scales ; if. stout, erect 4-6 in. 1. ; f r . 12-24 in. 1., 3-4 in. br., simply pinnate ; pinnm
I f-2 in. J., j- g in. br., linear, entire or very slightly toothed towards tlie point, which
is acute in the fertile, bluntly rounded in the barren frond ; texture coriaceous •
f a r b " ’ liito along both edges.—f t / . Sp. \ . p . 21 o!
Hab Malayan Peninsula, southward to Tropical Australia, Mauritius, and gathered
by the Livingstone Expedition at the mouth of the Kongone river.—This has quite the
habit oi Nephrolepis acula, and similar white cretaceous dots on the upper side of the
very deciduous pinnæ.
Fronds ii- or tripinnatifid, ultimate divisions cuneate. Sp. 31-36.
1 • ■ 7 Metten.; if. strong, erect,4 -6 in. 1.; / r . 4-6 in. l .,l i - 2 in. hr.,
bipinnatifid, lower branches w iry, flexuose, 2-3 in. 1., erecto-patent, furnished with
ftto 8 stalked obversely-triangular ?)««»/, which are about 3 lin. br., 4 lin. deep,
2- to 3-lobed, and the lobes again crenate at the apex ; texture coriaceous ; vena-
tiou flabellate ; sort in a line across the point of the pinnules.—fl/effe». F il. Nov,
\zCll, p , Oo.
Hab. New Caledonia ; gathered by M. Deplauohe.
32. L. (Iso.) trichomanoides, Dry. ; rhizome creeping, fibrillose ; S t . 4-6 in 1.
slender, m iy , polished, chesnut-brown ; f r . 4-9 in. 1., 2-3 in. br., ovate-oblong
bipinnatihd ; ?)««»« 2-3 in. 1., lanceolate, erecto-patent, cut down quite to thè
rachis below into cuneate pinnl., which are again broadly lobed on the upper
edge ; fraítíre herbaceous ; venation obscure, flabellate ; sori in a continuous marginal
line.—f t / . S p. 1. p 218.—/3, L . Lessonii, Bory ; simplv pinnate, with
broadly-lobed linear-lanceolate —HJc. Sp. 1. p. 211.
P ff ib y ifc Cahnl“ *^’ ^and, and N. S. Wales ; gathered also lately in
33. L. (Iso.) micrqphylla, Swartz ; rhizome creeping, fibrillose ; sf. flexuose, wiry,
3-6 in. 1. ■ f r . 6-18 in. 1., 2-4 in. br., bi- or tripinnatifid ; primary ?>«««« distant,
flexuose, 1-4 m. 1. ; pm n l. entire, or cut down to the rachis into several obversely
trian g u la r lobes, which when fertile are often not more tlian 1 lin. br. ; texture
herbaceous ; venation flabellate ; sori in a continuous marginal line.—f t / . S p. 1.
p . 2j1o. H k . <E (jfT. t. 104.
Hab. New Zealand aud Temperate Australia.
_ 34. L. (Iso.) elongata, Lab. ; rhizome stout, creeping, densely fibrillose ; st. 6-9
in. 1., stout, erect,^ naked, chesnut-brown, polished ; f r . 12-lá in. 6-9 in. br
ovate-deltoid, tripinnatifid ; lower ianceolate-acuminate, 2-3 in. L, # in. br.
c u t down n early to the rachis but only slightly above into lobes which aré
bioadei a t the apex th an the base, and sometimes quite obversely triamnilar •
t e f » « coriaceous ; veins prominently raised on the u n d e r s id e ; ¿ r io c c íp y in é
nearly or quite the whole margin of the lobes.—Hie. Sp. 1. p . 213. °
Hab. New Hebrides, New Caledonia, Isle of Pines.
_35. L. (Iso .) retusa, Metten. ; st. strong, erect, not prickly or climbing ; fr tri-
pmiiatifid ; lower 12-15 in. ]., 6-8 in. br. ; jo « » /lan c eo la te -d d to id the
lower the same shape, l - l j in. 1., i - | in. hr., cut down to the rachis below,
lobes 2-3 hn. br., cuneate ; texture herbaceous ; sori narrow, marginal
occupying the whole breadth of the lo b e s .-D ay a llia , Cav. Hh. Sp. 1. ¿ .1 8 8 ;
a r ,?w ' ™Iippine Islands, Amboyna, Solomon’s Isles, New Caledonia. — This species
and No. 31 in particular in texture and habit approximate to Stenoloma very close?.
