194 38, A S P L E N I Ü M , § § E U A S P L E N I U M .
20. A . Hemionitis, L in n .; si. tufted, naked firm, dark-coloured, 4-8 in. 1.
f r . 4-6 in. each way, hastate, with a triangula r, acute ten n in a l lobe and two
laro-e cordate, acute lateral ones, again b lu n tly or acutely lobed at the base, the
bas"al sinus rounded, 1 in. or more deep, and the lobes on each side im b iic aW
over one another and tlie petiole ; to to ra herbaceous ; vems “ Ol’
with often a narrow line of fru it on each, the longest 1^ in. \.—H l . Sp. 3. p . 91.
A. palmatum, Zam.
Hab. Spain, Portugal, Barbary States, Azores, Canaries, Madeira, and Cape Verde
21. A. attenuatum, R. Br. ; S t. tufted, 3-4 in. h , firm, more or less scaly
throuo-hout; fr. linear-lanceolate, sometimes 1 ft. 1., g - f m. br., naiiowed
upwards very gradually, sometimes proliferous a t the point, the margm toothed,
the lower th ird also lobed ; the lowest lobes, which are oblong or roundish,
reaching down nearly or quite to the ra c h is ; texture subconaceous ;
ascendiS« the midrib beneath hispid like the stem ; sort reaching nearly to the
edge.—7?/. Sp. 3. p. 92. H k . ? Gr. Ic. t. 200. Ic. P I. t. 914.
Hab. Queensland and N. S. Wales.
22. A. variaUle, H k . ; rhizome wide-creeping ; f r . ,3-6 in. 1., J m. br., lanceolate
or oblonv-lanceolate, the apex acuminate or bluntish, narrowed below very
gradually into a short stem, the margin varying from crenate to rather deeply
lobed, especially below ; texture th in ly herbaceous, both surfaces na,ked ; vems
often 4 in. ap a rt at the base, simple or once forked ; sori falling short ot the
margin.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 93. t. 185.
Heb, Fernando Po, Barter^ Mmn.
23. A. p i n n a t i f i d u m , Nutt. ; S t. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., naked, polished, chesnut-
brown ; f r . 3-6 in. 1., 1 in. or more br. a t the base, lanceolate-deltoffi, witli a
long gradually narrowing point which is sinuated only, the lobes below this
4 - i in. deep, the lowest ovate-ohlong or subspatliulate, -J in. deep by n early as
brf, sinuated and reaching down nearly to the rachis _; t e x t u r e h e rttc eo u s ; lowest
la te ra l v e i n s of the pinnæ often twice fo rk e d ; s o r i copious.—77/. Sp. 3. p . 91.
Ic. t. 927.
Hab. Pennsylvania southward to Alabama.
24. A. a U e r n a n s , Wall. ; s t . tufted, 1-2 in. 1., clothed with linear scales ; / «
6-8 in h, 1-1J in. br., lanceolate-oblong, cut down into numerous bluntly-
rounded lobes on each side, which reach very nearly down to the rachis, the
lower growing smaller gradually and sometimes distinct ; t e x t u r e subcoriaceous,
both surfaces an opaque greyish-green ; v e i n s free, subflabellate ; s o n copious.
— H k . Sp. 3. p . 92. A. Dalhousiæ, H k . Ic. t . 105.
Hab. N. W. Himalayas, ascending to 6,000 ft., and gathered also by Schimper in
Abyssinia.—This has entirely the habit and cutting of A. Cetermh.
*** Fronds Sp. 25-103.
t P in noe J - J in. I., limit, in most o f the species nearly as broad as long.
Sp. 25-44.
A .G r o tip o f A .v ir id e . Rachis green, slender. Sp. 25-34.
