394 55. A N T R O P H Y U M .
surface, oblique, linear-vermiform, often forked.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 174. Ic. t. 394.
2nd Cent. t. 70. Scoliosorus, Moore.
H a b . Mexico an d Guatemala . — Connects An tro p liy vm w ith th e SelUguece of th e
lanceolata group.
10. A. lanceolatum, Kaulf. ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1., J - J in. h r., the point acute,
the edge entire, the lower h a lf narrowed very gradually to the base ; texture
papyraceous, a distinct slender raised midrib th ro u g h o u t; a rcóte vertical,
hexagonal, 2-3 times as long as broad, about three rows between the midrib and
edge ; sori slender, superficial, often joining.—Hh. Sp. 5. p . 176.
H ab . W e s t In d ie s an d Mexico to N ew G ran ad a .—T h e Mexican A . Féei, Schaff,, i s a
sh o rt broad v a rie ty of firmer te x tu re , w ith a s lig h tly rep an d margin.
11. A. subsessile, Kunze ; f r . 6-12 iu. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., broadest one-third of the
way down, narrowed gradually to the base and an acute point ; texture firm ;
midrih raised, distinct from the base to the apex ; areolæ oblique, hexagonal,
about twice as long as broad ; semi subsuperficial, often forked.—I lk . Sp. B.
p . 171.
H a b , Cuba an d G u a tem a la to P e ru ,
12. A. cayennense, Kaulf. ; st. 1-4 in. 1. ; f r . 6-9 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. hr., lanceolate-
ohlong, narrowed a t both ends, the edge thickened, entire ; texture rather firm, a
distinct prominent midrib extending from the base to the apex ; areolæ oblique,
hexagonal, h a lf as broad as long ; sori subsuperficial, often forked.—H k . S p . 5.
p . 171.
H a b . G u iau a au d th e Amazo n V a lley .—Closely allied to th e preceding. T h e tw o may
be read ily distin g u isb ed b y th e ir raised midribs an d sh o rt oblique areolæ.
13. A. latifolium, Blume ; st. 3-6 in. 1., stout, compressed, widening into the
frond gradually ; f r . 4-6 in. 1., 3-4 in. hr., oblong or obovate, the apex cuspidate,
the edge entire or slightly repand towards the point, the base narrowed very
gradually ; texture thick ; no distinct midrib; areolæ vertical, 2-3 in. 1., J in. br. ;
sori stout, copious, rarely joining.—H k . Sp. B. p . 172.
H ab . J a v a an d Bootan.
14. A. Mannianum, H k . ; st. 6-9 in. 1., slender, blackish, curved ; f r . 6-9
in. ]., nearly as broad, obovate or roundish, the apex cuspidate, the edge repand,
the base hroad-cuneate ; texture th in , no distinct midrib; the a rco te 1-2 in. 1.,
J in. hr., radiating from the base to the circumference ; sori slender, copious,
often joining.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 173. 2nd Cent. t. 73.
Hab. Guinea Coast.
15. A. Boryanum, Kaulf. ; st. 1-4 in. 1., stout, compressed, passing into the
frond gradually ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 2-4 in. br., broadest a third or halfway down,
the point acute or blunt, the edge entire, the lower p a rt narrowed very gradually ;
no distinct midrib ; areolæ numerous, vertical, hexagonal, J in. 1., J in. hr. ;
sori slender, often joining.—H k . Sp. B. p. 172. I lk . cj Gr. t. 74.
Hab, Mauritius, Bourbon, and Johanna Island.—A. ohtusum, Kaulf., does not appear
to be clearly distinguishable.
16. A. giganteum, Bory ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 3-4 in. hr., broadest a th ird of the
way down, narrowed very graduaUy to a short very stout paleaceous stem, the
edge with a broad entire cartilaginous border ; texture very th ick ; areolæ close and
fine, vertical, about J in. 1., 1 lin. hr. ; sori slender, often joining.—H k . Sp. B.
p . 174.
