th e shape of th e pin næ also ch a ra cte rizes th em
34. A . macrophyUum, Swartz ; st. 6-12 in. 1., strong, erect, polished, naked,
nearly black ; f r . 9-15 in. 1., 4-8 in. br., simply pinnate (4 to 6 pairs o îp in noe ) ;
lower ones of the barren frond 3-4 in. 1., 2 in. br., ovate, so broad a t the base that
the opposite ones frequently overlap, the margin rather deeply lohed, fertile ones
narrower ; texture membranaceo-herbaceous ; sori in long continuous or slightly
interrupted marginal lines.—Hh. Sp. 2. p . 8. Hh. Gr, Ic. t. 132. H k . F.
Ex. t. 55.
H ab . Mexico an d W e s t In d ia n Islan d s so u thw ard to Braz il an d E c u ad o r.—Occasionally
th is fine an d well-known species becomes b ip in n a te iu th e lower p a rt. T h e y o u n g fronds
a re often beautifully tiu g e d w ith red. I t s la rg e equal-sided sessile pin næ m a rk it
85. A. Seemanni, H k . ; st. 6-9 in. 1., erect, blackish, polished ; f r . 6-12 in. 1.,
simply pinnate or the lower branches compound ; pinnl. 3-4 in. 1,, 1^-2 in. br.,
ovate-acuminate, but ra th e r unequal-sided, the barren ones finely serrated, one
side usually cordate a t the base, the other obliquely truncate, petioles of the
lowest nearly an inch long ; texture subcoriaceous ; veins prominent and the
under surface glaucous ; rachis naked, polished ; sori in long continuous marginal
lines.—Ilh . Sp. 2. p . 5. t. 81. A.
Hab. Veraguaa and Guatemala ; gathered by Dr. Seemaun and Messrs. Salvin and
Godman.—This also is a very fine plant. I t comes very near the polysorous A. Peruvi-
anum in habit, but is less branched. The pinnæ are larger even than those of A. macro-
pfiyllum, and have black polished stalks often an inch long.
80. A. deltoideum, Sw a rtz ; st. densely tufted, 3-4 in. 1., wiry, erect, polished,