A9 A TnUfpvris B ra c k .: “ fr . bipin n a te ; pinnl. small, sessile, glabrous,
obfoàgjàn“ te d e ^ ly piLnatifid; ^obes oblong-obtuse, crenulate ; gemral
i-ocAis flexuose and, as well as the partial ones, rufo-tomentose ; cosía bullato-
iruamose ben e a th ; - i - simple or E rk e d ; sori near the
calyciform involucre, lacerated ^ ‘ with no
hairs among the capsules.”—Brack. F il. p . 288. t. 4 0 ./. 1.
Hab. Tahiti, Bvaekenridge.-Vnknown to me. Lobes of pinnules 2 in, 1., scarcely
1 in. w. An Hemitelia, § Amphicosmia ?
43. A. Macarthurii, H k . ; si. jointed upon the caud. ; main and second rachises
all da rk ebeneous purple, deciduously pulverulent, mucronato-spmiilose , / .
ta n ^ a r tif a g to e o cl¿arta'eeéus, dark g .4A above, Biibgfoncons beneath, gfobrous
or nearly so and scaleless, tripinnate ; p nm . pinnæ I 3-2 ft. 1., 8 in. w., obloiY
lanceolate, acumin a te ; second, pinnæ oblong-acuininate, Y,®7 7 é n d E o to line^^^^^
a t the apex ; costæ beneath puhescenti-asperous ; uU. pm n l. and lobes lineai
oblong, L u te , the margins slightly recurved, spmuloso-serrate ; so n copious,
close to the costa ; recept. small, not hairy.
colonists.-Allied to A. australis, but assuredly distinct.
44 A australis Br. ; si. with very long, firm, subulate scales, \ \ ft. 1.,
fntermediate between the costule and the margin ; recept. v i l I o u s .- /f t . bp.
1. p. 6 0 .1 .19. A.
Hab. Tasmania and Australia, especially in tbe South ; Hastings and Clarence Eivers,
Beclcler ; Louisiade Archip., McQilhvray, n. 456.
46 A Colensoi H k . f. ; unarmed, caud. small, to 4-5 ft. 1 .; si. short, densely
the m a r g i n . - f t / . / . F l. N . Zeal, 2. p . 8. t. i3.
Hab. New Zealand, Northern Island, Colenso; Otago, SimcUir.
40 A excelsa Br. • St. and main rachises muricated ; f r . ample, coriaceous,
ueneam, mixe c i o i n w • mnnl. numerous, approximate, oblong-an-
Hab. Noifolk Island ; Illawara, C. Moore, and H -tin g s Elver,
47 A hmulata Br. I B r a c k .; st. and main rachises mucronato-asperous, pale
b r^v n / ampief Coriaceous,’ da rk blackish-green, glabrous or very shght y
v l C s ’ and bullato-squamulose on the costules b e n e a th ; h i-su h tn p in n a te ,
Jmlghmrima, M a t., Alsophila, B l., Als. intermedia, Metten. ?
TT 1 o Pacific Islands ” Fm-ster ; Samoan and Fiji Islands, Brackenridge; Isle of
»** Species o f India, Ceylon, Malaya, bp. 48-63.
Hab Penan», Wallich, Sir W. N o rris .-In the figure above quoted, a depression
formed'by the S ru s on the lobe was mistaken by the artist for an involucie.
4 Q A 2 Celebica Mett ■ “f r . tripinnate, coriaceous, glauco-sericeous beneaUi;
« w 7 / l 'i n e 7 la im 7 ate a second, pinnl. linear-subfalcate, ra th e r
Lugd. 1. p . 26. Cyathea % B l. H k . Sp. 1. p. 26.
Hah Celebes and Ternate, Blume.—A sterile fragment of tins {and but little more
see7s to be knowA) I owe to Dr. Blume. Its characters, such as they are, depend on
*r7dventUioAreiothing : the rachi sis muricated and furfuraceous ; .the costa beneath
is shortly villous and furfuraceous ; and the general frond beneath is “ glanco-sericeous.
50 A comosa, H k . ; u n a rm e d ; st. paleaceous with long linear-suhiilate
scales pale brown, as tvell as the rachises, which are tawny-viUous on the nppei
side -’ Ar herbaceous, vellow-green, glabrous, and scaleless ; 14-16
ill l ’ 6-8 in w. • pinnl. oblong-acuminate, from a rather broad and truncated
Lertik or shortly petioled base serrated of tiie way to the costule, pinnatifid
with very narrow sinuses ; lobes close-placed, ®’^ l7 "g -® ® 7 '£ tE T h rm L ro in
forked, sori orange-eolonr, rather distant, ¿ e w e e n the costule an d the mai in
nearer the latter, receptacle small, very slightly e le v a t e d .- f t/ . f t/, l . p . 63. i.
20. A. (excl. var. (3).
Hab. Sylhet and Sincapore.
51. A. contammans,Wa\\. ; st.an&raehides “ paleaceous at Y ® A E ® V r im ife '
brown, glossy, aculeate with ^hort / r t c / t o tipped with a g an d ^
coriaceous, glabrous, black-green above (when d ry ), glaucous b en e a tli,