25. A. projectum,Kunze Kunze ; st.; scattered,st. scattered, very very slender slender ; f r ;. f 2-r . 3 2-in.3 in.1.,
1., 2 lin. br.,
procumbent, with 12
procumbent, with 12 to 16 pinnoe on each side, in slightly-stalked pairs, the
largest of wliich are not more th an 1 lin. each way, roundish and nearly entire ;
’.extwe membranaceous ; rachis taking root and the apex gemmiferous ; sori 1 to 2
_ _ •___ -I_i;___ U I Cf.tt o a, 1/fO •# 1Q1 A
Hab. Peru; gathered by by Poeppig.-Habit of AnagalUs tendía, but much more
26. A. viride, Huds. ; sl. densely tufted, 2-4 in. 1., naked the lower pa rt
chesnnt-brown ; f r . 4-6 in. 1., J in. br., with 12 to 20 subsessile edge
side, which are between ovate and rhomboidal in general outline, the
narèowed suddenly a t the base, the lower one obliquely tó n c a te
deeply crenated ; texture herbaceous; r f i a s g r e e n n a k e d ; subflabellate ,
sori copious, linear-oblong, oblique.— Sp. 3. p . 144. B r it. B . t. 30.
Hab. Arctic Europe to tbe Pyrenees, Dalmatia, Sitoha and the Himalayas
(12,000ft.); N. America, Rocky Mountains, British Columbia, New Brunswick.
27. A. Ilraussii, Moore ; st. tufted, slender, green, J in. 1. ; f r . 3-4 in. 1., f m.
br., linear, with about 12 pairs of sessile pmnæ on each side, which " " j L
J in. each way, cuneato-flabellate or subrhomboidal m general outlme, the
tipper and outer edge sharply toothed, the lower straight
herbaceous ; rachis green ; veins flabellate ; son Imear-oblong, l-o to a pmna,
oblique.—i l k . Sp. 3. p . 147. t. 180. A.
Hab. Natal, Aicrass, 26.—Very near A. viride, of which it maybe a form, but the
pinnæ are more dimidiate and more sharply toothed.
28 A fraaile Pre sl • st. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., slender, flexuose, green or brownish,
s o K i ^ e f g X h i f a o u s ’; f r . 6-9 in. 1., f - J in. hr., with 12 to 20 - s i -
each side, which are J in. br., nearly as deep, b / t b e base t m
upper and outer edge toothed, the former narrowed suddenly a t ^
lower edge entire, nearly straight from the ta s e ; herbaceous, r a c t e
green, naked ; veiks pinnate ; sori short o b liq n e .-7 7 /. Sp. 3. p. U o . Ic. t. 932.
Hab. Along the Andes from Mexico and Peru.—A. rhomloideum,
grows also in the Sandwich Islands, has fronds 12-18 in. 1„ with n!a!
fnd often deeply lobed on the npper side near the base. This also comes very near
A. viride in habit and texture.
29. A. Gilliesianum, H k . ; st. tufted, very slender, 1-2 in. 1., green ; £-8 m.
L,1 I I m.in or ra la iu th e e i r more II U > hr.,Or.,, with Wltn 10 iU ...... to to 20 UlSLaUl-distant OUUOCOOXAG-subsessile 0 1 ptlnien. æt hoea ».----uepapcehr saidned,,
‘w’l i f c i r a / j - fT m b r . , J i m.n . deep,deep, rhomboidal rnomooiaai in in geueiai T J - r S r
T o r
outer edge deeply and
sharply toothed, the lower truncate m a straight or
décurved" line { iexture th in ly herhaceous ; f iin s fine and Í < 63 ’
sori irregular, not reaching the e d g e . - « / . Sp. 3. p . 146. m A- Gr. Ic. t. 63.
to a pinna, oblique.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 148. t. 181. A.
Hab. Andes of Peru and Bolivia.—This comes very near A. fragile, but is a more
slender plant, with tbe pinnæ sharply and irregularly cut.
30. A. vagans. B a k e r; .« .tu fte d , 1-2 in. 1„ firm, ^ ' “ T T t i T f a t h s K
in 1 i - i in br., wide-straggling, elongated and rooting a t the apex, with 8
sessiie pinnoe on each side, which are J in. br. by less ® T b K " K K v è d
general outline, the upper and outer e d g e /e e p y crenated the base n a n
luddenly, the lower edge straight and entire ; « « « 3 to a p K a ’
compressed, and slightly winged upwards ; vems immersed , son 2-3 to a pmna,
short, linear-oblong, placed near the margin,
size, texture, and shape of the pinnæ.
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