§§§ Synaphlebinm, J . Smith. P in næ unilateral ; veins more or less anastomosing.
Sp. 36-38. Habit and texture o f Eulindsaya, from which it differs only
hy its anastomosing veins.
. L. (S y n .) media, R. Bi'. ; st. 6-12 in. 1., wiry, flexuose, shining, pale ; f r .
in. 1., deltoid in general outline, hi- or tripinnate ; pinnæ 3-4 lin. 1., 2-3 lin.
deep, the lower line nearly straight, the upper one rounded ; texture subcoria-
ceoiis ; vdns flabellate, free or anastomosing ; sori in a continuous marf^inal line.
^ H k . Sp. l . p . 112. Ic. P I. t. 957.
Hab. Tropical Australia and adjacent islands.—Habit of L. fiahellulata, but thicker
in texture, and different in venation. The tertiary divisions, when present, are very
37. L. (Syn.) nitens, Blume ; rhizome short-creeping ; st. 6-9 in. 1., firm, e re c t;
f r . simple or with a long unbranched apex, and 1 to 6 pairs of erecto-patent
branches, 3-6 in. 1. ; pinnl. about J in. 1., J in. br., the lower decurved principally
a t the base, the outer margin rounded, the upper three or four times broadly not
deeply lobed, close placed, but not imbricated ; texture thinly pellucido-herbaceous;
veim anastomosing in the ripper h a lf of the lobes; sori marginal in the lobes,
the inner valve of the invol. narrow and membranous, the edge of the frond produced
beyond it and scarcely altered.—L. recurvata, Wall. L. propinqua and
L. obtusa, Hk. Sp. 1. p . 222-4. t. 68. A. 66. B. and 70. A. Syn. pulchrum. Brack,
p . 223,
Hab. Neilgherries and Ceylon (up to 5,000 ft.), westward to Queensland and the
Polynesian Islands.—Much resembling L. davallioides in size and general appearance,
but the pinnules are deeper and not so much lobed, and the nervation and position of
the fruit differ. L. intermedia (Hk. t. 67. B.) appears to be a curious state of this
species, in which the pinnule shows a strong tendency towards the equilateral type of
form. ^ Only the basal half of the lower moiety of the pagina is deficient, and the fruit
is continued round the edge of the rest. S. 'pulchrum of Brackenridge is a small simple
unbranched form.
38. L. (Syn.) davallioides, Blume ; rhizome sliort-creeping ; sf. 6-12 in. 1., firm,
e re c t; / r . with a long central point and 2 or 3 pairs of erecto-patent curved
branches, 4-8 in. 1. ; p>inn<x 4-6 lin. 1., 2-3 lin. hr., the lower margin straight or
slightij'' curved, the upper with 4 to 6 regular rounded but not deep lobes, placed
close together but not imbricated ; texture pellucido-herbaceous ; veins anastomosing
at the base of the lobes ; soil marginal in the lobes.—Hk . Sp. l . p . 224.
t. 68. A. Davallia Kunzeana, Hk . Sp. 1. p. 177.
Hab. Malayan peninsula and islands.
^ Schizoloma, Gaud. P in næ equilateral ; veins more or less anastomosing.
Sp. 39-48. Fronds entire or simply pinnate, not pellucid.
* Fru it in a continuous line along both margins. Sp. 39-44.
39. L. (Schiz.) cordata, Gaud. ; rhizome short-creeping ; st. 3-6 in. L, slender,
erect, wiry ; barren fro n d 2-3 in. 1., in. br., cordate-oblong, quite entire,
fertile one 3-6 in. 1., linear, entire or forked ; texture coriaceous ; sori in a continuous
marginal line.— Sp. 1, p . 219. t. 66. A.
Hab. Malayan peninsula, rare.
'■riniana. Gaud, ; rhizome creeping, paleaceous ; st. 4-6 in. 1. ;
-lanceolate, simply pinnate ; pinnæ in. 1., ovate or
40. L. (Schiz.) I
f r . 6-9 in. L, oblong _____^
oblong, nearly entire, horizontal or falcate, slightly auricled a t the base on the
^ ^H k V ^^221^ subcoriaceous ; sori in a continuous line along both margins.