Hab. Mauritius and Bourbon.
Gen. 56. Vit taria, Sm.
Sori in continuous marginal or slightly intramarginal lines. A small genus,
almost entirely tropical, with fr e e mins and grass-like fro n d s o f subcoriaceous
texture. I t has considerable claim to be placed in the Involúcrale series near L in d saya.
The species are very difficult o f discrimination, and we have admitted here
tonsidcrably fewer than M. Fee, who has published an elaborate illustrated monograph
o f the genus, in which he relies to a large extent upon microscopic characters
(the shape o f the spores and abortive capsules) to characterize them. T ab. VI.
fig. 66.
§ E uvitta ria . So ri sunk in a two-lipped marginal groove. Sp. 1. Fig. 66. a.
1. V. elongata, Sw. ; f r . 6-18 in. ]., J - J in. hr., the point acute or bluntish, the
lower pai-t narrowed very graduaUy to the base ; texture subcoriaceous ; midrib
faint or d is tm c t; veins simple, oblique, immersed, parallel, connected hy an
intramarginal v e in le t; sori quite sunk in a marginal groove with two nearly
equal lips which open outwards.
Hab. Himalayas and Benin to Sandwich Isles, New South Wales, and Ceylon j Mascaren
Isles, Seychelles, and Guinea Coast.—We cannot separate from this clearly V. zos-
terafolia, himlcata, isoetifolia, owariensis, rigida, ensiformis, intermedia, plantaginea, and
anodontolepis of authors. The two first are said to have a distinct niidrib, the others
§§ Tffiuiopsis, J . Sm. Sori in a slightly intramarginal line, with the unaltered
edge o fth e fr o n d produced beyond and often rolled over it. Sp. 2-9. Fig. 66. b. c.
2. V . (Tæniop. ) scabrida, Klotzsch ; / r . 2 in. 1., 1 lin. hr., the point blunt, the
lower half tapering graduaUy to the base ; texture fleshy, when dry wrinkled ;
midrib lost in the upper h a lf ; sori su n k in an intrama rginal groove, with the
flattened thick edge of the frond produced beyond it.—H k . Sp. B. p . 182.
Hab. Mexico and Brazil.
3. V . (Tæniop.) falcata, Kunze ; f r . 4-5 in. 1., J in. hr., the point blunt, the
lower p a rt narrowed gradually to the base ; texture leathery and very thick ; a
distinct raised midrib attaining the apex in the barren fronds, but lost in th e
fertile ones ; veins short, oblique, parallel, immersed ; sori quite sunk in slightly
intramarginal grooves.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 182.
Hab. Malaccas and Ceylon (0. P. 8807).—The Malayan and Philippine V. minor.
Fée, is like this, but smaller in size, witb tbe habit of Polyp, australe and gramineum.
4. V . (Tæniop.) Gardneriana, F é e ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1., J in. hr., the point
acute, the lower p a rt narrowed gradually to the base or a short slender stem ;
texture thin, the y ormg fro n d s translucent ; a slender immersed midrib extending
from the base to the apex ; veins fine, distant, oblique ; sori in a broad superficial
slightly intrama rginal line, with the edge produced beyond, but not wrapped
over it.—Hk. Sp. B. p . 178. (in part).
Hab. Organ Mountains, Brazil, Gardner, 147.
5. V . (Tæniop.) stipitata, Kunze ; f r . 1 J-2 ft. 1., 3-4 lin. hr., tapering gradually
helow into a long slender stem ; texture firm ; midrih indistinct, except towards
the base ; veins distant, fine, oblique, immersed ; sori sunk in a groove within
the margin, with the flattened thickened edge of the frond produced beyond it.
—H k . Sp. 5. p. 179.
Hab. Columbia to Peru.— V. Moritziana, Mett., ia said to have the sori less distinctly
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